How To Appreciate The Introverts In Your Life

How To Appreciate The Introverts In Your Life

As you may already know if you’ve been following this blog for a while, I am a pretty introverted person. And sometimes I find that people that aren’t introverts just don’t get me. So I thought I would write a guide on hoe to appreciate the introverts in your life:

Don’t force them to do stuff

Most introverts can only do so much going out/socialising before they need to recharge again so don’t force them to do stuff. If they tell you they can’t or don’t want to they really mean it so don’t guilt them about not hanging out with you!

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Most introverts don’t talk to people a lot unless they know you pretty well- then they never shut up! When introverts try to talk to you, you should really listen because you probably mean a lot to them and what they’re telling you is probably much more then just small talk.

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Don’t guilt them

Introverts tend to be very sensitive and if you guilt them about stuff it’s going to really mess with them. It’s wrong to guilt anyone into doing stuff but introverts tend to take it harder then others do.

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Be there for them

Sometimes introverts have a hard time expressing their feelings so even if they don’t talk to you about it but seem kind of down or something you should try to be there for them. Introverts try to act like they’re okay but a lot of the time we’re just screaming in our heads.

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I hope these tips taught you how to appreciate the introverts in your life! Are you an introvert? Or are you an extrovert? Let me know in the comments below!

For more introvert posts click here.

For more ‘how-to’ posts click here. 

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13 responses to “How To Appreciate The Introverts In Your Life”

  1. All of these points are essential and I thank you for being consistent in sharing them. 😊

    1. Thank you so much!

      1. You’re most welcome!

  2. totally agreed to the last one, if we are there for them, thats the best help that can be provided

    1. Definitely!

  3. love the bestie skeletons!
    I definitely lean more towards the introvert side than extrovert. My fiance’ is the opposite, so he helps me. Blogging is helping me get all of my thoughts out too. I will just sit there and hyper focus on one thing, like the budget, for almost an hour and just drive myself completely bonkers. & the guilt trip is realllll, it’s so bad! I only ever thought that actors could cry on command…wrong.

    1. I don’t really have a lot of extroverts in my life at the moment but I get what you mean. They kind of give you the energy to get out of your comfort zone and do things! Blogging really helps me a lot and is a great way for introverts to make friends because I don’t have to see people in person 😂
      The guilt trip is so real! It’s such a horrible and toxic thing to do to someone to guilt them into doing what you want!

  4. Very cute post!

    1. Thank you!

  5. Blogging good for introverts!!

    1. Haha yup!

  6. Wow, you have been observing introverts very closely. One attribute of a modern introvert is having a long list of missed calls on their cellphones

    1. Haha well I’m an introvert so I’ve technically been observing myself for like 21 years now 😂
      Yeah I hate anyone calling me, I usually ignore them.

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