How Having A YouTube Channel Can Increase Confidence

A lack of confidence is something we all struggle with, especially having confidence when public speaking. Somehow talking in front of fellow humans is terrifying for us. I struggled with this problem, I still do, but it has gotten better over the past year, mainly because I started my own YouTube Channel.

If you start a YouTube channel it will help your confidence for sure. You’ll get nervous and awkward in front of the camera at first but it will begin to feel natural. You will get comfortable talking to an imaginary audience and the camera will stop intimidating you.

I think this is an awesome way of boosting confidence. You learn to public speak and there is something about standing in front of a camera and talking to it. It’s scary and makes you nervous but if you do it enough, it will stop freaking you out and so will talking to other humans.

Plus you will not be afraid of being filmed. A lot of my friends are terrified of cameras and they get stressed out when filmed but honestly, it barely bothers me anymore. I’ve made a fool of myself on YouTube, nothing fazes me anymore.

Another thing is; it helped me overcome my shyness. I am still a pretty reserved person with strangers but I used to be a literal clamshell, an awkward turtle. I’m still an awkward turtle but a friendlier one.

If it stresses you out that other people are watching your videos, you can start by making them Private and as you improve be brave and click that button to make them Public!

Don’t even think about telling me that you don’t have a good camera. I use my mother’s and it isn’t the best either and I still make videos. You can even film yourself with your phone. As long as you have some editing software (you can find tons of cheap editing software, like Wondershare Filmora) you can make a decent video.

Now I know a YouTube channel is not for everyone, and I know that not everybody has time but if you struggle with confidence and have some free time I encourage you try this method out. It may take a couple months but having a YouTube Channel really helped me increase my confidence.

About The Author:

Leona Petrovic (aka ingirlwords) is a blogger ( she writes poetry and other inspirational posts.  She also loves reading and writing and created a YouTube channel based on these two things ( She aspires to be an author and, maybe someday, an actor. And she has written several articles for a local magazine and is currently obsessing over Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, the Infernal Devices, Falling Kingdoms, the Lunar Chronicles and the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness, to name a few.

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28 responses to “How Having A YouTube Channel Can Increase Confidence”

    1. Thank you!!

  1. Thanks again for sharing my work! <3

    1. You’re very welcome!! 💖💖

  2. I’ve made some You Tube videos. Have you seen them?

    1. I’m not sure! Let me find you on YouTube. Do you have a channel??

  3. I agree with you. Youtubes fun but I never seem to get any views (:

    1. You have a YouTube channel? Leave me a link I’ll check it out!!

      1. Oh, not anymore. Thanks though! 😁👍🏻

        1. You’re welcome! Let me know if you ever decide to start one again!

  4. I would love to start a YouTube channel. I have a phone and a laptop. What do you think?
    Plus, what’s the name of your channel?

    1. Hi! I don’t have a YouTube Channel myself but the girl who wrote this article does and you can talk to her on her blog
      I’m sure she’ll be happy to help!
      Another blogging friend also has a YouTube Channel if you also want to talk to her:
      She’s also super helpful!
      All the best with,

      1. Okay. I’ll look into them. Thanks

        1. You’re welcome! Hope it helps!

  5. Wonderful to hear that YouTube is a confidence lifter 😀

    1. Yeah I was happy to hear that too!

  6. Well I have a YouTube channel and I feel seemingly confident when speaking into the camera. I started off shaking and very annoyed because I felt like I was rambling or not saying anything that would matter but over time, my confidence peaked when I realized people were leaving comments and I was getting views. I feel as though having a YouTube channel is a great help to get you feeling better in front of others and allowing you to hear yourself speak and pick out your weaknesses and strengths.


    1. That is so awesome and yeah I think it really helps with speaking in front of an audience and stuff. I’ve actually been thinking of starting a YouTube channel about my move and stuff.

      1. Oh really? Like doing a vlog, they are popular on YouTube 🙂

        1. Yeah that’s what I was planning to do once I get a little settled in!

          1. That’s a good idea, I really do think you should give it a go 🙂 you have a great amount of following on the blog, so I imagine you would start off with a good amount of subscribers!


            1. Yeah it all depends on how much time I have! I’ll be doing 5 subjects this year so I don’t know how much free time I’ll have!

              1. Oh 5 subjects, does this mean you will be a full time student? 🙂

                1. Yup a full time student! Aka a major nerd…

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