Happy Diwali To Everyone!

Happy Diwali everyone! Have an amazing day filled with peace, joy and harmony 🙂 As many of you may know, Diwali is the festival of lights. It is also a wonderful day when you can get together with friends and family. You get to dress up, see everyone and have a festive time together.

Diwali is a happy tradition and one that allows us to connect with our ancestors, our family and ourselves. However, I just want to remind everyone that it is totally possible to celebrate this occasion without bursting fireworks. Fireworks are horrible for the environment. They scare animals and pets. Fireworks are also really bad for humans. When we breathe in all that smoke and ash it can effect our lungs negatively. It’s also awful for people who can not handle loud noises. So please be considerate this Diwali and celebrate it in a way that does not effect everyone around you negatively.

What are your plans for Diwali? Do you celebrate Diwali? Let me know in the comments below!

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36 responses to “Happy Diwali To Everyone!”

  1. Happy Diwali Pooja ☺🌠

    1. Thanks! You too 🙂

  2. Enjoy the Festival of Lights – be happy and keep smiling! 🙂

    1. Thank you so much!! 🙂

      1. You’re welcome – Happy blogging! 🙂

  3. Same to you. Hugs 🌷

    1. Thank you! 🙂

  4. Happy dipawali!!

    1. Thanks and you too 🙂 🙂

      1. 🙂 keep enjoying it!!

        1. Thanks!! 😃😄

  5. Happy Diwali 🙂

    1. Thank you! Have a great Diwali too 🙂

  6. Wishing you Happy Deepawali

    1. Thanks and you too 🙂 🙂

    1. Thank you!! 🙂

  7. Happy Diwali 😊 Have fun 😊

    1. Thank you and you too!! 🙂

  8. Reblogged this on CRAIN'S COMMENTS and commented:
    Peace, love and harmony should fill every day of the year, but I guess we have to take and appreciate what we can get!

    1. Thank you! 🙂

  9. Thank you! What is Diwali? <3

      1. Ah, thank you!

        1. Sure! It’s always fun to learn more about other cultures 🙂

          1. I love to learn about other cultures! I think it is fascinating.


  10. Hope you had a great and fun filled diwali!! 🙂

    1. Yes I did thanks! 🙂

      1. Great to hear that!!😊👍

        1. Yeah hope you had a fun Diwali too! 🙂

          1. Thank you, I did😀

            1. That’s great! 🙂

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