I’m 50 Shades Of Greying…

Yesterday I woke up in the morning and stared at myself in the mirror like I usually do. To my horror I found a grey hair. It was terrifying and for a few seconds I just stood there refusing to believe that this was happening. And then I tried to see if it was really my hair or like a piece of thread stuck to my head. Unfortunately, it was my real hair.

So I messaged my friends about it and they were like don’t worry it’s not a big deal. And one of my friends said she’s got a couple of grey hairs too. That made me feel a lot better about the whole thing. The next thing I did was Google because that’s always my go to response to everything. I found out lots of people have grey hair early due to things like stress and for some people it’s just genetic. It’s sad that we put so much stress on children these days that they have grey hair as early as 10.

Anyway, I talked to my parents about it and apparently mine is probably hereditary. Both my dad and sister got grey hairs really early on at about the same age as I am. I was thinking about plucking it out but decided to just leave it alone since it’s barely visible.

To be honest, I have to admit that I didn’t think grey hair was something I would have to worry about anytime soon. I mean I thought I would be at least 30 before I got my first one. But now I’ve kind of made my peace with it. These days when bad things happen I just think that now I have one more story to tell people about or I got over one more bad thing which means that’s one less bad thing I have to deal with in the future.

Anyway I just wanted to share this little story with you guys because I feel like I haven’t done a post like this in quite a while and I also wanted to hear your thoughts on it too which I hope you’ll leave in the comments below. Do you have any grey hair? If so when did you start getting them??

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74 responses to “I’m 50 Shades Of Greying…”

  1. Mind and soul stays young regardless of age 😊

    1. Yes absolutely agreed!!!

  2. I know it’s really vain but, I feel like I will cry the day I find a strand of grey hair. I completely understand how you feel.

    1. Ni it’s not vain. I think everyone feels that way but I think it’s important to remember that getting old is a large part psychological and not just physical

  3. I have a single strand. Got it this year in my 30s. I was quite excited though when i saw it.

    1. Hahaha yeah it’s not that scary when you’re in your thirties 🙂

  4. As long as you take care of yourself, just keep being your own person and you’ll be fine.

    1. Yeah I think that’s what the most important thing is 🙂

  5. LOL, I have hereditary grey hair and they sprout out immediately I hit puberty. I love my silver streaks, I am the only one who doesn’t dye my hair in my family. I think we might be age mates or at least close btw, so cool!

    1. Yeah I actually don’t mind my grey hair either and I’m definitely not going to be dying my hair either. I’m 19 right now. 🙂

      1. 😀 by nineteen I had a full crown of silver… and we are ten years apart 😀

        1. Yeah a lot of people who have hereditary grey hair get it really early on. Hahah well ten years is not a very big age gap 😁

          1. No it’s not! 😀 Cheers

  6. Don’t worry about it- a friend of mine started getting get hairs when we were in high school- your young inside no matter what- that’s what counts!!

    1. Yeah I think a large part of getting old is psychological and if you live life a certain way I think it’s possible to stay young no matter what your age is 🙂

      1. Absolutely!!! My grandpa, for instance, went to Disney land for the first time when he was 75- he looked it so much that went back the next year!!

        1. Yes exactly!! You just need to be young at heart and in your mind. I aspire to be like your grandpa and have adventures even when I’m old 🙂

          1. Absolutely!!! That’s what I always think of- he lived to 97 and he never stopped doing incredible and exciting things!!

            1. Oh wow that is really a long and amazing life. I’m so glad he never lost touch with his inner child as many people do when they grow up

              1. Yeah absolutely!! 🙂

  7. I started getting random grays when i was very little! Like 10 yrs old. It has stayed about the same since then, but my mom also got grays when she was young too so i am mentally ready for it lol don’t worry we can always get our hair colored so it looks like JLO’ s :))

    1. Yeah usually getting grey hair early is hereditary and honestly I don’t even mind them. Hahaha yeah the JLO look is really cool. I would totally get that! 🙂

      1. Lol maybe one day we will both have JLO hair ! :))

        1. Lol yes and then we can start our music career!

  8. I got my first gray hair in my late 20s. They worsened after I had my daughter. I don’t know. They didn’t bother me too much, because they don’t change who you are inside. But it may change how others perceive you. Hang in there though. It’s really ok.

    1. Thank you! Yeah you’re absolutely right I mean how you look shouldn’t change who you are on the inside and I think people who judge others by how they look aren’t really people I want to be friends with. My hair doesn’t really bother me much though 🙂

  9. Yes! I started having a few greys in my 30s but not so noticeable as I’m a blonde. I still feel 17 and the greys, well, I cover them up when they bother me. Go hair color!!! #foreveryoung

    1. Hahaha yeah hair dye makes everything better. Unfortunately my hair is really dark black so it shows but I honestly don’t mind it! It’s always how you feel on the inside that matters! 🙂

  10. I have some grey hairs and do cover them with hair dye.. I figure it’s helping me feel young 😉

    1. Yeah if it makes you feel better you should totally go for it and keep dying them. It’s all about staying young inside and out 🙂

  11. aprilswopegreene Avatar

    Gray hairs are a badge of honor—rock them!!

    1. Thank you and that’s totally what I plan to do!! 🙂

  12. aT 62
    THE things eschewed
    are fats that REACH around one’s belt.
    aT 22
    FIRST beard that “grew”
    WAS PEWTERED, so MUCH “WISER” thought of self.
    the daze goes bye
    when hope is spied
    so I just plod
    and, pray thought is well spelt.

    ( Methusalah we AIN’T.)

    1. Wow thanks for that!! 🙂

  13. Welcome to another step in adulthood. Be happy about your gray hair – my first husband had only the ‘monk rim’ by the time he was 19.

    1. Haha yeah I’m actually pretty attached to my grey hair now! 🙂

  14. I think Grey hair is cute

    1. Awwww thanks!!! 🙂

  15. If it makes you feel better, I started getting gray hair in high school. I’m now in my mid-thirties and I still only have streaks of grays rather having gone totally gray, even with the early start.

    1. That’s good that you’re not fully grey yet! Yeah that actually does make me feel better. Thanks 🙂

      1. Ha! I am American with a strange bad habit of spelling grey the British way, which I have been trying to drop since it’s a weird affectation and I don’t know where I got. Now I read your reply and realize that I did not need to self-correct back to the American spelling here.

        1. Hahaha yeah I know Americans spell quite a few words differently and honestly before I wrote this post I wasn’t sure whether I should spell it grey or gray. I’m really used to using grey though.

          1. Honour has always seemed like a wasted u to me, but grey is definitely better.

            1. Yeah I usually write honour with a u and colour too! 😝

              1. That’s the British way!

                1. Lol yeah I’m not British but it’s what we were taught to spell like that in school so I’ve just stuck with it

                  1. See, no one ever taught me to spell grey with an e and other Americans tease me about it.Americans adopting British spellings are seen as kind of snobby here, even if sometimes they just look prettier!

                    1. Out of curiosity how did you start using grey instead? Hahaha yeah I guess it would seem weird to them that you’re using grey instead of gray

                    2. I like British literature, so I am guessing that some books I read when I was younger used the British spelling, and I absorbed it by accident.

                    3. Oh yeah that’s probably it!

  16. I had a gray hair, just one. I haven’t seen it in a couple of years. I loved it immensely

    1. Yeah I’m growing really attached to mine too!! It’s like a part of me now 🙂

  17. Thoroughly enjoyed this post though I was kind of chuckling the whole time. We’re all dying together lol

    1. Hahaha yup we definitely are lol

  18. Reblogged this on Still Another Writer's Blog.

  19. Funny picture. Do we love the parody or what. Would really like to hear your thoughts on Queen Kong and I. Your comments at Gastradamus are wanted. Your voice needs to be heard.

    1. Thanks! I actually did read that story and really loved it! 🙂

      1. Thank you hope to see a comment about your thoughts on Queen Kong and I. Your feedback will inspire more to read it. How are things stewing on your blog

        1. Yeah sure! And please do go through my posts too and check out https://theinktip.wordpress.com/2016/11/28/human-kind/ which is an amazing blog created by one of my close friends 🙂

  20. I started graying in my early 20s and now have a gray streak. I used to be self-conscious about it, but my husband finally said, “How many people your age have been through what you have?” Now I think of it like a badge of honor. I still dye my hair though.

    1. Wow you’re so lucky to be married to someone that supportive and he’s totally right. I think of it that way too because I feel like my grey hair symbolises all the battles I’ve fought and everything I’ve been through 🙂

  21. Yes, I have them. They are not contagious which is why I am allowed to visit the salon to have them ripped out (or colored) on a much too regular basis. 🙂

    1. Hahahaha it’s good they’re not contagious so you can get them treated

  22. Keep young at heart always and your hair can just blend into whatever colour you wish. Grey should be the new gold. Wisdom and care. It is a pity that stress can play such a powerful part in young lives these days though.

    1. Yes totally agree! It’s always your mindset that matters the most when it comes to aging. Yeah grey hair is definitely, at least in my opinion, a sign of wisdom and conquered battles. It’s sad what society is doing to the youth.

  23. Personally I would just LOVE to have a full head of grey hair😂😂😂🕉👫

    1. Hahahaha lol I actually like my one grey hair now but I don’t want more! Maybe you’ll get some soon enough

      1. I doubt it as I have no hair left, that was my point! No comment on my blog yet?

        1. Oh hahahaha. Ummm let me go comment!

          1. Hooray👍🕉👫

  24. I’m sixty years old. My hair should be (is) grey, but thankfully my hairdresser prevents it. LOL

    1. Hahahaha hairdressers are a blessing 😀😀

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