When Things End

On The Brink Of Collapse | Six Word Story




On one side




On the other.

“When Things End” is a poem that first appeared on Lifesfinewhine. This poem is about the ups and downs of life. As I am sure we have all experienced, things begin and things end. There are no constants in life. The only thing that remains constant for us is change.

Generally, as the cliche goes, when one thing ends another thing begins. And I have found those words to be very true. There have been a lot of endings and beginnings in my life especially recently. And I think this poem came from the feelings I have experienced when things end. There are always negative emotions that we experience and positive emotions that also come along.

Have you experienced any endings or beginnings lately? What are some endings that have stayed with you over the years. What did you think of this poem “When Things End?” Do let me know your answers to these questions in the comments below because I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic. Or you can simply just stop by and say hi!

For more poetry click here.

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11 responses to “When Things End”

  1. Going through it right now… I totally understand

  2. Endings lead to beginnings. Peace, young one.

  3. Very succinct.

  4. Wow. Out of all the recent six word poetry, I like this one the best. It is heart-breaking but so true.

  5. This is really art. I understand what you mean and we go through this all the time. Thank you for putting my mental state right now, into six words. Life is a journey, not a destination.
    Erin | http://kittyjadeblog.com

  6. Reblogged this on By the Mighty Mumford and commented:

  7. Sometimes it’s better not to over analyze…or draw things out too far. Time to lick your wounds and move on! This poem describes this by its very structure and terse wording!

  8. So true, Pooja!

  9. Beautiful and true! Great job ⭐

    1. Thank you so much!

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