Ja Ich Spreche Deutsch!!

Wait before you go away thinking this post is in German and you don’t speak German don’t worry it’s mostly in English!

As some of you may know I have been trying to learn German over my gap year and I am very proud to announce that I recently just did my 100th lesson! I have always been fascinated by the German culture and language and I have been wanting to learn German for almost for years not but unfortunately I couldn’t because I was busy with school so when I took a gap year I finally decided to learn it and I’m so glad I did!

This is my first lesson:

(sorry for the horrible quality and horrible handwriting!!)

This is my 100th lesson:

This is a huge dictionary my uncle got me to help me out with my German:

My favorite word to learn so far has been “einfach” which means “easy”. And my favorite phrase so far has been “Deine Augen sind wie Sterne” which means “your eyes are like stars”

Unfortunately I’m still far from fluent but I have learnt quite a bit and I can now say and understand simple sentences. So if you speak German leave me a comment in it below and I’ll try to figure out what it says (make it simple though lol)! And I would love to hear what languages you speak and which ones you wish you spoke and why! I also speak English, Gujarati, Swahili, Hindi and a few random words and phrases in French!

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70 responses to “Ja Ich Spreche Deutsch!!”

  1. I want to learn German too! I got interested with it because one of the insert songs in an anime I watched has a German lyrics (ßios)
    I also learned that a few years after I graduated highschool, my Alma Mater added Deutsch in the curriculum! Darn it!
    By the way, my favorite word is Vergissmeinnicht (forget-me-not)
    But I can’t focus on learning German ‘coz I’m still trying to learn Japanese and trying not to forget my French lessons
    damn! so many languages I want to learn!

    1. Yeah my school added German after I left too!! I was super pissed because I had to learn French even though I always wanted to learn German.
      Wow that a cool word and new to me actually!
      Yeah I want to learn as many languages as possible too! What’s Japanese like is it difficult??

      1. what makes Japanese difficult is because it uses characters different from the standard alphabet, but since I really want to learn it, it’s fine…
        German’s closer to english, so I find easier to learn…
        by the way, Vergissmeinnicht is a line in the song I mentioned…😉

        1. Yeah I want to learn Russian some day too and I have the same problem because they use different characters which I’ll also have to learn.
          German is quite close to English which is great for someone who knows English and makes things a lot easier.
          Oh wow that’s really interesting! 🙂

          1. isn’t it? but in order to learn it, we have to focus on one language at a time…
            it sucks ‘coz we wanted to learn all of it immediately

            1. I know I want to learn so many more languages but I guess it’ll take a while…

              1. that’s the sad part though…

  2. Ich spreche Deutsch als Muttersprache. Englisch ziemlich fließend, ein paar Brocken Spanisch, Italienisch, Niederländisch, wenige Phrasen Russisch, Türkisch und Kroatisch. Wenn ich n ein fremdes Land komme versuche ich zunächst einige höfliche Floskeln (Guten Tag, danke, bitte, auf Wiedersehen, “Wo ist die Toilette?” und die Zahlen bis zehn zu lernen und anzuwenden. Deine Bemühungen Deutsch zu lernen und Dein Interesse an Sprachen ist bewundernswert.

    1. Wow that is really interesting. Have you or do you live in Germany? I’ve always wanted to visit it! Is Russian difficult I was hoping to learn that too. I hope some day I can be as fluent as you are in German and I apologise for replying in English but I don’t think I could have said this is German!! Thank you so much for your comment it meant so much to me and if you do live in Germany please let me know a few places to visit 🙂

      1. I live in between Cologne and Düsseldorf. Yes, Russian is difficult since it is written in kyrillic and you have to learn that too. – Your last question is hard to answer. But I think you should go a bit left and right of the trodden paths of tourism. Of course, the big cities (Berlin, Hamburg, Cologne, Munich) attract most people, but Germany is more diverse than that. History, landscape, food and the mentality of people are very different in all parts of the country. Depending on the time you are able to spend, a river tour on the Rhein could be interesting, also a tour along the “Romantic road” (Romantische Straße) shows you much of the diverse scenario Germany has to offer.

        1. Yeah I was thinking of doing Russian along with German but Russian seemed hard because I have to learn kyrillic too. Hmmm all that sounds very interesting. As someone obsessed with history I do have certain places in mind that I want to see but the river tour and romantic road sounds amazing too. Danke! 🙂

  3. Good for you! 🙂
    I learnt a little German with Duolingo online. When I visited a friend in the UK we were watching a game show on TV, and the question was, “What is German for potato?” and I got it! Kartoffel, if you were wondering.
    So you never know when your new language will come in handy! 😀

    1. Hahaha omg that is so amazing! Yes I knew the word for potato considering my love for potatoes!! 😁
      New languages are always a good thing and soooo much fun!

      1. I agree 🙂 And a new language also gives you an insight into another country 🙂

        1. Yes exactly you also learn a whole new culture along with the language 🙂

  4. Hey.. I am also learning Deutsch.. same pinch
    Lernst du Deutsch auf Duolingo ??

    1. Ja mich auch!! Ich liebe Duolingo!

  5. It is wonderful thing Pooja G you learning a new language and doing good

    1. Thank you so much!! 🙂

  6. I can’t speak German but have had the pleasure of singing it from time to time. Although some people say it sounds coarse, when you find the right thing it can be the most beautiful language. I give you the word ‘Diamantenpracht’ which English lacks, much to my disappointment.

    1. I have not heard much German music but the songs I have heard sound beautiful to me.
      Wow what an interesting word! When you learn German you realise how many words English doesn’t have because German literally has a word for everything! 🙂

      1. Its hardly modern…Dichterliebe ‘A Poets Love’ composed by Schumman in 1840. Lyrics from a poetic cycle written by Heinrich Heine… So its not exactly representative of modern German music! But still a very cool word. 🙂

        1. Wow that’s very interesting. I think I will try to read it sometime. Yeah it’s such an interesting word! 🙂

  7. Viel Glück beim Deutschlernen! (Good luck learning German!) Mein Deutsch ist schrecklich.

    1. Nein es ist nicht schlecht! Und danke!!

      1. Danke dir auch.

  8. I took two years in undergrad and Ich vergesse viele. The hardest part for me was memorizing the vocabulary. I knew where everything went in the sentence, how it was conjugated, which “the” went in front of the noun. I remember enough to say “Wo ist ein Bank” or “Du bist ein stuck von sheisse” or “Sie hat ein backpfeifengesicht.”

    German is fun.

    1. Wow that is really interesting. I am hoping to do some German in university too actually. I think for me the hardest part is the grammar but apart from that I am really liking it so far. Haha yeah German is very fun! 🙂

  9. Your 100th lesson? Woah! that is many many lessons 🙂 I totally could not read the title..I failed. lol. What does the title say? 🙂
    Congrats on your 100th lesson, that is a milestone for sure, are you fluent yet?


    1. Haha it says “yes I speak German”. No I’m still far from being fluent but I can understand a lot and I can use simple sentences now which is cool!
      Yeah it’s a huge milestone for me. I thought I would have given up by now but I still love doing my lessons every day 🙂

      1. Oh okay, I figured it meant something like that but wasn’t sure.
        Are you considering on making blog post about each day you take lessons?

        1. Yeah German is quite close to English like “Wasser” means “water” and “Mund” means “moon” and some words are the same like “Person” or “Bank” which makes it a little easier for me.
          No I don’t think so. I just wanted to share this. Maybe when I reach 200 lessons I’ll make another post! 🙂

          1. Wow lazy ass, you should make post about each lesson! lmfao. 😛 or your post will explode! haha

            1. Wow I really enjoy your motivational methods and the positivity you bring 😂😅
              Hahaha the threat of my post exploding no longer scares me. Apparently it puts itself to gather after exploding 😝

              1. Hahahahha! Lmfao! Very motivational, pshhh! duh 😛

                1. Lol hahaha 😂😂😂

  10. other than English I speak Swahili and Somali and few Arabic 😁😁😁 and I have try to learn French

    1. I don’t know why but I never enjoyed learning French not that there’s anything wrong with the language (it’s an awesome language) but my French teacher in school just made it boring for us. One of my friends taught me a few Arabic words recently but I’ve forgotten them! I need to ask her again. Good luck with the French 🙂

  11. Zwei flaschen rotwein bitte! Always works for me!

    1. Hahah yeah that sounds about right!! I need to remember that sentence for the future 😂😂🍷🍷

  12. How cool ! . Congatulations on your journey toward’s learning German . One of these days , I’ve to get back to learning french myself ! . 🤗😘!!

    1. Thank you! Yeah French is a very interesting language too plus it uses the English alphabet so it’s easier to learn. Good luck with your French! 🙂

      1. Aww , so welcome , an thank you lots. Don’t know when I’ll get started but I will get back to it ! 🤗🙌

        1. Yes it’s never too late to learn something new! 🙂

          1. Indeed my friend, indeed !! 😊😊

  13. Meine Großmutter und mein Vater sind aus München. Meine Oma pflegte, Lieder auf Deutsch zu singen, als ich klein war.

    And here is a fun article with some interesting German words: http://www.thebookoflife.org/why-germans-can-say-things-no-one-else-can/

    1. Wow that’s so interesting. So you’re half German? Have you been to or lived in Germany? Thank you so much I really enjoyed reading it and I actually did know “Backpfeifengesicht” because I just honestly thought it was such an awesome word and perfect to tell really horrible people. The best part about German is you learn all these words with really complicated meanings because they have no equivalent in English. I find that German words are far more descriptive than any language I know so far.

      1. 1/4 German. My grandfather was Scottish. I have never visited Germany. I had hoped to after high school to visit my great-grandparents, but they passed shortly before I graduated.

        I really had to stretch my brain to write that because I haven’t used much German lately. Meine Oma used to love it when I would write her letters in German because I was the only person who would write or speak to her in her native language.

        Now I’ve been learning Ojibwe, which is also extremely descriptive and actually about 80 percent verbs. My favorite word so far is makademashkikiiwaboo which means black medicine liquid aka COFFEE!!!!

        1. Oh wow that’s really sad that you couldn’t visit them but at least you remained in touch with them. Yeah not many people speak their native language anymore which is sad and it’s nice you took the trouble to write her.
          Hahaha that really does describe coffee well. Ojibwe sounds so interesting what made you want to learn it?

          1. It was technically my 3rd language as I started learning it as a child when my brother attended the tribal preschool, but only colors, numbers, basic words like that.

            We are part Ojibwe, Potowatami, Kaw, & Osage on my mother’s side as well as more German, Scottish, and some Irish & a few other European thrown in the mix, lol.

            Native American languages are on the brink of extinction and many have already died out. A family friend knew of my passion for language & she kind of recruited me in her efforts to revitalize the language on her Reservation.

            It’s slow learning for me, but it’s SO worth it!

            1. Wow that is so amazing. You are mixed with so many cultures.
              It’s really great that you are interested in learning Ojibwe because many people tend to lose interest in their culture and especially since it a dying language. It’s sad that Native American languages are not taught and encouraged more.
              Learning a new language always takes time and effort but in the end it’s always worth it because along with learning the language you also learn a whole new culture and way of life 🙂

  14. I’m German and if you need any help or would like to practice your German I’m happy to help

    1. Thank you so much! I think I will take you up on that offer some time. My biggest problem is the grammar so maybe you can help me with that some time.

  15. Wow!!! I’m currently learning German, too, as preparation for an A1 Level exam. Are you using Duolingo? It would be nice to connect with you there.

    1. Yeah I am using Duolingo actually! I took French in High School instead of German (really regret it now!)

  16. Cethru Cellophane Avatar
    Cethru Cellophane

    I had the good fortune to attend a military language school while i was in the army. So I spent almost two years in Dortmund. Es gibt aber eine sehr lange Zeit seitdem ich die Gelegenheit gehabt habe um deutsch zu sprechen. Jetzt ist das fast alle vergessen. I lived in france for almost a year and China for four years. When I returned to the USA I attended a local community college to learn Spanish pero yo no se hablar muy bien porque no entiendo mucho y no se muchas palabras. Nigel

    1. Omg that is so amazing! It’s great that you took the initiative to learn so many languages! Maybe you should start writing posts in German too to help you remember! I’ve been watching German cartoons and movies to help me with listening and understanding German. The next languages I want to learn are Latin and Italian!

      1. Cethru Cellophane Avatar
        Cethru Cellophane

        Perhaps you should visit by blog as there is a section there on unusual but useful phrases in Latin.There are also some poms which incorporate some Latin which may be of interest to you.
        That’s the result of attending an Irish Christian Brothers School. But in our house we are between us able to speak six languages well and bits and pieces of 3 more.

        1. Oh wow I will definitely check those out! I am really interested in Latin these days!
          We speak three languages at home but I wish we spoke more because I have no one to speak German with! Six languages is a lot but in a really good way!

  17. Duolingo, German with Jenny, and DW Deutschkurse are my favorite resources for learning German. Mein mann ist Deutsch. 🙂

    1. I’ve only used Duolingo so far and I really love it! I will definitely try out the other two as well though! Wow that’s so nice! I’m sure he appreciates that you’re learning German!

      1. Duolingo is really addictive. 🙂 It is fun to learn a new language. The brain needs some exercise, right? 😀

        1. Hahaha yes absolutely! Plus German is definitely the most fun language I have learnt so far!

  18. Congrats! Ich spreche nur ein bisschen Deutsch. I don’t know what you’ve been using to learn, but I’d recommend the app duolingo, it’ll help with vocab.

    1. Ja ich spreche nur ein bisschen Deutsch auch! Yeah I’m using Duolingo too! It’s definitely my favorite to use for German!

  19. Hallo, Danke für den Beitrag. Hat wirklich Spass gemacht zu lesen, sehr Informativ, gerne mehr davon 🙂

    1. Vielen dank!

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