This Is My Truth Now Tag!

I want to thank James J. Cudney IV for nominating me for the “This Is My Truth Now Tag”! I’m so sorry it took forever for me to get to it!

He has an amazing blog and is actually the creator of this tag so please do check out his blog if you don’t already follow it!

The Rules For The “This Is My Truth Now Tag”

  1. Create your own new post and call it “Tag: This-Is-My-Truth-Now” and be sure to include in your tags the words — without quotes — “ThisIsMyTruthNow Tag”
  2. Include these rules when you copy/paste to your own post.
  3. Be sure to thank the person that tagged you and include their responses at the bottom of your post, so someone can get to know them too. Tell everyone something interesting about the person who tagged you.
  4. Include a link to my original post mentioning this blog so we can see how many people choose to play along. Link to cut/paste is:  ThisIsMyTruthNow
  5. Choose 12 bloggers to tag and include a link to their latest post, so others can check them out and meet new people.
  6. Answer all 12 questions in The Challenge Questions section, but replace the 12th question with your own new one around telling the truth or revealing something interesting about yourself — you can leave the existing if you can’t think of something.
  7. Be sure to copy/paste the “Truth or Dare” section at the end of this post. It’s important to the challenge — so you better carefully read it!
  8. If you’ve haven’t been tagged, but you want to play along, you can totally jump on in and post responses to the tag on your blog.


You’re on your way to a birthday dinner that your friends have thrown for you. When you arrive, your favorite author is having dinner by himself or herself and asks you to sit with them, before you even see your friends or they see you. You have two choices: (1) You can sit with the author but can’t tell your friends that you’ve abandoned them for three hours, or (2) Meet your friends and lose the only chance you’ll ever have to talk with the author. Pick one or the other — no exceptions or communication to your friends to tell them about the author — and explain why.

I would in all honesty talk to the author because my friends know how much this author means to me and I know they would absolutely understand why I ditched them to spend time with the author!

You’ve got an opportunity to spend a few hours alone “in your bedroom” with a character from any book you’ve previously read. The character tells you that (s)he would like to lock the door and spend some alone time with you. What book and character is it, and do you decide to enter the room and lock the door, or tell them you aren’t interested?

I would pick Hermione Granger because we would have a lot to talk about and yes lock the door I don’t mind!

If you could turn any male character from one of your favorite books into a female character (or change a female into a male) in the book or book series, which one and why?

I would change Holden Caulfield to Hester Prynne so he can see what real problems and suffering look like because in my opinion he is a whiny little spoilt brat.

What blogger currently on your follower’s list (meaning they follow you too) do you admire the most and why?

Well there are many:

Shay-lon– because she is one of the strongest people I know who breaks barriers every day!

Elaine-She is so sweet and amazing at everything she tries especially art!

Opher- He is one of the smartest people I’ve ever talked to and he has seen amazing things!

inkgirlandwords- She is one of the most driven people I read as well as the most sensitive and caring!

Shweta- She is so sweet and smart and has a way with words!

James J. Cudney IV- He is super interesting and I really enjoy reading his reviews!

And I admire everyone I follow for being excellent writers!

If you could change any one decision your favorite book character made, what would it be and why?

I would do whatever I had to do and change whatever I had to change to save Fred Weasley.

If you could pick 1 character from a book and 1 character from a TV show you watch (that is NOT based on a book) to be in a relationship together, who would you choose, and why?

Tina Fey’s character Liz Lemon from 30 Rock and Elizabeth Bennet from Pride And Prejudice- they seem like a very good match!

It’s your last day on Earth. As you are about to cross that final finish line, a mysterious shadow appears, giving you a choice: (1) You can go move forward to whatever comes next for you [based on your own spiritual or religious beliefs], or (2) you can become a character in a book series and exist permanently doing whatever that author chooses to do with you in the book. Which do you choose, and if it’s option 2, reveal the book and author.

I would choose the second option and the author would be J. K. Rowling and the book would of course be Harry Potter!

If you could steal a pet from someone in any book you’ve read, but had to replace it with a friend’s pet (meaning they wouldn’t ever see their pet again), would you do it? If so, explain the who and why.

No i definitely would not do that to my friend! I know how much my friends pets mean to them!

If you could turn someone from your real life into a character from a book, who from your life, who in the book and why?

I would turn my sister into a book character just to see what happens (I can bring her back right??)

Post a picture of the cover of a book you read in 2000 and the book you are currently reading now. (Note: if you weren’t alive in 2000, pick the first book you ever read and tell everyone what year it was from).

Image result

Image result for go set a watchman

Your favorite character (under 18) needs a place to stay for 3 months and asks you if (s)he could stay in your spare room (yes, you have one for the sake of this question). Who is it and what is the reason (s)he needs to stay with you?

It would be Liesel because she is running from the Nazi’s in The Book Thief

Which of the 365 Daily Challenge posts most describes you? To see them all, you can go here. (Note: This is the question each person can change when they tag their own nominees)


For more tags like the “This Is My Truth Now Tag” click here.

My Nominees For The This Is My Truth Now Tag:

Anyone who wants to try this out is more than welcome to! It’s super fun and you can do the same question for number 12 because I really like this one and it’s interesting!

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10 responses to “This Is My Truth Now Tag!”

  1. Nice post! Very interesting questions (and answers)

    1. Thank you!!

  2. Thank you so much for doing the tag! I love getting to know everyone. I created some of the questions to see who was always naughty and who was always innocent. You have to be somewhere in between for us to get along… so it’s perfect! You’ve got some dangerous responses and some honorable ones. 🙂 I won’t say which is which. And thank you for naming on your blogger list. That really means a lot!

    But I will say my absolute favorite of anyone who has done this tag is your answer to swap Holden Caulfield and Hester Prynne. That is shear genius and brilliance at work.

    1. You’re welcome it was such a fun tag to do!
      Haha yes I do tend to be right in the middle of naughty and nice 😂
      You’re welcome I really enjoy reading your blog!

      Hahaha thanks! I really thought about that question because I wasn’t sure who to swap but I had just recently read The Catcher In The Rye and I thought that would be perfect for a swap!

      1. Thank you. 🙂 Always fun to chat.

  3. Awesome! Congrats!!

    1. Thank you!!

  4. ooh I loved the secret seven when I was a child!!

    1. Yeah me too! And basically anything Enid Blyton wrote!

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