Lifesfinewhine Is Officially On Instagram!

So I finally decided to join Instagram! To check out my profile click here.

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I decided to join because firstly I wanted to share my blog posts on it and secondly I thought it would be fun to share a bit more of my life and what I’m doing because as much as I try to share on my blog I can’t really share everything I do every 20 seconds because that would be weird and slightly annoying but totally normal on Instagram! 😂

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I also wanted to sort of make more memories and I thought this would give me more incentive to go out more often and also try new things. It also help me kind of document my life and this way I have pictures/videos to look back at and remember stuff and smile!

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I am also planning on sharing vegan and vegetarian recipes as well as some posts about makeup (like tips and my favourite brands) because I feel like Instagram would be better for that then my blog.

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This is probably what my Insta is going to consist of… 😂

So if you want to get more of an insight into my life and just what it’s like for me day to day as well as vegan/vegetarian recipes or stuff about makeup make sure to follow me and feel free to DM me whenever!

To see my profile click here.

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22 responses to “Lifesfinewhine Is Officially On Instagram!”

  1. Reblogged this on The Militant Negro™ and commented:
    When I click the link it says….”Sorry, this page isn’t available.” My instagram account is @mister_militant_negro so please stop by and follow me so I can follow you.

    1. Oh no I’ll try to fix the link and I’ll definitely follow your account!

      1. I found your account but it’s private so I sent a request to follow you.

        1. Oh that’s my old account, the new one is different try the link now it works and I’ve followed you on that it’s called herbivoreonajourney

  2. Ooh, you’ve succumbed to the wild. Lol. Good luck and enjoy!

    1. Lol yeah I’m an Instagram person now 😂🤣

  3. Just followed you!! Love the nail color!! 💅

    1. Thank you so much!! I followed you back!

  4. Followed you x

    1. Thank you so much!!!

  5. Hello Pooja, I am following you on Instagram now 😊

    1. Thank you so much!!!

      1. You are welcome Pooja

  6. Great step! Enjoy Instagram, and keep us updated!
    I’d love it if you’d check out my new post at
    Khanak x

    1. Thank you and I’ll definitely check it out!!

  7. Have you been enjoying the use of Instagram? 🙂


    1. Yeah it’s soooo much fun minus the randos trying to slide into my DM and hitting on me 😂

      1. Bahahahah! i am dying! lol 🙂 YOU GET THEM TOO?! lmfao

        1. Hahahaha omg you get them as well?!? Lol are they hitting on every girl in the universe wow. Lol they are so despo it’s hilarious cos honestly so not interested!

          1. Yes, same here. I normally don’t reply or will say a quick thank you and not respect again! They even found me on Facebook, some of them, it’s really weird.

            1. Yeah they are very stalker-ish and find you everywhere and keep asking for your number and stuff. It’s very uncomfortable and just pretty creepy.

              1. #lifestruggles

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