I’m Free- Officially!!

I’m free! I’m officially free you guys! My exams are finally over I’m so happy you guys!

Not going to lie you guys these exams really tore me a new one. This whole semester did to be completely honest it’s been a long three and a half months. Like, this semester has been way more difficult than I expected. And the workload was quite a bit which got difficult to manage with everything else. It’s like every professor only wants you to concentrate on their course. But we do multiple and can’t do that!

it kicked my ass gif I'm Free

I’m glad it’s over and I’m glad I have a few days of doing absolutely nothing because I seriously need that. I really need some relaxing, self-care time right now.

relax ross gif

I’m also looking forward to being more active on the blog since I can’t do that as much as I want to while I’m going to school.

blogging gif I'm Free

So looking forward to this break! Let me know in the comments what your plans are for your Christmas break!

I'm Free gif

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20 responses to “I’m Free- Officially!!”

  1. Happy holidays!!! 😁🌼

    1. Thanks and you too!!

  2. Enjoy the break dear..happy holidays

    1. Thanks hope you have great holidays too!

    1. I’m so glad to do nothing for a while!

      1. Believe me, I know that great feeling! 😉 Have fun now!

        1. Thanks I definitely will!

  3. Spend quality time with your loved ones

    1. Thanks I will!

  4. Congrats and have a nice holiday 🙂

    1. Thanks I will!

  5. Relax and enjoy yourself Pooj!

    1. I will Opher!

  6. Congratulations and enjoy your break as relief and achievement shine on you. I will enjoy spending time with my family this Christmas season. Look forward to your next blog

    1. Thanks and I hope you have a great Christmas with your family!

  7. Congrats lol Happy Holidays 🙂

    1. Hahah thanks and Happy Holidays to you too!

  8. I remember those days. Most of my class would have a beer and pizza party when exams ended. I don’t like beer so I went to the spa instead. I would book a spa day in New York. I miss doing that.

    1. Wow that sounds amazing! One of my classes had a similar party but I couldn’t make it since my exams weren’t over yet. Maybe next time I should go to the spa instead!

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