How To Schedule Your Posts On WordPress #2

How To Schedule Your Posts

I have been meaning to do a post on how to schedule your posts for quite a while now because I had a couple of requests on my comments section asking me for it. So sorry it took forever and here it is- hope it helps.

For the full tutorial on how to schedule your post click here.

How To Schedule Your Posts Part 2

Scheduling your posts so that your posts go up at the optimum time for your blog is a great way to increase views and follows. Here are some ways to find the perfect time to schedule your post:

Check when your optimum reach time is

This is the easiest way to check what day and time you get the best views. In your insights section it will tell you what your most popular day and time is. Try to post at this time regularly and you will notice an increase in views.

Notice when you get more comments

Try posting at different times for a couple of days and check when you get the most comments. Comments are important because they show activity and seeing when you get the most comments will help you figure out when your audience is most active and therefore you can schedule your post to go up at this time to increase activity on your blog.

Early bird or night owl

Most people don’t usually use WordPress throughout the day and like most social media people tend to check it in the morning before nine and in the evenings after six. Scheduling your post to go up at these times will help increase your views and follows since more people are likely

Don’t keep changing the times

Once you are able to figure out your optimum time don’t keep changing the times when you post. Schedule your posts to go up at that time every time you post so that your audience knows when to visit your blog. It is very easy to lose views/follows when you keep posting at different times.

To read the the first part of this post click here.

For similar posts click here.

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73 responses to “How To Schedule Your Posts On WordPress #2”

  1. Great advice, thanks!

    1. Thank you!

  2. Very helpful!

    1. Thank you!

  3. Thank you so much for this wonderful advice, based on your earlier advice I am going to schedule my today’s post

    1. Hope you see a difference it really helps!


    1. Thank you so much!!

    1. Thanks for the reblog!

  5. Wise advice

    1. Thank you!

  6. Thank you pooja for this post! I am new to all this , it certainly gonna help.

    1. Thank you!

  7. Yeah, I definitely think readers value consistency more than anything else when it comes to scheduling posts. It really makes a difference if you can stick to a pattern.

    1. Absolutely agree!

      1. For me, I tend to guarantee a new game review every Sunday at 6:00am in my time zone. There have been a few times in which I wasn’t able to keep to that pattern (usually when real life gets in the way), but I tend to stick with 6:00am on a given day when posting new content.

        1. Yeah I post at the same time it really helps with views and follows.

  8. Cheers Pooj.

  9. Really helpful, thank you!

    1. Thank you!

  10. Very helpful! Thank you.

    1. Thank you!

  11. I definitely post during the day, so I’m going test your early/late idea as well as take a look at my optimum reach time. Thanks!

    1. Hope it helps!

  12. Thank you for this information and for laying it out in a way that makes it easy to accomplish.

    1. Thanks so glad you enjoyed it!

  13. Thanks for this post, Pooja. I always have a tough time understanding what time I should post. Will use your post for reference from now on 🙂

    1. Thanks hope it helps!

  14. I guess it all depends in which part of the world your followers live as to when is their early morning or late evening. Not always an easy thing.

    1. Yeah it depends on time zones for sure. I would suggest trying out different times and then sticking to what works best.

  15. Thanks for this…

    1. Hope it helps!

  16. […] How to Schedule Your Posts on WordPress for more views and follows Part 2 […]

  17. Thanks for the advice!

    1. You’re welcome hope it helps!

  18. Thanks for this, hope this works for me! 😀

    1. Thank you I really think it will be a big help!

      1. 🙂 I have a question! How do i gain more followers and how do I get a bigger audience to view my posts? 😣

        1. There are multiple posts in this category that I hope will help you with that Here’s the link

            1. You’re welcome!

  19. Totally agree about early morning & late night posting! I try to stick to early morning posting and then views / engagement will trickle throughout the rest of the day!

    1. Yeah I do that too- I usually post around 6am and it makes a huge difference in views.

  20. This was really helpful, Thank you!

    1. Glad to hear that!

  21. […] Optimum timings- You may not be getting the amount of likes you deserve by posting/publishing at the wrong timings. By publishing at the optimum time you will not only get more likes but more follows and activity in general. For the full post on how to figure out your optimum time click here.  […]

  22. I was wondering if timing had anything to do with it, did not know about the insights. Thanks!

    1. Thanks I’m glad the post helped!

    1. Hope it helps!

  23. Thanks for sharing this! I’m a newbie at blogging and I’m still figuring out much of the technical parts of it. I was wondering about optimum reach time earlier and I’m so glad I came here.

    And thank you for taking time to come over to my brand new blog and be the first person to drop a like on my post! 😀

  24. Reblogged this on By the Mighty Mumford and commented:

    1. Thank you!

      1. You are entirely welcome!

  25. This is great for a newbie like myself. Thank you so much!

    1. Glad to hear that hope it helps!

  26. […] Consistency is one of the most important things when you are trying to increase your traffic, following or keep readers coming back to your blog. If a reader does not know when you will post next or if your blog is still active it is very likely that they will follow your blog or return to read more of your content. The best way to remain consistent is to schedule your posts for your optimum time and then post at that time every day/every other day/every week. Don’t put out random posts at random times because this will do a lot more damage than good. There is also a huge difference between posting regularly and spamming people with posts so make sure to not spam people either. This is a huge turn off for readers and will likely cause them to unfollow you. For more on how to schedule your post click here. For more on how to find  the optimum time to post click here. […]

  27. […] sure what your optimum time to post is and want to learn how to find it in order to grow your blog click here. Once you have have figured out your optimum time make sure to actively and consistently post on a […]

  28. […] sure what your optimum time to post is and want to learn how to find it in order to grow your blog click here. Once you have have figured out your optimum time make sure to actively and consistently post on a […]

  29. […] A lot of your followers probably follow multiple people and let’s be honest if you post at random times they are likely not going to see all your posts and most people will not go out of their way to see if you have posted something new recently. Therefore, posting at the same time or at least having some kind of schedule for each post makes a huge difference- it does not get you random followers/readers but rather loyal followers/readers. To find out how to schedule your post for maximum followers and traffic click here.  […]

  30. This is so helpful, thank you so much!

    1. So glad you found it helpful!

  31. […] For more on how to schedule your post for the optimum number of traffic and following click here.  […]

  32. […] sure what your optimum time to post is and want to learn how to find it in order to grow your blog click here. Once you have have figured out your optimum time make sure to actively and consistently post on a […]

  33. […] Consistency is one of the most important things when you are trying to increase your traffic, following or keep readers coming back to your blog. If a reader does not know when you will post next or if your blog is still active it is very likely that they will follow your blog or return to read more of your content. The best way to remain consistent is to schedule your posts for your optimum time and then post at that time every day/every other day/every week. Don’t put out random posts at random times because this will do a lot more damage than good. There is also a huge difference between posting regularly and spamming people with posts so make sure to not spam people either. This is a huge turn off for readers and will likely cause them to unfollow you. For more on how to schedule your post click here. For more on how to find  the optimum time to post click here. […]

  34. […] It also really helps not to just randomly pick a time and schedule. You should be posting at your optimal time so as to reach as many people as possible. I won’t go into too much detail about how to do since I already have a post explaining it. If you’re interested in learning how to find the optimal time for you to post, please click here. […]

  35. […] Related Post: How To Schedule Your Posts […]

  36. Another great post! To the person reading this: I hope you have a wonderful day.

    1. Thanks and that’s so sweet, hope you’re having a wonderful day too!

      1. Thank you, I am!

  37. […] There is also a huge difference between posting regularly and spamming people with posts so make sure to not spam people either. This is a huge turn off for readers and will likely cause them to unfollow you. For more on how to schedule your post click here. For more on how to find  the optimum time to post click here. […]

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