Opher Goodwin

If you haven’t heard of Opher Goodwin you need to check him out right now before I get into this post!

Check out his blog here: https://opherworld.wordpress.com/

Check out his books here: https://opherworld.wordpress.com/books/

To purchase his books click here: https://opherworld.wordpress.com/purchase-my-books/

So I finally finished Ebola in the Garden of Eden and I have to say it was absolutely phenomenal! Unfortunately, I have had the book for ages but I hadn’t been able to finish it because university was suffocating me!

Back to the book, it’s a futuristic book about The Synod which is a group of the most powerful politicians and science. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who is into science, politics or futuristic books! And even if these topics aren’t your thing I would recommend checking out his books since they’re very enjoyable.

Also he has a bunch of other books in lots of different genres so check out the list and find something you like! He’s an amazing writer and I’m sure you won’t be disappointed!

For more posts about books click here.

For more on Opher Goodwin click here.

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7 responses to “Opher Goodwin”

  1. Wow!! Thank you for that Pooj!! I really appreciate it. I’m so glad you enjoyed it. I was beginning to think you’d lost interest.
    If you could find the time I’d much appreciate a review on Amazon UK and US.
    If you are looking for a follow-up I’d be really interested to hear what you think of my latest one – The Gordian Fetish. I’ve released it under the pseudonym Ron Forsythe. It’s a bit different – quite light – bit of humour and satire in a Sci-fi future. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Gordian-Fetish-Ron-Forsythe/dp/1981947973/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1519724020&sr=8-1&keywords=Ron+Forsythe
    Thank you again for the great post.
    All the best – Opher

    1. You’re very welcome Opher! I left a review on Amazon CA I think but I’ll leave one on UK and US. Also I’ll definitely check out your new book when I get some time! It sounds really good!

  2. BTW – that pingback is mighty strange and nothing to do with me.

    1. Haha that’s weird!

  3. Reblogged this on By the Mighty Mumford and commented:

    1. Hehe thanks for the reblog!

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