Quotes By Maya Angelou #2

Since Maya Angelou has had such a huge impact on not only myself but people all around the world I thought today I would share some of her amazing quotes! I loved “I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings.” Its heartbreakingly beautiful. She has been through so much in her life and she has come out even stronger. Her writing is so heartbreaking I can not imagine what it was like for her growing up. Going through the difficulties that she did. But I am so glad she made it through it all. Her writing is absolutely amazing. Not just with this book. I absolutely love her poetry too. Her writing played a big role in inspiring me to write myself. Especially as a teenager. Writing is a brilliant outlet and can help us express so much. Anyway, here are some quotes by Maya Angelou. Please let me know what you think of them in the comments below. And let me know if you have had the pleasure of reading any of her writing.

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23 responses to “Quotes By Maya Angelou #2”

  1. YESSS! I love her! I love all her quotes, I love her book, she was such an inspirational woman, no doubt about that! I am happy you did quotes from her! It is amazing how much she endured during her time and how far she came and how she changed so many things through her words alone.


    1. Yes Maya Angelou was such an amazing woman who has endured so much but came out of it stronger than ever. When I first read her book I was totally obsessed with her and I was just so inspired. I had wanted to do her quotes for a long time and I’m really glad I finally did them. She was a truly phenomenal woman.

  2. Excellent selection, especially #2

    1. Thank you so much 🙂

  3. Brilliant and I have read all the way through her books! She still is an inspiration living on with her words and wisdom.

    1. Yeah her work is just so incredible! She will always be remembered through it. 🙂

  4. I love Maya Angelou!! Thank you.

    1. Me too she’s amazing 🙂

  5. she is inspiring isn’t she?

    1. She truly is! 🙂

  6. She was a great role model. Thx for these. 🙂

    1. Yes she absolutely was! You’re welcome 🙂

  7. One of life’s pleasures is I was able to talk to her on the phone once and she graciously allowed us to use the words “Still I Rise” as the motto for the McNair Scholars program.

    1. Wow that is so lucky and amazing! She was so incredible you are so lucky to have actually talked to her!

  8. So love her she has been my inspiration for most of my life. Thanks for sharing her work

    1. Yes she has done so many amazing and inspiring things I absolutely love her!! She was an amazing woman!

  9. AMAZING post, AMAZING Woman! Thank You and Cheers! 🙂

    1. Thank you so much and yes she was absolutely phenomenal!

  10. Reblogged this on lifesfinewhine.

  11. Maya Angelou was indeed one of a kind, her poem, music .She has really inspired a lot of people. This is amazing.

    1. She was so talented and brilliant!

  12. […] At the moment it’s Rosa Parks or Maya Angelou.  […]

  13. […] the moment it’s Rosa Parks or Maya Angelou.    […]

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