The Black Cat Blue Sea Award #2

The Black Cat Blue Sea Award

The The Black Cat Blue Sea Award is for bloggers who strive to write for everybody, and no matter how many viewers they get, make an impact on reader. This award is an expression of gratitude to the nominee. It should be awarded to anybody that you choose deserve it and it doesn’t mean that they must have hundreds of followers and likes.

I was nominated for this amazing award again by Beparvah. He has an amazing blog that I would highly recommend following especially if you like reading about very interesting and uplifting posts.

The Rules:

1 Anybody nominated can nominate eight bloggers.

2 The nominee has to answer three questions asked by the nominator.

3 Questions should not be offensive and you can ask any three questions to your nominations.

Questions that I was asked are:

  • Whose responsibility it is to make sure that tomorrow… universal love would sustain instead of hatred and ego & what are the possible steps that could be taken?

It is definitely, every individuals duty as a person to spread joy and unity throughout the world instead of hatred and segregation.

  • Do you believe in the audacity of hope as I do…despite all adversities ??

I’m going to be honest there are times when I lose hope. And I lose faith in humanity. At such times I try to remember all the good people have done instead of the bad and so yes I do believe there is still hope.

  • Do you agree that practicality is just another manifestation of our so called value system. Please elaborate with one illustration if possible …

I am an incredibly impractical person in general. Therefore, I have and will always been horrible at subjects that contain practicality such as math and biology (I know, I know they have theories too but they just focus on the practical way too much for my liking) and I have always been obsessed with theories.

I think the world can only progress if we stop trying so hard to be practical about things. Let’s be impractical for a change. We need to start doing things that are said to be impractical or even impossible. Because those are the things that are going to revolutionise the world. (Hope that made sense, it sounded better in my head…)

Since the questions asked to me were so awesome and interesting I think it would be fun if my nominees answered the same because I think it would be really great to hear their take on them!

My nominees For The Black Cat Blue Sea Award:


Shay-lon Moss

Sidra Owens


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24 responses to “The Black Cat Blue Sea Award #2”

  1. Congratulations. 🙂

    1. Thank you! 🙂

  2. Hey Pooja,
    Congratulations babe! and thanks a ton for nominating me, I am flattered and honored. It is such a great way to spread love. I very humbly accept the award and will soon follow what comes with it.

    1. You’re very welcome! I’m so glad you accept the award and I hope you have as much fun with it as I did! 🙂 🙂

  3. Congratulations 🙂

    1. Thank you! 🙂

  4. Wow. Congratulations and thank you for the nomination. I accept. Thank you, thank you so much!

    1. You’re very welcome! I hope you have a lot of fun with it and I look forward to reading your take on it 🙂

    1. Thank you! 🙂

  5. Am I supposed to answer the questions that were presented for you, or do I find other bloggers to nominate?

    1. So you’re supposed to answer the questions I got and than nominate up to eight other bloggers. Have fun 🙂

  6. Congrats on being nominated Miss 🙂
    I enjoyed your answers, these questions were very evolved, I enjoyed them! thank you


    1. I know when I first read the questions I was like “what in the world is going on?!?”. These questions were so deep it really puts literally every question I have ever asked to shame

      1. Bahahah! Right! I felt like my questions were basic too compared to these ones, I had to think about each question and they aren’t everyday questions people give thought to, so it was hard. Not going to lie.
        You answered them well though, no rambling on like myself and very honest and straight to the point!

        1. No way I feel like I rambled a lot! Especially in the last question because it was so hard to put my answer into words and the question really took me by surprise

  7. Loved going through your answers!! Very nicely written 😀 And congratulations on the award 🙂

    1. Thank you so much! I’m so glad you enjoyed it 🙂

      1. You are welcome Pooja!!

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    1. Thank you so much for that information and I will definitely look into it 🙂

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