George Costanza Quotes That Are Relatable AF

As many of my regular readers already know, I am a huge fan of Seinfeld. Since I’m too young to watch it when it was on air, I watched it when more recently and really loved it. Seinfeld is hilarious and also very unique since I think it was the first popular show that had characters who were bad people. And that’s what made the show even funnier. I think George Costanza is my absolute favourite. He says what we’re all thinking but don’t say. Here are some George Costanza quotes:

george costanza quote

george costanza quotes

George costanza quotes

george costanza quote funny

george costanza quotes

george costanza quotes

george costanza quote

I can not be the only person who finds George really relatable. Let me know in the comments below if you found these quotes relatable!

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Have you seen Seinfeld? Are you a fan of Seinfeld and George Costanza in particular? Did you enjoy these George Costanza quotes? Which is your favourite Seinfeld quote? Who is your favourite character on Seinfeld? Or do you enjoy all the characters on the show equally? If you’ve never seen Seinfeld, why? One of my friends said she can’t watch it because George’s character reminds her of someone, lol. Let me know in the comments section below because I would love to hear from you. Or simply stop by and say hi!

For more quotes click here.

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28 responses to “George Costanza Quotes That Are Relatable AF”

  1. Love this!

    1. Thank you!

  2. RELATE. lol. That was great.

    1. Lol glad you enjoyed it!

  3. That last one really got me. I love George Costanza.

    1. Lol he’s the best!

    1. Thank you!

      1. Seriousluly. I used to love Seinfeld. But no I find it dull, boring, and just plain stupid. 😶

        1. Well to each their own

          1. Yes. To each one’s own. 😎

  4. I enjoyed that!

    1. Happy to hear that!

  5. I realize that I do most of my Seinfeld quote and thoughts of the week from George.

    1. He is a very relatable person!

  6. One of the greatest sitcom characters of all time!

  7. Love George Costanza!
    And the Seinfeld show in general. 😀

    1. It’s awesome!

  8. I loved reading this! So relatable, especially that part where he says: ‘The universe is against me’.

    1. Lol yeah George is one of the most relatable characters ever for me!

  9. Omg 😂😂😂 love this!

    1. Lol thanks!

  10. haha love this! George is such a great character!

    1. Lol he really is!

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