Happy New Year- 2018!

Happy New Year 2019

Happy New Year! Yes, 2018 is already here even though it feels like it was just the beginning of 2017 a little while ago!

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2017 wasn’t always the best… There were most definitely ups and downs throughout the year…

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but I had an interesting year filled with lots of new experiences

I will definitely try to write a more elaborate post on everything that happened over the last few months because I know I haven’t been posting as regularly about what’s going on with me although it was mostly this:

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And sometimes this:

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Hope you guys have an amazing start to the new year!

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Have a very, very Happy New Year! I hope you achieve all your goals and get to experience so many new things. I hope all the things you were hoping for happens!

What are you plans for the New Year? Are you going to be celebrating New Years Eve? If so, how will you be celebrating? Whom will you be celebrating with? Let me know in the comments below!

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20 responses to “Happy New Year- 2018!”

  1. Happy New Year to you and your family

    1. Thanks and same to you!

  2. I usually exercise. Happy new year

    1. That’s a great way to start the new year! Thanks!

  3. Happy New Year Pooj – I hope it’s a good one! Change the world!!

    1. Thanks and I hope so too!!

  4. Christina @ The Bookshelf Corner Avatar
    Christina @ The Bookshelf Corner

    Happy New Year, Pooja! I “celebrated” the first hour of 2018 with my dog, meaning I had to console my dog who doesn’t like the sound of fireworks and “allow” him to use me as a seat cushion.

    1. Thank you!! Yes pets get crazy because of the fireworks! My cats wouldn’t stop meowing the whole time and I had to comfort them too.

  5. Happy New Year! I celebrated with family yesterday, and now I am just reading all day today and steeling myself to return to school.

    1. Thank you!! That’s a great way to celebrate! It’s always fun to spend it with your family- that’s what I did too!

  6. Happy New Year 2018 to you as well! 🙂
    Be safe and enjoy!


    1. Thank you Shay-lon!!

  7. I hope 2018 will be a good year for you, Pooja.

    1. Thank you so much and I hope it’ll be an amazing year for you too!

  8. In 2017 my first day was spent reinforcing my decision to end being a hoarder by the end of the year. Worked in my bullet journal and researched organizers. This year has been Toad’s Wild Ride of a year emotionally and physically. In time for my birthday in July, I was able to get rid of my storage unit. December 28th was my last scheduled appointment with my organizing team. Still a lot to do, the hoard doesn’t clean itself up magically but I’m confident I will never hoard again. For 2018 I put together storage and worked on my newly accessible studio. This year I will learn self care, I am disabled and need to learn better ways to deal with it. But after this last year, I feel pretty unstoppable!

    1. Wow that is such an amazing journey and I am so glad you’re changing your life for the better! Best of luck with everything you’re doing in 2018 and I hope everything works out!

  9. Happy New Year to you as well

    1. Thank you!!

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