The Liebster Award #10

The Liebster Award

I want to thank Manoj Mehra for nominating me for The Liebster Award! I really appreciate it! His blog is mostly about lifestyle posts and things about life in general so definitely go check it out!

Rules For The Liebster Award

  1. Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you.
  2. Share 11 facts about yourself.
  3. Answer the 11 questions the blogger(s) asked you.
  4. Nominate 11 bloggers and make them happy!
  5. Make up to 11 questions and ask them to your nominees.
  6. Notify your 11 nominees.

11 Facts About Me

  • I freaking love cats- and all other animals.
  • I’m super into meditation these days.
  • I’m 22 years old.
  • I’m Kenyan.
  • My favourite book is Pride and Prejudice.
  • I love makeup and anything to do with it.
  • My favourite makeup brands are ELF and Kat Von D
  • I have six piercings all on my ears.
  • I have brown eyes.
  • I love tattoos.
  • I want to eventually be a full time writer.

My Questions

Why did you start blogging? 

It was the perfect outlet for my writing.

writing gif

Do you like reading books or novels?

Both- it depends on my mood really.

The Liebster Award

How will you spend a day without mobile?


The Liebster Award

What is happiness according to you?

Being content with where you are in life.

The Liebster Award

What are your regrets?

Not going vegan sooner, not starting my blog sooner, wasting time on people who are not worth it.

vegan gif

Which one movie or show character do you like the most?

Han Solo from Star Wars.

han solo gif

What is your favorite TV series or show?

Of all time probably Friends, but right now probably Seinfeld.

friends gif Seinfeld gif

Who is your favorite sport?

I’m not like a huge fan or anything but I do like football.

The Liebster Award gif

Who is your favorite sport player?

Don’t have a favourite but I do like Messi.

The Liebster Award

Who is your favorite singer?

I can honestly not pick just one- I love everything from Bob Marley to Queen to Eminem.

headphones dancing gif

What is your favorite food?

Anything Indian or Korean!

korean mukbang gif

My Nominees

Anyone who wants to do this award please feel free to and use the same questions I did!

For more award posts click here.

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44 responses to “The Liebster Award #10”

  1. Congratulations!

    1. Thank you!

      1. You’re welcome:)

  2. Congratulations!

  3. Haha! 😂 Love this! I too would spend a day sleeping if I weren’t on my phone or laptop😂. I love cats too! I also love makeup (which I have to get more into these days). And it’s funny how I’ve become a meditation/yoga junky recently myself lol. With attending college and everything, I need yoga & meditation in my life. I just wish I started it sooner! And omg, you have a lot of ear piercings 😂 I have 7 EAR piercings (in total) and altogether on my face? (Including ears)–9 lol. GREAT POST, I learned a little about you, PoojaG 😉👍

    1. Thank you so much! I’m so glad we have so much in common! I started meditating much more after I started university as well and I totally wish I had done more of it when I was younger.

      1. I’m so glad we have a lot in common too❤ and meditation is so simple, but yet so effective. I really feel like it cures the soul lol. The earlier you get into it, I believe the better you would feel as you continue to grow older.

  4. Enda Kenneally Avatar
    Enda Kenneally

    Congrats on the award, and for being a fan of Messi!

    1. Lol thank you!

  5. Hey poojaG, I started like following you the other day, but all I can see is that you deserve more of this awards…Am kenyan too!

    1. Thank you so much and so nice to meet a fellow Kenyan blogger!

  6. Yayyyy for you

    1. Thank you!

  7. Diana (Fille de Dieu) 🛐 Avatar
    Diana (Fille de Dieu) 🛐

    Nice! Congrats! And yes to football and Messi! 😄

    1. Thank you and yes football is so fun to watch and Messi is incredible!

  8. Congratulations Pooja!!😊

    1. Thank you!!

  9. Congratulations, my dear.

    1. Thank you!

  10. nice to learn a little bit about you!

    1. Thank you!

  11. Congratulations 🙂

    1. Thank you!

      1. Your welcome ❤️

  12. Congratulations Pooja 😀 I’m cat lovers too (and other animal as well).

    1. Thank you and I’m glad we have that in common!

  13. Congratulations on receiving this award! Also, I applaud you on keeping up with these awards and completing them. I don’t know how you did the time to blog so often, but you’re doing something right – so keep doing what you’re doing. 👏 😇

    P.S. I have ear piercings too but my favorite piercing is my nose piercing. I also like cats. I’ve got one and miss him terribly. He’s probably having the time of his life at his “cat hotel.”

    1. Thank you so much!! It’s super difficult to blog regularly but I try to make time whenever I can!

      Awww he probably loves it! I hope you get to see him again soon!

  14. how valuable is this award?

    1. Emotionally- a lot

      1. OK. But it seems i use to like your post why don’t you do so to mine.

        1. Thank you so much for the links I appreciate it. Unfortunately I get a lot of likes/comments a day and can not like back all of them. I’ll check out your blog though thanks for the comment.

  15. CONGRATS!!! 😀

    1. Thank you!

  16. Congrats !! Very impressive interview . Can you nominate me for my blog.?

    1. Thanks and definitely feel free to do the award!

      1. I have taken your name as a nominee for the libster award please check my post and give reply.

  17. thanks , visit my site for it . Give comment as you wish,

  18. Please give comment to my site ,

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