It Gets Worse, Than A Bit Better At Brock University…

So today I went to the Registrar’s Office at Brock University as I was told to do. And after wasting my time going there and waiting in line and stuff I’m told *surprise surprise* the Registrar’s Office doesn’t do seminar changes! I can’t even write in words how angry and flabbergasted I was when I heard this! So it turns out the people who keep telling me to go to the Reg Office are the ones who are supposed to be doing the seminar thing for me anyway!

So I emailed them and told them. The only reply I got was ‘what seminar do you want to change to?’ I mean can you believe that? Maybe I’m being a little dramatic but how about a “I’m sorry I wasted like 4 hours of your time when I was supposed to be the one doing it and didn’t realise.” So rude.

Image result for so rude gif

After I emailed her which seminar I wanted to change to they finally changed it after a few hours. And yes I’ve been able to upload my assignment. FINALLY!

Image result for finally gif

Don’t get me wrong, I am loving my time at Brock University but this situation was maddening.

If you have no idea what’s going on click here to read the first part of this post.

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28 responses to “It Gets Worse, Than A Bit Better At Brock University…”

  1. Damn, what kind of lesson was that….don’t trust anyone? I’m mad too! But I will let it go after a deep breath. Glad you are back on track.

    1. Haha yeah I guess never trust anyone… ever…
      Lol just take a deep breathe and calm down! We got through it!

      1. I know. I used to work in a school district. If you’re new and don’t know your job yet, ask. Don’t send people to locations that are not pertinent to the info needed…

        1. Yeah exactly don’t waste everyone’s time just because you’re not sure about your job!

  2. Aaaah!! The intricacies of bureaucracy. I was fortunate when I was at college. I didn’t have time for all that stuff. I was too busy gigging and staying up through the night partying, talking and generally being a bad student. Somehow I scraped through. I still don’t know how. I only attended half the lectures. I mean – putting lectures in the morning?? How could they?? What were they thinking??

    1. YES I have lectures at like 9 in the morning which is so annoying! Like what sort of evil person makes someone wake up that early to LEARN!

  3. Ah, the joys of bureaucracy! My theory is they hire part-time student help for such things at the start of the semester, and only get around to training them a few months later.

    Chemistry majors at my college typically had ALL their major classes (lectures and labs) done for the day before noon. While I, a creative writing major, didn’t have my first English class until 11AM, and the last class sessions ended around 9PM.

    I liked being an English major! 🙂

    1. Yeah that’s probably why she didn’t seem aware of what she was supposed to do.

      Haha I wish I didn’t have classes till midday! I hate having to get read at 7 in the morning!

      1. I don’t even wake up until 8.

        The manager who hired me for my present job didn’t wake up until noon.

        Us evening/night folk got along fine! 🙂

      2. I’m an evening person stuck in a morning persons schedule!

        1. Schools can be rigid about that. Silly things!

          1. I know! Very irrittating!

  4. Idiots. I hate to quote the Star Wars prequels but: How Rude. Not to even apologize for wasting your valuable time!

    1. I know I wasted so much time for literally nothing!

      1. Exactly! Ugh. >:(

  5. Diana Tyler (Eccentric Muse) Avatar
    Diana Tyler (Eccentric Muse)

    Well, I would’ve been boiling mad too! And they didn’t even apologize for wasting your time. How rude!

    1. Yes it was so rude and their attitude was so uncalled for considering they’re the ones who messed up.

  6. School bureaucracy!!!
    I don´´ t miss that. LOL

    1. Lol I’m not going to miss it either! It’s like you can’t get an education without it!

  7. Eeek! You’ll get through these hurdles, my friend xx Thinking of you!

    1. Thank you so much Christy!!

  8. Thank you for following 💕💕💕

    1. You’re very welcome and thanks for the follow too!!

  9. Wow!
    That would have worked my nerves and anxiety going through all that bull crap, way to get things figured out finally and sorry they wasted so much of your time >.< school , I tell ya.


    1. Yeah I was super anxious for like a week because of all this but at least it’s been sorted out (kind of they still added me to the wrong section). School can really work your nerves sometimes!

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