Tips On How To Deal With Anxiety

I usually have lots of anxiety about things most people tend to not even think about. Recently my anxiety had gotten worse but I have been trying to fight it. I know anxiety is one of the most common disorders in the world and I wanted to share some tips on how to deal with anxiety:

Stop overthinking it

Sometimes distracting yourself can really help ignore your symptoms. The thing with anxiety is that it is always with you all the time and sometimes doing something calming like reading or listening to music can really help.


Exercising releases endorphins which make you feel better and feeling good removes the anxiety because two opposite emotions cannot coexist. Exercising can also really help give you time to think about situations more calmly and realistically.

Write/Talk about it

Writing about things I am anxious about is for me the most helpful out of all of these. It just feels so good to vent and just be open about what’s bothering you. If you don’t particularly love writing you can always talk about it to someone you trust or to someone online.

Make a plan

If there’s a certain situation that’s making you overly anxious plan it out. Think about the worst possible outcomes and then try to think about what you could do to better the situation and think about how realistic those outcomes are. Sometimes we overthink things to the point where our thoughts aren’t even rational anymore. Plan everything so you have no reason to be anxious anymore.

Just live with it

Sometimes you need to just ignore the anxiety and stop letting it control your life. I know it is easier said than done but for me one when I’m anxious I get lightheaded and it makes me really uncomfortable but I’ve learnt to just live with it and not pay too much attention to it.

Stop trying to please others

One thing that most anxious people have in common is that they are perfectionists and people pleasers. Something I’ve learnt though is that there are people who will never be pleased no matter how hard you try and sometimes giving up isn’t a bad idea. Instead of trying to be perfect and pleasing others you need to put yourself first. Being perfect is not possible and sometimes things don’t go as planned but that’s okay because you did your best and that’s all that matters.

Seek help

In the end if nothing seems to be working you should seek professional help because it can very difficult to live with anxiety. There are drugs you can take and people you can speak to and this can really be helpful. And there is nothing to be ashamed of for seeking professional help because it doesn’t make you weaker than everyone else, it makes you stronger because you know your weakness and you’re ready to fight it. There are lots of therapists out there wanting to help and if you can’t for any reason talk to a therapist in person there are lots of online psychiatrists willing to help that could really help you change your life for the better.

I really hope you enjoyed this post on how to deal with anxiety. I had meaning to write a how to deal with anxiety post but got too anxious to write it earlier. That was a joke…

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24 responses to “Tips On How To Deal With Anxiety”

  1. It’s a very helpful article you have put up here! Thanks for that! I actually don’t have anxiety issues but everyone feels anxious at times. You have beautifully penned it down and I loved reading it. I guess there is a mistake in the fifth paragraph the word curtain should be replaced with certain, But it’s not a big deal I make mistakes all the time and you surely are a people pleaser. thumbs up! N do keep sharing

    1. Thank you so much! I will definitely change the typo!! Have a great day and thanks for stopping by 🙂

      1. You are welcome 🙂

  2. Great tips!! Thanks a lot!

    1. No big deal! 🙂

    2. Your welcome 🙂

  3. My Dad taught me this trick, which is quite pessimistic. But it works for me. He calls it the Worst Case Scenario technique. I usually ise it as the last resort because who wants to be sad? But it works like a charm. I was waiting to hear back from grad schools worrying my head off like anything! Then I thought, “Okay. So worst case scenario: none of the schools would want me.” And the worry disappeared.

    1. Yeah I have actually read about that and it is really helpful. I mean no one wants to think about the worst case scenario but sometimes confronting it really helps. Hope you accepted to the grad schools 🙂

      1. I did! 🙂

  4. This is a really great article, I’m sure it would have helped many, the tips on here are very useful.

    1. Thank you so much and I really hope it helped others 🙂

      1. Your welcome 🙂

    1. Thank you! 🙂

  5. Very good post ! I write and it helps me if I’m feeling anxious about something ! 😊

    1. Thank you so much! Yeah writing really helps me too. 🙂

  6. […] had done the first part of this a while back and since then I have learnt some more things that help me with my anxiety that […]

  7. Reblogged this on Mama Bear Musings and commented:

    1. Thank you for the reblog!

  8. For a period of several months I suffered crippling anxiety. I had to take days off work, and almost stopped functioning.
    Then I had hypnotherapy.
    It worked really well, and my therapist taught me all sorts of approaches for dealing with the condition. But the real core was learning to relax deeply, and to do so every day for a period of half an hour or so. I improved steadily and then one day, absolutely abruptly, I was better. It was like a switch being thrown. I wasn’t frightened any more. It was wonderful – and it made me realise just how ill I’d been.

    1. Thank you so much for sharing your story. Yes hypnotherapy is really helpful for anxiety. I think relaxing for a few minutes a day and slowly working up to half an hour and then an hour really helps. I have been meditating for a while now and I can really tell it’s making a difference.

  9. […] though anxiety is not something that ever goes away permanently there are lots of ways that help ease and reduce it. Eventually you learn how to deal with it and life goes on for […]

  10. […] though anxiety is not something that ever goes away permanently there are lots of ways that help ease and reduce it. Eventually you learn how to deal with it and life goes on for […]

  11. […] had done the first part of this a while back and since then I have learnt some more things that help me with my anxiety that […]

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