Why The Comments Section Is Important

Why The Comments Section Is Important

When it comes to blogging you’ll hear a lot about follows and traffic especially if you’re trying to start blogging professionally or become an influencer. However, the comments section is an underrated yet very important part of blogging especially if you’re trying to blog professionally because a lot of clients will check out your comments section and see what readers have to say about your blog and how active your blog is. If you’re thinking of becoming an influencer a lot of sponsors will look at your comments section to see whether your following consists of real, organic followers. Here are some more reasons your comments section should be one of your priorities:

It helps increase traffic

I’ve noticed a lot of times that if you take the time to reply to someones comments or have a conversation with them it encourages them to revisit your blog because they enjoyed the experiences. Encouraging conversation on your comments section is a great way to increase your traffic and grow your blog.

It helps increase your following

To a large number of bloggers increasing following is important and I get asked pretty often how to increase following. Engaging readers in the comments section and taking time to reply to comments is a great way to do this. If your reader feels heard and appreciated they are much more likely to follow your blog.

It helps give you feedback on your post

Even though you are happy with your post it is always good to get feedback about it from your readers and your comments section is perfect for this. If you’ve been blogging for a while you will notice what topics get more comments/interaction as well as which don’t. This will help you understand what readers enjoy on your blog and thus help you get more traffic.

It helps get you constructive criticism

Even though you are satisfied with your post/posts your readers may have positive criticism on how you could improve it and make it even better. This is the kind of criticism you should take in because it will help you improve your blog as well as your skills as a blogger which will consequently help you gain more traffic and following.

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113 responses to “Why The Comments Section Is Important”

  1. Loved this post. Precise and to the point. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you so much glad you enjoyed it!

  2. I think you should also mention comments in a different light. Leaving comments on other people’s blogs makes them feel noticed and they may follow your blog as a result. I know I appreciated that you with your cast of thousands took the time to follow and comment on my blog even though I’m just getting started.

    1. Yes absolutely it’s always great to take the time to be active on other people’s blog- I actually talk about that on my next post check it out tomorrow!

  3. I am sharing your post my fellow Jedi 🙂

    1. Thank you much appreciated!

      1. You’re welcome 😀


    1. Absolutely!

    1. Thank you so much!

  5. I recently started a blog and completely agree with your thoughts. What tips can you give to increase reader comments?

    1. First, have great content that will entice comments. Second, actively ask for your reader’s opinion on the topic.

    2. I actually have a post about just that coming out tomorrow you can check it out for ways to increase comments on your blog!

  6. […] The post is- Why The Comments Section Is Important […]

  7. I wholeheartedly agree.

    * Also, though it’s not a large metric, there is a correlation between website/post engagement and SEO. That’s why so many ‘influencers’ say ‘Comment down below’ or ‘Leave me a comment’ or ‘tell me your favourite type of cheese’ and so on and so forth.

    1. Yes exactly I’ve noticed that myself and I can tell it makes a difference to have more engagement!

  8. Perfect post for the day. I am reblogging it. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you so much!!

      1. You are most welcome.

  9. The Joe Bastianich meme has me living! JB is hilarious. But very informative post, loved your insights.

    1. Lol glad you enjoyed it!!

  10. Commenting on the posts of others in order to increase your own exposure is very important, and I should do it more often.

    1. Haha this is a good start!

  11. Nice to get and give comments.

    1. Definitely!

  12. Very helpful…thank you.

    1. Thank you!

  13. I’m a firm believer of engagement through comments. It’s gotten to the point where I can’t keep up with the comment section on my blog and right now I’m playing catch-up. Who would have thought that this would happen in 4 months, when earlier this year I was lucky to have even one commenter? Each comment I see makes me as happy as a child in a candy store! 😊💕

    Also, by commenting on other people’s posts, we are essentially leaving our footprints on these blogs for others to find us. I leave more comments on people’s blogs than the number of posts I publish on my blog because I haven’t learned how to effectively use this tool called “scheduling posts” or “time management” yet. 😂

    1. Haha it took me literally like 2 years to figure out and start scheduling my posts so I get where you’re coming from!

      The comments section is so important and like you said it leaves your link everywhere which is great for increasing activity on your own blog!

      1. I know how to schedule them. I just don’t write enough on a regular basis! Not sure how I’m going to write 43 blog posts ahead of time for next year 😂 (probably won’t happen…) Time management is a big struggle for me since I have a million things going on at once! Idk how you keep up with it all! 😂😅😆

        1. Lol I barely manage I literally just got the hang of it. I used to rarely post during my first year of university and I still have to try really hard to keep up!

  14. Wise words Pooja!

    1. Thank you!

  15. I can’t see the point of blogging unless you get to know people and talk to them.

    1. Totally agree!

  16. Great tips, thanks! 😊

    1. Thank you!!

      1. You’re welcome!

  17. That Joe Bastianich meme. 😂

    But the comments section is really important stuff. I have found that responding to commenters leads to more comments from them in the future…and others too.

  18. Awesome advice Pooja!!

  19. I will not follow a blog that does not allow comments no matter how great the content. I believe if you do not allow comments you do not value or are fearful of other’s opinion and so your blog is not worth my time.

    1. I agree as well, and it just seems like it misses the point in connecting maybe.

      1. Yeah true

  20. Great article! I just started blogging and I am always looking for ways to increase traffic to my blog. If I could do this professionally I totally would. Also how do you become sponsored?

    1. Thank you! So I would suggest for sponsored posts reach out to people who you think would be interested or have something to do with what you blog about I’m sure that will help get your name out there.

      1. Thanks! I will definitely give that a try once I get more followers.

  21. Great post and useful suggestions

    1. Thank you!

  22. Another helpful post to make my blog even better. Thank you.

    1. Thank you so glad they’re helping!

  23. Excellent post! Thanks!

    1. Thank you!

  24. Another great post, very informative. Excellent!

    1. Thank you!

  25. Your posts make me want to stay consistent with my blog. Keep up the good work. Thanks for being here’

    1. Thank you so much!!

  26. […] wrote a post about the benefits of having an active comments section that you can check out here. Here are some ways to increase comments on your […]

  27. That’s great advice. Engaging in conversation helps us (and our blogs) grow!

  28. I agree that comments are critical to the success of your blog, but I would be curious to learn how you manage your commenting on other blogs. I follow a couple hundred blogs, I’m guessing you follow at least that many. How do you keep up with all of that reading and commenting?

    1. I try really hard to comment on blogs that comment on mine regularly. I can definitely not comment on all the blogs I follow so I see the ones that are active on my blog and try to stay active on theirs. It takes me like45 mins to an hour to reply to all the comments/notifications I get but I try to make time because replying to everyone is one of my priorities when it comes to blogging.

      1. Perhaps comments is one good way to say thanks to you! Am honored to get a follow from you. As a complete NEWBIE here ? Your site is truly an inspiration to me .Thanks so much !

        1. You’re very welcome I really liked your site and thank you so much for stopping by too!

          1. I am more thankful to you! Especially for following my little home ( appreciated it so much) You’re an inspiration to me .Many thanks from my heart .

            1. That is so sweet!!

  29. This is so helpful.
    I agree with what you said, Interacting with your followers will get them to keep engaging with you. Comments are critical to success indeed.

    1. Definitely comments are critical!

  30. Brilliant tips for something that often gets overlooked. Very helpful advice, Pooja!

    1. Thank you!

  31. I’m not someone who comments much on peoples posts but after reading this i now understand the importance of communicating with fellow bloggers via the comment section. I feel encouraged to participate more in commenting. Great post!

    1. Thank you and I’m so glad this post was helpful!!

  32. I just want to say thank you for liking my first blog post this morning! I didn’t expect it and i was so surprised someone liked it being as though i made it off a whim. This is really fun. And i really like your page, you’re super awesome at blogging and you share great tips! I didn’t know that i could make word press so fancy until i came on your blog and saw how nice it was!! Lol thanks again!

    1. Omg thank you so much that’s so sweet! I always check out new bloggers on WordPress because I like supporting new blogs and I’m so glad you came over to my blog and enjoyed reading it!

  33. This was very useful. Thank you!

    1. Thanks so glad you thought so!

    Follow My Blog Pls!

  35. We should do a collaborative sometime!

    1. Totally send me an email I’ll send you the collaboration details!

      1. I just sent you an email!

        1. Awesome I got it and replied!

  36. […] spam people because that will just annoy people and probably do more damage then good. Click here for more detailed Do’s and Don’ts when it comes to […]

  37. […]  💫 LifeFineWhine || Why The Comments Section Is Important […]

  38. And you have a lot of comments. Lol! Congrats! Really nice post & great points. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you and yes I sometimes listen to my own advice lol😂

  39. Oh & I found you thanks to Sofi @ A book. A thought.

    1. Thanks for letting me know!

  40. Thanks PoojaG, you’re always sharing great tips which is helpful for me as newbie. C

    1. Thank you so glad you find them helpful!

  41. Really great stuff here….you’re indeed a great writer thanks,for following my blog its really nice from you

  42. I love constructive criticism anytime.

  43. Very informative, thank you! And I can only hope someday my blog looks as nice as yours 🙂

    1. Thank you!

  44. Very helpful, thank you ! I will be sharing this

    1. Glad you enjoyed it!

  45. thanks for the tip! i’ve been trying to find a way to grow my blog (the last one i had was way more popular), but haven’t really had success, yet. hope this helps!

    1. Glad you enjoyed the post and hope it helps!

  46. […] Stay active- staying active is also extremely important. WordPress is very much a two way street and if you want to expand your blog you are going to have be active on other blogs. And I want to specify that by being active I do not mean spamming them with “follow my blog here’s a link” comments because the only thing that will achieve is you annoying potential followers/readers. By being active I mean read other blogs (preferably those that blog about similar topics as they are more likely to follow you) and leave likes, share their posts and leave genuine comments about the post. For more on what to comment and what never to comment click here. […]

  47. […] aren’t active in responding to your readers- I think socializing with other bloggers is the backbone of WordPress and ignoring your comments/not responding is a pretty easy way to lose readers and potential […]

  48. […] take the time to reply to them and pay their blog a visit. For more on the importance of comments click here. For more on how to get more comments on your blog click […]

  49. […] can interact with bloggers on your own blog posts when they leave comments. I think your comments section is one of the most important parts of your blog. When you interact positively with other bloggers […]

  50. […] Stay active- staying active is also extremely important. WordPress is very much a two way street and if you want to expand your blog you are going to have be active on other blogs. And I want to specify that by being active I do not mean spamming them with “follow my blog here’s a link” comments because the only thing that will achieve is you annoying potential followers/readers. By being active I mean read other blogs (preferably those that blog about similar topics as they are more likely to follow you) and leave likes, share their posts and leave genuine comments about the post. For more on what to comment and what never to comment click here. […]

  51. […] aren’t active in responding to your readers- I think socializing with other bloggers is the backbone of WordPress and ignoring your comments/not responding is a pretty easy way to lose readers and potential […]

  52. […] Related Post: Why The Comments Section Is Important […]

  53. […] Related Post: Why The Comments Section Is Important […]

  54. […] wrote a post about the benefits of having an active comments section that you can check out here. Here are some tips on how to get more comments on your […]

  55. […] spam people because that will just annoy people and probably do more damage then good. Click here for more detailed Do’s and Don’ts when it comes to […]

  56. […] think socializing with other bloggers is the backbone of WordPress and ignoring your comments/not responding is a pretty easy way to lose readers and potential […]

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