Blogging Mistakes Bloggers Should Never Make

Blogging Mistakes You Should Avoid

Blogging Mistakes Bloggers Should Never Make

If you’re a blogger and especially if you’re starting out chances are you may not have even realised you are making these mistakes. Here are five blogging mistakes bloggers should never make because it may destroy their blog:

Not being active

If you are not active on other peoples blog than you can’t expect them to be active on yours. Blogging is definitely a two way street and being active can get you a much larger audience as well as followers. If you’re not active your blog will take longer to grow.

Blogging Mistakes Bloggers Should Never Make


As I mentioned be active but don’t spam people with comments that have nothing to do with their comments. A lot of new bloggers end up leaving their link on other peoples posts and it really does not help to do that because it can get a little annoying especially when you do it constantly. Instead leave genuine comments about the post and that will be more likely to lead them back to your blog. If you do want to share your blog you can check if they have a share and promote page which would be the appropriate place to leave your link.

no one wants that gif


As I always say tags are super duper important! Make sure you don’t overdo it with the tags though because WordPress will assume you’re spamming and leave your post out of the recommended tags section. I’ve realised that the perfect amount is ten but take a look at what works for you and tag accordingly.

Blogging Mistakes Bloggers Should Never Make hashtags gif

Copying posts/not giving credit to the source

This is a huge no. Don’t ever do this. It is horrible to take credit for another bloggers work. If you are inspired by it and want to share it there is always the option to repost/reblog the original post or if you decide to copy and paste make sure you have the bloggers permission and give them credit for their work.

copying gif

Spamming followers with posts

It’s great to post regularly but honestly the majority of your followers probably don’t want to see like 20 posts from you everyday. I would suggest don’t post more than once a day and definitely don’t post more than once an hour. You may end up getting traffic/followers for a while because you’re in the algorithm but it will mess up your blog on the long run and decrease activity.

don't do it gif

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182 responses to “Blogging Mistakes Bloggers Should Never Make”

  1. Great tips ☺

    1. You are always helpful

      1. Happy to hear that thank you!

      2. Ein sehr guter artikel. I’m a beginner (Anfängerin) at blogging, and like suggestions like this…

        1. Vielen dank!

    2. Thank you!

  2. Great post and tips.
    Thank you very much.
    Can I submit poem as a guest post?

    1. Thank you!
      Yes a poem is fine.

        1. Could you email it to me? I only accept guest posts via email as it’s easier for me to keep track and schedule them accordingly.

  3. I wholeheartedly agree with the spammy comments thing!! Whenever someone leaves a comment on my blog which is basically “hey come and look at my blog” with no actuall comment about my post, I always challenge them! They rarely answer!!

    1. Yeah it’s very frustrating. I think someone leaving me that comment will make me go out of my way to avoid their blog. If they left a genuine comment I would have actually reciprocated.

      1. Exactly!
        If someone leaves me a genuine comment I generally go and look at their blog 🙂
        It happens on Instagram too

        1. Yes exactly you can leave an actual comment and are more likely to get a response!
          Yeah it happens a lot on Instagram to me.

          1. Instagram seems to be full of strange people I don’t understand tbh…

            1. Absolutely I sometimes get the weirdest people following me but luckily they unfollow me when I follow back. And don’t even get me started on the messages!

              1. Oh blimey the messages!!
                I do not understand what goes through some people’s heads!!

                1. Yeah it’s crazy! I think since they’re behind a screen they think they can say whatever but it’s still weird.

                  1. I frequently ask them questions like “why do you think this is an acceptable way to start a conversation”

                    I don’t usually get coherent replies!

                    1. Lol I usually ignore them but now I’m going to start asking that too just to see how they respond!

                    2. It is worth it occasionally 😀

                    3. Lol I’m sure some of the replies are insane!

                    4. Some are hilarious…I need to screenshot some and do a blog post about it

                    5. Please send me a link to that I would love to read the replies 😂😂

                    6. I will do 😊😊

  4. Some good tips right here! Though I don’t think I can post more than one blog per day even if I wanted more traffic😅 Anyway, thee tags tip was helpful to me personally so thanks!

    1. That’s great to hear glad the tags are working in your favour!

  5. Thus was helpful, I am just starting out and trying to figure my way through all the dos and don’t s. Just figured out the tagging thing but good to see someone else saying about its importance. Really love the fact like blogging itself seems like a little community.

    1. Thank you I’m so glad it helped. Blogging really is like a community most of the time I really feel like we’re all one huge family!

      1. I am just learning that, it feels good to be involved.

        1. Yeah it definitely does!

  6. I had read on WordPress’ forum that it doesn’t appreciate more than 3 tags. 4 at max. 10 will be a high strech.

    1. Yeah some people prefer 3-4 tags but from what I have read the maximum number of tags WordPress will let you use before identifying it as spam is 10 if you don’t own the domain/pay for your site. If you do pay for your site than you can change the maximum number of tags in your setting to higher than 10 without WordPress identifying it as spam. However, I would recommend doing whatever works for you!

  7. Thank you great tips.

    1. Thank you!

  8. I am new to this and these are awesome points. Thank you for the reminders :). I have a lot to learn.

    1. You’re very welcome and hope these tips help out!

  9. Very useful tips!

    1. Thank you!

  10. Such great tips!

    1. Thank you!

  11. Useful blog!! Loved it ❤✌

    1. Thank you so much!

    1. Thanks for the reblog!

  12. I absolutely agree – now come and have a look at my blog – haha only kidding 😂


  13. Thank you Pooja. I have been wondering about how many posts to do 😇

    1. Glad it helped!

  14. Great advice here it’s funny I see some of these a lot.

    1. Yeah I see them too especially when people start out blogging because you’re not sure yet what to do and what not to do.

      1. I think back to what I did when I started and cringe lol

        1. Lol same 😂

          1. What’s the most cringeworthy thing you remember?

            1. The emo poetry😂 You?

              1. Not sure really there’s lots… Some of my personal posts probably

                1. Yeah the personal posts are always hard to read through again.

                  1. Yeah and they always make me cringe

                    1. Lol sameq

  15. Thanks so much for your tips! Being a new blogger I can use all the help I can find.

    1. You’re very welcome hope they help!

  16. Amazing tips! Thanks🙂

    1. Thank you!

  17. Good reminder!

    1. Thanks!

  18. I’m a new blogger and I am probably making many mistakes but you are always so helpful. Thank you. There seems to be no end of people willing to give advice but you have the knack of hitting the nail on the head.

    1. Thank you so much I’m so happy to hear that!

  19. I agree with all of these, and I especially like the last one. When I scroll through reader, I don’t want to only see one blogger over and over again. I’ve quit following one or two people for that very reason even though I often enjoyed their posts.

    1. Yeah it’s very annoying and just spams the reader!

  20. great blog especially since i’m a newbie. a lot of helpful tips

    1. Thank you so much!

  21. I’m a first time blogger and this post has given me quite a few insights into the whole process. Also, thank you for being the first person to like any of my posts. 🙂

    1. You’re very welcome and I hope the tips help!

  22. Thanks for these usefull tips!

    1. Thank you!

  23. Excellent advice, Pooja! Since ‘re-starting’ my blogging again, blogging regularly once a week has helped stretch out my blogging longevity while keeping it consistent for readers if they’d like to see more. Good luck with your blogging! 🙂

    1. Thank you so much and I’m glad you were able to find your flow with blogging!

  24. Thankyou for the advice.

    1. You’re welcome hope it helps!

  25. As a new blogger,I needed that. Keep it up!

    1. Thanks hope it helps!

    1. Thank you

  26. Good points Pooja.Very helpful.
    Thank you

    1. Thank you so much!

  27. NoblemanWarrior Avatar

    Thank you Pooja. Helpful stuff!

    1. Haha thank you!

  28. Now this was a great post, with great advice. Thank you!

    1. Thank you so much!

  29. The last one is a defo no no because that’s how I end up unfollowing people 😬

    1. Haha same it annoys the hell out of me!

  30. Such great tips! 💗 I post 5 times a month because I also want to create good content and that takes time. I used to use too many tags which was the reason my blog wasn’t growing. I’m happy that I learned from that and only use 10 now and it works much better.

    1. Thank you and I used to make the same mistake of using too many tags but now that I use ten I’ve seen a huge increase in traffic.

  31. Great Post. As a new blogger, it’s nice to get good insight on what’s worked for you.
    Thank you 🙂

    1. Thanks and hope they help!

  32. Very useful

  33. Really great tips!!!

    I’m a bit rubbish at commenting but I’ll definitely change that now!

    1. Thank you! I read somewhere that you’re supposed to post 15 comments a day to increase your traffic. I’m not sure how well it works but it seemed to work for them.

      1. Thank you any tips are appreciated. I’ll give that a go.

        1. You’re very welcome!

  34. This was quite helpful thanks❤️ seeing as I’m also starting out.

    1. Thanks happy to hear that!

  35. Really helpful post! I haven’t been active on here much recently and I can’t wait to get into it!

    1. Thanks and good luck getting back to blogging!

  36. Thanks for that.

    1. Thank you!

  37. Good article and tips, tried to follow your advice about ten tags, could only justify nine and still look at myself in the mirror.

    1. Haha nine are fine too!

  38. Great tips! Spamming is the worst thing some bloggers do. I followed one blogger and then I saw her posting about 20 posts a day. It is so annoying. I stopped reading her posts and just delete the email, then I unfollowed her.

    1. Yeah it’s so frustrating and I have had to unfollow people for constantly posting every few minutes.

  39. As a new blogger, this really helps!! Thanks!

    1. Thanks happy to hear that!

  40. Thank you for the awesome tips 🙂

  41. […] Pooja of wrote a good post about blogging mistakes to avoid. You can click on 5 Mistakes Bloggers Should Never Make. […]

  42. Great tips, thank you!

    1. Thank you!

  43. So glad I read this post! Great tips!

    1. Thank you!

  44. This is really good advice that a beginner like me doesn’t even think about. Thank you.

    1. Thanks hope it helps!

  45. Most of these tips are really useful and practical. Thanks for the nice read

    1. Thank you!

  46. Thank you for sharing your tips. I agree with as a blogger you need to be consistent to have any kind of traffic on your blog and social media platforms. I have found that keeping a notebook with all of your blog posts ideas together with when you Intend to post them is very helpful.

    1. Yeah I definitely agree keeping a notebook is super helpful I’ve been doing that for like 2 years now.

  47. Thanks for the tips! As a new blogger I appreciate the advice, especially the part about staying active on the other blogs I read. Will be doing more of that!

    1. Thank you I’m so glad they helped! Staying active makes a huge difference in traffic for sure!

  48. Geat advice – particularly over tags which I now know I probably overdo.

    1. Thank you glad it helped!

  49. I’ve been an occasional blogger for several years. It may be time to get serious about it. Thanks for this advice!

    1. Maybe it’s a sign!

  50. Thank you for these tips. I am new at this so it will really help not make these mistakes

    1. Thanks glad it helped!

  51. That’s a powerful lesson. Thanks so much, I learnt a lot from it

    1. Thank you!

  52. Yes, this a great post. Thanks! I guess I just need to set a scheduled day of when to post. Would be helpful to know how to set up a schedule if you can write about that!

    1. Thanks glad you enjoyed it! I’ll definitely put out a post on how to schedule soon!

  53. Great advice!!! Thank you!

  54. Great post. Thank you.

    1. Thank you!

  55. Awesome! Thank you for these reminders! 🙂

    1. Thank you!

  56. I like how short, sweet and to the point this was. Great advice!

    1. Thanks so glad you enjoyed it!

  57. We are just starting as new bloggers, and found this post really helpful! Thank you! 💕

    1. So happy to hear that!

  58. Good advice!

  59. These are great tips for new Bloggers and great reminders for established ones.

    1. Thank you so much!

  60. Hey, thanks a lot for sharing your insight. I’ll make sure to especially take note of points 1 and 3. 🙂

    1. Thanks hope it helps!

  61. Thanks. I agree that a post on scheduling would definitely be something I would read.

    1. It’s coming soon!

  62. Will be taking note of this!
    Thank you for sharing 😀

    1. Thank you and hope it helps!

  63. Thank you so much. This is super helpful to me. ❤

    1. Thanks so happy to hear that!

  64. I needed this!

    1. Hope it helps!

  65. […] have been meaning to do this post for quite a while now because I had a couple of requests on my comments section asking me for it. So sorry it took forever and here it is- hope it […]

  66. Oh wow, this is so informative! Thank you for posting this ~ this has been helpful 🙂

    1. Thank you so glad it helped!

  67. Thanks so much for the post
    I am just starting tho and I really needed tips on how to build it, ur post was enlightening.

    1. I’m so happy to hear it helped!

    1. Thank you!

  68. Wow! Great blog! I thoroughly enjoy reading your posts about blogging; very helpful and informative! 😍

    1. Thank you so much!

  69. You are so my go to person when I need some help. Thankyou for sharing your tips. It is really daunting when you do your first blog, but you have answered so many questions already.

    1. Thank you so much so glad to hear the tips help!

  70. Amazing tips ✨

  71. Again, great tips. I’m glad I found you. Or that you found me. lol

    1. Haha! Hope the tips help!

  72. Favourite_Favour Avatar

    Great tips! These tips would go a long way. Thanks, Pooja!

    1. Thank you so much!

      1. Favourite_Favour Avatar


  73. […] have been meaning to do this post for quite a while now because I had a couple of requests on my comments section asking me for it. So sorry it took forever and here it is- hope it […]

  74. […] have been meaning to do this post for quite a while now because I had a couple of requests on my comments section asking me for it. So sorry it took forever and here it is- hope it […]

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