Pain Isn’t The Most Painful Thing

Pain isn’t the most painful thing

The human body is capable of feeling

In my experience

Feeling nothing at all

Has proven to be much worse

“Pain” is a poem that first appeared on Lifesfinewhine. As some of you may already know, I suffer from depression and anxiety. Both these mental illnesses have brought me quite a bit of pain due to their symptoms. However, one thing that I have hated more than that pain is the feeling of numbness that sometimes accompany these illnesses. Depressive episodes are not like what they are on TV shows. They are very different in real life. It is not all about crying and screaming. Sometimes I just don’t feel anything at all. Like I feel totally numb and have no energy and that can be even harder. Days like that, it’s tough to even get out of bed or get anything done. They can be quite tough to get through sometimes. This poem was written when I was experiencing one of those days.

For more poetry click here.

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29 responses to “Pain Isn’t The Most Painful Thing”

  1. True…sad as it is.

    1. Yeah it’s sad but true

      1. However…pain is our own suffering manifested, yes? If is felt without need to hold on…no struggle. It is like a weakness fading over time…as one sees it as an opportunity to grow. Like a seed pushing through soil to reach sunlight it naturally needs.

        1. Yeah pain can either make or break someone. Some people get stronger and grow with all the pain they feel while others are devastated by it and break

          1. Either way…it leads to more. Stronger or broken, this is not a reflection of our true selves. Who becomes stronger? Who is broken? Why? At every moment, a choice is there to become more…love more…by letting go.

            1. Yes definitely. Letting go is very important for our future and who we become

          2. PS – it is an experience…deeply felt. I know…

            1. Thanks I’m glad other people have had similar experiences 🙂

  2. Pains are of two types

    Physical and mental

    Physical pains subside by pain killers

    Mental pains are difficult to subside it requires healing words but there is no guarantee though

    1. Yeah absolutely and a lot of times mental pain can be much more dire than physical pain

  3. Beautifully stated.

    1. Thank you so much 🙂

  4. Feeling nothing at all is the reason why we have so many problems in our society.
    Apathy is rampant; and empathy is dwindling. It is sad, but maybe spreading positivity and thoughtfulness one person at a time, we can change things.

    1. Yes absolutely. We need to have more empathy towards others. We need to stop being obsessed with material items and rather care more for each other.

  5. reflecting on
    our collective
    numbness 🙂

  6. PoojaG,
    Hey how are you! Happy Saturday to you:) very good poem by the way.
    I stopped by to let you know that I have chosen to nominate you for the Mystery Blogger award, you may choose to accept or decline this award. The following link will provide the details:


    1. Thank you so much and I definitely accept! 🙂

  7. Yes! Agreed! So profound <3

    1. Thank you! 🙂

  8. some pains are impossible imagine

    1. Yes definitely 🙂

  9. As someone who experiences chronic pain, but also in the past has experienced the feeling of “nothingness”. I’d say it’s hard to compare the two. For different people each experience may be different or harder on the person. When my chronic pain gets bad enough I get so discouraged that not only does it effect my physical health, but it effects my emotional health, where I wish I felt nothing at all. And knowing that past time in my life of feeling nothing at all, I know it’s no picnic, no joys, no nothing…but I knew I recovered from that time, so I felt there was hope if I felt nothing. I know a lot of people who feel nothing, feel no hope. Everyone is different, everyone’s suffering is different, but there is always hope, regardless if we can feel it at the present time, hope is always there. Hope to find better times, hope to find a cure from our suffering…it’s there…waiting.

    1. Yes both feeling pain and feeling nothing are equally difficult. I really do hope you find escape from your pain and suffering because no one deserves to be in pain. Yeah the cure is out there we just need to find it. And thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts

  10. I agree… feeling nothing is the worst pain there is. Feeling nothing is like death…if you feel sadness at least you feel emotion. The lack of emotions and nothingness feels like you don’t exist… like a death without actually dying… I love your post and can relate to it and agree with you!!! Thank you for your words. Hugs and blessings. <3. Sue

    1. Yes absolutely. I can be very shut off emotionally and feeling nothing really feels horrible. You feel dead even though you’re alive and you just pass time for the sake of it. It feels like you’re slowly drowning.
      Thank you so much! I’m so glad you enjoy my posts and lots of hugs to you too!! 💖

      1. Thank you very much. I am happy when someone else understands how it feels. It is nice to know you are not alone. Sorry you have to go through it too, but happy I am not alone. 😊😊😊

        1. Yeah I know exactly what you mean. When I read about other people with similar problems going through something similar it’s comforting. It sucks but it’s nice to know someone else understands what you’re going through.

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