Six Word Story #3

Six Word Story:

No broken hearts, just lost souls

About The Six Word Story:

As you guys know, I love writing these six word stories for you. And from the feedback and responses that I have received on them, I am happy to say that it seems you like reading these little stories too. I am really thankful for that since it is always a win when both you and your audience enjoy the same thing. It gives me a reason to continue writing these, knowing you enjoy them so much.

My six word stories do tend to be a bit darker. Especially more recently. Actually, although my posts are often more lighthearted I think my writing always tends to be a bit darker. My poetry and short stories can be like that too. So, with that in mind here is one more darker story.

Have you ever been afraid and constantly looked over your shoulder? If so, how did you deal with it? What lessons did you learn from that experience? If you want to, of course. Let me know your thoughts in the comments section below because I would love to hear them. Or simply just stop by and say hi! And don’t forget to leave your own six word story in the comments because I always enjoy reading them!

For more six word stories click here.


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9 responses to “Six Word Story #3”

  1. an empty canvas, a muse-less artist

  2. Beautiful expressions.

    1. Thank you so much! 🙂

  3. Find then ,or file police complaint

    1. Awesome 🙂

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