My Favourite Quotes!

So this post is actually a collaboration post with the amazing David who runs one of my favourite blogs! He also writes a lot of posts with inspirational quotes and we thought it would be super fun to share our favourite quotes with you guys!! Also if you enjoy inspirational posts or are into fitness check out his blog here! It’s definitely worth following!! And don’t forget to check out his version of this post here!

Ever since I can remember I’ve been a huge fan of Mark Twain and even though I never learnt much about him in school I did my own research and the more I read about him the more I admired him not just as a writer but as a human being. He was one of the most intelligent people I have ever read about and I could really relate to what he talked about. So here are two quotes that I have always deeply agreed with and understood.

I feel like a lot of what we learn in school is censored or has very little value in our lives in the future. If you’re really interested in something don’t rely on your school or teachers to teach you about it. Do your own research and learn about it yourself!

I couldn’t agree more with this quote. Just because the majority supported something doesn’t mean it is the right thing. Do what YOU believe is right and live your life as you want to.

CHECK OUT DAVID’S POST HERE. It is awesome (and I’m not just saying that because he said nie things about me… okay maybe a little!) 😂

For more quotes click here. 

For more inspirational posts click here.

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19 responses to “My Favourite Quotes!”

  1. […] and the story behind it. What we don´t know yet is Pooja´s quote. Are you as curious as me? Click here to Pooja´s […]

  2. I love Mark Twain and the quotes you´ve chosen! I did not know the first quote, but I think every student should follow it. It´s not too late for me 😀
    I totally agree on the second one, majorities are dangerous 😉

    1. Yeah Mark Twain is so amazing!!
      Yes exactly! Students need to be make sure they don’t only rely on what they learn at school!
      Majorities is not the place you want to be!

  3. Great quotes, I love people that dare to be different. 😊

    1. Thank you! Yup me too!!

  4. I love both of these quotes, but especially the first one. The periods during which I have not been in school are the ones when I learned the most. It’s during those times when I’ve been able to delve deeply into topics that interested me, and learn as much as I could about them.

    1. Yeah I definitely agree! I’ve learnt more after I finished High School than I did in school.

  5. Great Quotes. He was smart. I’m never on the side of the majority – sometimes I don’t even make it on to the side of the minority.

    1. Haha that’s the spirit!

  6. Mark Twain was an amazing man, he said some very thought provoking things. I love your choices.

    1. Thank you so much! Yeah he was a really amazing man and these are probably two of the most real quotes I’ve ever read!

  7. Amazing quote. Great pick on that.

    1. Thank you so much!!

  8. Mark Twain is thoroughly quotable; caustic and sharp. I love your picks.

    1. Thank you!! 😊

  9. I love this. Just a heads up – you typed “really” instead of rely in the paragraph aster the first quote. 🙂

    1. Thank you!! Ooh thanks I’ll change that! 🙂

  10. Reblogged this on By the Mighty Mumford and commented:

    1. Thanks for the reblog!!

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