5 Seinfeld Quotes That Will Make You Chuckle

As many of my regular readers already know, I am a huge fan of Seinfeld. Since I’m too young to watch it when it was on air, I watched it when more recently and really loved it. Seinfeld is hilarious and also very unique since I think it was the first popular show that had characters who were bad people. And that’s what made the show even funnier. The fact that the plot was so unique and even relatable in so many instances. Anyway, I hope you enjoy these 5 Seinfeld quotes as much as I did and do share your favourite one below.

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Image result for seinfeld quotes

Hope you got a good chuckle out of these Seinfeld quotes!

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Have you seen Seinfeld? Are you a fan of Seinfeld and any of the characters in particular? Did you enjoy these Seinfeld quotes? Which is your favourite Seinfeld quote? Who is your favourite character on Seinfeld? Or do you enjoy all the characters on the show equally? If you’ve never seen Seinfeld, why? One of my friends said she can’t watch it because George’s character reminds her of someone, lol. Let me know in the comments section below because I would love to hear from you. Or simply stop by and say hi!

For more quotes click here.

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18 responses to “5 Seinfeld Quotes That Will Make You Chuckle”

  1. what’s the deal with corn-nuts?

    1. Is it a corn or is it a nut??

  2. Love Seinfeld!! Such a classic!

    1. I just watched it recently and it was hilarious!

  3. Love these!! It’s been ages since the last time I watched any episode of Seinfeld

    1. Seinfeld is so funny I’ve been rewatching it lately!

  4. I always loved Seinfeld. There are so many things I say from that show. “No Soup for You!”

    1. Hahaha the soup one is hilarious!

  5. This brings back good memories. Thanks.

    1. Hahaha yup!

  6. Nice one Pooj.

    1. Thank you!

  7. Hey! I’ve nominated you for the Mystery Blogger Award. Congratulations!


    1. Thanks I’ll check it out!

  8. I don’t usually like sticoms, but that’s a good one.

    1. Yeah it’s really good!

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