Six Word Story #12

Six Word Story Social Anxiety

Six Word Story:

The walls closed in on her.

This is the first six word story I’ve written in quite a while. I really hope you enjoy it. I wanted to start writing poetry and six word stories again on this blog because I haven’t done any in forever and I enjoyed writing them so much.

This story in particular is mostly about anxiety. As many of you know, I do suffer from an anxiety disorder. And this story is how I feel sometimes. When you’re in that moment experiencing anxiety or even a panic attack, it can really feel terrifying. Like you are trapped and there is no way out. Like you’re frozen in place.

If you enjoyed this post, do let me know what you think in the comments below! And feel free to leave your own six word story in the comments whether it’s about this theme or something else. I absolutely love hearing these stories from you guys.

For more six word stories click here.

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45 responses to “Six Word Story #12”

  1. Just the right length!

    1. Haha that’s what I was hoping for!

  2. Amazingly good mate ✔️💯❣️

    1. Thank you!

      1. Pleasure always for ur words ☺️

  3. This is brilliant!
    I’ve never attempted a word story,perhaps i should.

    1. Thank you and yes definitely try it out they’re really fun!

  4. Succinct! 🙂

    1. Thank you!

  5. Freaky. But amazing!!

    1. Thank you!!

  6. Quite Intense!

  7. That works Pooj!

    1. Thanks Opher!

  8. I’d love to try this

    1. You should they are so fun!

      1. I have scheduled one 🙂 credited you of course x

        1. Aw thank you!!

          1. It’s really my pleasure. I have enjoyed writing a couple!

  9. Wow, six words Pooja

    1. Hope you enjoyed it!

      1. Lovely. You are so very talented Pooja

        1. Thank you so much!

          1. You are welcome Pooja

    1. Thanks for the reblog!

  10. It’s spooky, but I love it! Good luck with your poetry/ stories, can’t wait to see what you write =)

    1. Thank you so much!!

  11. I liked it really haunting

    1. Thank you!

  12. I would really appreciate if you check out my blogs,
    Thanks for your time!

  13. Awesome work 👍

    1. Thank you!

  14. Hi, Pooja.
    Just six words but all I can say is wow!

    I tried writing a paragraph story series on my Facebook page but I’ve missed a couple days already, hahaha.

  15. I really like this one, Pooja! The reader is not quite sure whether this is literally the walls closing in or emotionally. Well done!

  16. Go to
    To read the latest episode of “love and revenge”

  17. Proof that 6 words can be just as powerful as 60!

    1. Absolutely! Even a few words can say so much!

  18. This is an alarming story. A lot of emotion going on here.

    1. Yeah a lot of emotion can be put into such few words.

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