My Daily Routine

I got the idea to do this post purplebutterfly964, on my “Ideas” post. She is always so supportive of my blog! Thank you so much for the idea! I hope you guys enjoy this post about my daily routine, it’s a little different


I wake up on the morning!

And then I drink a smoothie because I used to drink coffee/tea but I’m off caffeine now. And I usually don’t eat in the morning because eating in the morning just makes me feel nauseous and disgusting. Then I usually do about half an hour of meditation or an hour of yoga which helps make my entire day more positive!

Then I usually go to my blog and read a bunch of posts from you guys and respond to my notifications!


Then I make some lunch! I’ve been super into cooking these days for some reason it just really relaxes me!

And once I’m done with lunch and look a little like this:

I check out my blog again and post if it’s a Monday, Wednesday or Friday. Then I read for a while.

Or if I’m not in the mood to read, I write.

And if I’m not in the mood to write either I do some art.

And then since the cats usually wake up by the time I’m done with any of the above I go play with them for a bit!

Sometimes I go out shopping in the afternoon too.

Or hang out with my friends when they’re not busy with work or university!


Then I make some dinner.

Then I watch some TV with my family!

Than I write for a bit and check up on my blog. After that I do a German lesson for about half an hour.

Then I meditate because I can’t sleep without meditating because my mind refuses to shut up!

And then I finally go to sleep and my day ends!

I hope you liked reading about my daily routine because I had so much fun writing about it! If you guys want to see more posts like this one please leave a comment below!

And I used an app called Bitmoji to make these personalised emojis.

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66 responses to “My Daily Routine”

    1. Thanks! 🙂

  1. I have been thinking about doing something similar but in a different way…when completed I will share. I found this very positive. 😊

    1. Thanks! When you do your post please leave me a link because I would love to check it out some time 🙂

      1. Will do!

  2. I love your illustrations.

    1. Thank you! I actually used an app called Bitmoji 🙂

      1. Oh, thanks for that information. That app is new to me. I’ll try to look it up. Thank you.

        1. Yeah you definitely should. It’s quite easy and fun to use plus it’s free 🙂

  3. I’m feeling a bit melancholy today in typical poet fashion. This post was cute and me smile. Thanks.

    1. Yeah I definitely know the feeling and I’m glad this post made you feel better 🙂

  4. Wonderful idea and the post!The pictures too are great!

    1. Thank you so much. I actually used Bitmoji to make personalized emojis 🙂

  5. Lovely! Mine is usually read, sleep, read, sleep and food anytime in between 😂

    1. You were supposed to be learning to use makeup Mistry!

      1. Me learning make up is like telling a child to do taxes, I have zero idea. Help. 😂😂

        1. Well you know you’ve always got to me to help you!!

      2. Yes! Thank you Sweety 😘

        1. You’re welcome Mistry you know I’m always there for you 😘😘

    2. Always, as am I 😘😘

      1. Have you read Bridget Jones yet by the way?? Because you need to! It kind of reminds me of Adrian Mole sometimes

        1. No i don’t have the book 😕 i really want to. Also the movie has Mr Darcy 😍

          1. Yeah and ironically he plays Mr. Darcy in this movie too! And they talk about Colin Firth all the time in the book! I had borrowed it from Omang in school. Maybe you’ll find it at TBC though

            1. Wow and wow! Love Colin Firth, he
              has probably changed my life! I don’t think I can but any more books for this whole year 😂 Think you can find it in Oshwal library?

              1. I already asked them because I wanted to read it again but they didn’t have the first one so I got the second one 😒
                Yesss Colin Firth is so amazing! He is just so perfect as Mr. Darcy

      2. Thank you though, i want to read the 1st part first. HE is the only Mr. Darcy

        1. I’ll ask if the first part has been returned and get it for you when it gets returned 😁

          1. So sweet, thanks hun! 😘

            1. You’re welcome boo 💞😘

  6. Loved this, refreshingly different 🌹

    1. Thank you so much! 🙂

      1. I think you should do more of these. I appreciate they must take a lot of time to do but there brilliant 🌹

        1. In all honestly it didn’t take long at all and I probably finished the post in like 10-20 minutes because I already had a Bitmoji (which is like a personalised emoji). I think I will do some more posts like this because this was honestly so fun to do 🙂

          1. yay i am looking forward to reading them.;-)

            1. Thank you! 🙂

  7. thoroughly enjoyed the post…can you say how to do the animation me version…thinking to post one like this…

    1. I did mine with an app called Bitmoji. Be sure to leave me a link when you do the post because I would love to check it out 🙂

      1. okay…thank you…

        1. You’re welcome 🙂

  8. I really enjoyed this post! I started my blog not too long ago and find it hard to come up with content sometimes but since following you, have picked up on some potential ideas so thank you😌

    1. Thank you and I’m really glad I could help you find some ideas here! Good luck with blogging. It’s difficult at first but once you get the hang of it it’s really fun and worth it 🙂

  9. Really had fun reading it !! Good work !! xd…

    1. Thank you so much!! 🙂

  10. christina15bk Avatar

    Awesome post! Love the illustrations 🙂

    1. Thank you so much! I used Bitmoji to do it 🙂

  11. Wow! When you lay it all out in this fashion, it seems we live busy, busy lives. I never looked at my days like that. Thanks for the tip about Bitmoji, I’ve never heard of it, but will now try it out. Have a super cool weekend 🙂

    1. Yeah we actually do live such busy lives. I mean I am taking a gap year and it still seems like I have so much to do.
      You’re welcome! I discovered Bitmoji some time ago and I loved it so much I thought I should share it with my followers 🙂

  12. That was a wonderful read, thank you for sharing your routine with us! Tbh you have your daily schedule more sorted than me, your post made me think of some changes to my messy lifestyle 🙂

    1. Thank you so much! To be completely honest I had a pretty messed up schedule too but then I decided to get my stuff together and I got a day planner app and decided to do everything on the list at the exact time everyday and it kind of makes me feel better about my day and it definitely gets my work done 🙂

      1. Can you tell me the name of that day planner app, will give it a try. I too need to get my stuff together.

        1. It’s called TimeTune and I have found it pretty helpful so far so you should definitely give it a try.

  13. your days do remind me of a beatles song, “a day in a life”. May you have the best in every day.

    1. Thank you so much and I hope you have the best in every day too 🙂

  14. What a fun post to read. Loved the emojis , and also the fact that meditation is such a great part of your life.

    1. Thank you so much! I’m glad you liked it 😀😀

  15. I loved thus post! You have given me some ideas! It is important to have a routine and yours is surprising similar to mine. Thanks for this!

    1. Thank you so much! I’m really glad it gave you some ideas 🙂

  16. The emoji s make this post a lot more effective !

    1. Thank you so much! I used the Bitmoji App for it 🙂

  17. aprilswopegreene Avatar

    Super fun!

    1. Haha thank you! 🙂

    1. Thanks 🙂

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