How To Get More Comments On Your Blog

How To Get More Comments On Your Blog

When it comes to blogging you’ll hear a lot about follows and traffic especially if you’re trying to start blogging professionally or become an influencer. However, the comments section is an underrated yet very important part of blogging especially if you’re trying to blog professionally because a lot of clients will check out your comments section and see what readers have to say about your blog and how active your blog is. If you’re thinking of becoming an influencer a lot of sponsors will look at your comments section to see whether your following consists of real, organic followers. I recently wrote a post about the benefits of having an active comments section that you can check out here. Here are some tips on how to get more comments on your blog:

Always reply

If you want to encourage people to comment more often on your posts make sure to reply. If you reply to the comments and even engage in conversation with them your readers will feel heard and appreciated which will keep them coming back to your blog.

It’s a two way street

Like blogging, the comments section is a two way street. If you don’t take the time to read other peoples blog posts and leave comments they’re not going to either. If you want to increase your comments make sure you’re active and commenting on other people’s blog too.


Using the right tags on your posts will help increase your follows and traffic. Which will automatically increase the amount of comments you receive.  By using the right tags I mean don’t over use tags- anything more than ten- because WordPress will assume you’re a spammer and hide your posts from the tags section and don’t use too few- anything less than five- because then you won’t reach your optimum number of views.

Be polite/respectful

I think being polite and rational is always the way to go when it comes to commenting. Don’t freak out, don’t be rude for no reason and try to reply politely. This will show your reader that you take their opinion seriously and are ready to communicate which will encourage them to continue commenting.

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163 responses to “How To Get More Comments On Your Blog”

  1. thank you for this post this is very helpful 🙂

    1. Thank you so glad you enjoyed it!

      1. you’re welcome 🙂

  2. The tags have always been a struggle for me. But I think I’ve usually done 3-4 so maybe I need a couple more in the future.

    1. Yeah I think one or two more would help!

  3. Very helpful hints, thanks

    1. Thank you!

  4. Sounds like good advice ☺️

    1. Thank you!

  5. […] The link is- How to get more comments on your blog. […]

  6. I shared this on my blog

    1. Thank you so much!!

      1. You’re welcome 🤗

    2. Awesome tips, thank you

      1. Thank you!

  7. Very helpful post. Thank you!

  8. Loving these posts

  9. Life Journeys Ride Avatar
    Life Journeys Ride

    love your post! Thank you for sharing your tips!!

  10. Excellent advice.

  11. Many thanks for the heads up on tags, I didn’t know using too many could have a bad effect. Great post!

    1. ooo neither did I. I will go and check that advice out! thank you

  12. Great advice as usual. Do have any plans to combine all these posts and maybe release them as an ebook?

  13. Your blog posts are always very realistic and helpful! Thanks for sharing this.

  14. Very helpful post, so clear and to the point! thank you for the advice x

    1. Thank you!

  15. As always, spot on. Great tips!

    1. Thank you so much!

  16. Good solid guidance, Pooja! Thank you!

    1. Thank you!

  17. Reluctant Retiree Avatar
    Reluctant Retiree

    Helpful post, but the choice of text colors makes it difficult for older people to read. You might want to consider using a higher contrast.

    1. Thanks and I will definitely look into that thanks for letting me know!

  18. Reluctant Retiree Avatar
    Reluctant Retiree

    Reblogged this on Book Reviews by the Reluctant Retiree and commented:
    Very good information!

    1. Thank you!!

  19. This is so true. And helpfull.
    And, God knows this is something that easily slips your mind when you’ve just started blogging. 🙈

    1. Thank you and it’s true it’s not something many blogger think of when increasing activity.

      1. I know I hadn’t thought about before I read your post. 🙈 I guess I’ve been away from blogging a little too long.

        1. Lol don’t worry you’ll get back into it!

          1. Especially now, since you reminded me of it. 😄😂

            1. Lol happy to help!

    1. Thank you!

  20. I agree. I have found that commenting on people I follow and posts by them that I like earns me comments back from them. Tags don’t always work. Twitter has been a great tool for trading comments but most of the time they don’t become active users on your posts

    1. Yeah I’ve noticed that as well when you comment on others blog they’re more active on yours.

  21. Indeed a useful tool for starters like me. Thank you

    1. Thank you!

  22. I struggle with finding the “right” tags to add to my posts. Any ideas?

    1. Yeah I would suggest using broader tags like “food” instead of “pasta” because you’ll get more traffic with people searching for food than something so specific.

  23. Very very helpful

    1. Thank you!

  24. Very useful tips. I’m practicing number two right now☺. Good post.

    1. Awesome glad you enjoyed it!

  25. Totally agree about how important the “comments” are, and honestly that’s how we can actually talk to one another!
    I know it’s a different topic, but I’m dying to have more traffic ! any advice ?!

    1. Thank you! I think this post might help with traffic as well as follows

        1. You’re very welcome!

  26. great advice regarding comments. I’ll have to admit it’s hard sometimes to keep up with all the blogs that I follow; I’m guessing you follow many more people than I do. A post on how you manage your time on WordPress with respect to reading and commenting on other blogs would be quite useful!

    1. Thank you and I will totally do a post about that great idea!

      1. I look forward to reading it!

  27. really love this – especially the part about the 2 way street

    1. Thank you!!

  28. All very true – I’ve stopped commenting on blogs when the poster doesn’t reply because leaving a comment takes time/effort.

    Comment swaps can be helpful, too, but sometimes tricky to navigate given that not all bloggers keep their word returning comments. Just have to keep that in mind when you use them!

    1. Yeah I usually get someone coming back to my blog to comment as well like less than half the time so it doesn’t always work.

      Yeah I only comment on blogs that I know comment regularly on mine as well.

      1. Sadly, now I’ll typically only look for people who indicate that they’ll return the love – just because it is so time consuming otherwise!

        1. Yeah I do that too. I mean what’s the point if they never respond back.

  29. Some very sound advice my friend. Thanks sharing.

    1. Thank you!

  30. Thank you for sharing this! I checked your tips with what i do now and i think i’m doing everything correct but i really struggle with comments on my own post’s x

    1. Thanks! I’m sorry to hear that you’re still struggling. Maybe you need to increase traffic first. Check out my advice posts to help increase traffic if you’re interested.

  31. I’ve started taking comments more seriously. I reply to them all and like those that have relevant. Don’t get that many likes in the first place though.

    1. That’s good comments are really important in growing your blog.

  32. very helpful thanks

  33. Good to know, especially the tag section. Thank you!

    1. Thank you!

  34. Your suggestions are very helpful. Thanks.

    1. Thank you so much!

  35. Love this. Thank you so mcuh

    1. Thank you!!

  36. Excellent advice well worth remember – thanks for expressing it so clearly! 🙂

    1. Thank you so much!!

  37. I am a new blogger (a few months) so I appreciate any positive feedback and advice I can get. I try to do all the things you listed with the exception of the tagging. I’ve never used that feature before but I will definitely try it in the near future. Thanks for the tips!

    1. So glad you found it helpful! Tags are a major game changer you will notice an instant increase in traffic if you use five or more tags in each post.

  38. I am a new blogger. It is very helpful for me and for new being also. I can learn from this blog how increase traffic and what point should be cared when blogging.

    1. So glad you found it helpful!

  39. Appreciate the tips!

    1. Thank you!

  40. You were my first like in the blog world. Thank you! Love your content!

    1. Thank you so much happy to support your blog!

  41. Didn’t really think from this point of view. Even though I would read a blog post I wouldn’t always comment but hey guess it doesn’t harm in saying you enjoyed it 🙂 thanks for the useful tips ..

    1. Thank you so glad it helped!!

  42. Really enjoyed reading your post

    1. Thank you so much!

  43. Thanks for posting that. I do have a problem with not receiving comments on my blogs. I question why all the time. I think my blogs are good and informative but rarely does anyone comment on them. I do leave comments on other people’s blog post. It is a mystery to me.

    1. Well I hope this helps. Maybe also try posting at optimum times as well and increasing your use of tags (use like 8 on each post). That will probably help.

      1. Yes, I am already doing that.

  44. Great advice! I need to start doing these things more. And the tags, I’m still trying not to over do them. Have a great day. 🙂

    1. Thank you and yeah the tags are tricky to get just right but worth it when you do!

  45. As a beginner blogger I find this so useful, this is fantastic advice!

    1. Thank you! I’m so glad you find it useful!

  46. Thank you for the follow and theses tips. I am in the process of growing my blogging and I really appreciate all advice 🙂

    1. So glad you’re finding them helpful and best of luck with growing your blog!

  47. Very useful post. Thank you. This is something I am having difficulty in, not many comments.

    1. Thanks hope this helps!

  48. good info! I always like to check a blog on someone who has liked mine, more than often, comment back. Sorta like a thank you. My tags are still there, but another feature is there, just not working. I think another really important thing is to develop a platform, i.e. one thing at a time. I write fiction, so I need to do one with fiction as well as the writing process… I also write non-fiction… and need to have a different site for that. And, because I spend a lot of time in the Tanakh, I post a lot on that. Yet another blog. And recipes…

    I hope my brain won’t explode. I tag each according to what I am addressing but pretty sure that’s not the ‘thing’ to do.

    Without the appropriate tags & platform, it’s tough to read things one isn’t interested in, and I note that most bloggers have one platform.

    Yeesh. I spend a lot of time already blogging but it is well worth our effort.

    Another thing a blogger told me was to purchase the WP blog as opposed to the free. I suppose if I am ready to monetize, that would be great, and that’s for the fiction.

    1. Thank you glad you enjoyed the post! I agree it’s very time consuming however it’s definitely worth it! And yes it’s good to take it one step at a time when you start out blogging.

      I purchased mine after I built a following and I think it helps for sure but it works better after you have grown your blog.

  49. Great ideas. Thank you for sharing your insight.

    1. Thank you!

      1. Good stuff. It is true that when I comment on a blog and get a response it makes me want to go again. I guess it is human after all. What about haters? Do you ignore them or delete their comments?

        1. Luckily I don’t get a lot of haters and the ones I do get I just ignore them. Glad you enjoyed the post!

  50. […] that will just annoy people and probably do more damage then good. Click here for more detailed Do’s and Don’ts when it comes to […]

  51. Thank you for liking one of my posts Pooja 🙂 I’m new to blogging and have had a few kind comments so far. I’m delighted that people have read and taken time to comment on my posts.

    1. That’s amazing and yes the WordPress community is super nice so I’m sure you’ll continue getting support for your blog!

    1. Hope it helps!

  52. Great post! I didn’t know that about the tags and I’m excited to see how that impacts my reach. I guess you really do learn something new every day. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you and I’m sure you’ll notice a difference after using tags!

  53. Hey PoojaG, Curious question. I understand the importance of tagging and such but I haven’t quite figured out how to do it on my blogs. Is there some sort of tab in the taskbar or do you just do it the old fashion way and type it directly in the content, like this
    ” #hashtag ” ? I would definitely agree on the topic of it being a two way street when it comes to likes and comments. Nonetheless great article!

    1. Hi! No it’s not done manually the tag button is usually on the right side under categories when you edit the post. Hope that helps!

      1. Hey Thanks, Not too long after messenging you I looked around on the site and found it. But thanks for getting back to me about it!

        1. Glad you found it and you’re very welcome!

  54. Ten Tags Limit.
    Got it!

    1. It definitely helps!

  55. Hey thanks, and about the tags! 🙂

    1. Hope it helps!

  56. I had no idea about not putting more than 10 tags, thankfully, I’m not doing that anymore (but I definitely did when I first). Great post, thanks for sharing your tips.

    1. Glad it helped and yeah I’m totally guilty of overusing tags before I found out as well!

  57. […] you) and leave likes, share their posts and leave genuine comments about the post. For more on what to comment and what never to comment click […]

  58. […] large number of bloggers really enjoy communicating with one another and socializing with everyone. Commenting is a very important part of the blogging experience and not replying to comments may be one of the reasons your readers aren’t returning. A lot […]

  59. […] The comments section- If you don’t actively comment on others posts and reply to the comments you receive on your blog posts the audience may feel ignored. Like I said earlier socialising is a big part of blogging and people really appreciate it when you take the time to reply to them and pay their blog a visit. For more on the importance of comments click here. For more on how to get more comments on your blog click here. […]

  60. […] I have noticed that some people don’t reply to comments or engage with their audience. If you are looking to gain loyal readers than you absolutely need to engage with them. People in general, but especially on WordPress, like to socialise and leave their thoughts about the content and if your reader feels ignored and like their thoughts are not being heard it is unlikely that they will come back to your blog. If you want readers to keep coming back make sure they know that they are heard. Reply to comments and even try conversing with them further- you may not only get a reader who keeps coming back but also a friend! For more information on how to use the comments section to increase your engagement and following click here. […]

  61. The tags really do work. I never receive a view of my photos on Flikr…I setup streamlined posting system and within hours, I got someone over at Flickr liking/vieiwing/reading my post/photo on their profile.

    1. Yeah tags are definitely vital!

  62. Thanks for all the great advice and information on your blog!

    1. Thank you- I hope it helps!

  63. I reply to all comments left on my photoblog, it’s a must!

    1. Yes so important!!

  64. Thanks for these tips on how to increase engagement via the comments section.

    1. Happy to share them.

  65. Very useful tips.

  66. Thanks for sharing this! I was trying to be really intentional about engagement walking into blogmas and this is so helpful 🙌

    1. I’m so glad you found it helpful!

  67. These are great tips and I had no idea that sponsors/clients looked at the comments sections. I learned something new. Thank you.

    1. Glad this helped. Yeah a lot of people are unaware of this but recently more sponsors/client prefer to look at actual engagement on sites rather than just numbers.

  68. I completely agree! Especially with the part about being polite! Many people forget to be just nice on the internet, just because people don’t see their actual face… Thanks for sharing these tips!

    1. Thanks! That’s so true. I think people forget their manners on the internet and behave in a way they wouldn’t in real life.

  69. You are right on the point. I wish I have the time. Sometimes I am rather pressed for time. I think time is a major factor in blogging since one’s time is limited.

    1. Thanks and I definitely understand that. Blogging can really be very time consuming when we actually get into it.

  70. […] I have noticed that some people don’t reply to comments or engage with their audience. If you are looking to gain loyal readers than you absolutely need to engage with them. People in general, but especially on WordPress, like to socialise and leave their thoughts about the content and if your reader feels ignored and like their thoughts are not being heard it is unlikely that they will come back to your blog. If you want readers to keep coming back make sure they know that they are heard. Reply to comments and even try conversing with them further- you may not only get a reader who keeps coming back but also a friend! For more information on how to use the comments section to increase your engagement and following click here. […]

  71. […] Always respond- when someone leaves comments on your blog make sure to respond to the comment. And try to make the response meaningful because a lot of people on WordPress do tend enjoy connecting with one another. If your readers feel like they can connect with you they are much more likely to keep coming back to your blog. For more on the comments section click here. […]

  72. […] you) and leave likes, share their posts and leave genuine comments about the post. For more on what to comment and what never to comment click […]

  73. […] your blog- that’s not even an exaggeration. The categories section is super important. The comment and reblog features exist for a reason. Seriously, all these features are so vital for your blog to […]

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  79. […] When someone leaves comments on your blog make sure to respond to the comment. And try to make the response meaningful because a lot of people on WordPress do tend enjoy connecting with one another. If your readers feel like they can connect with you they are much more likely to keep coming back to your blog. For more on the comments section click here. […]

  80. […] I have noticed that some people don’t reply to comments or engage with their audience. If you are looking to gain loyal readers than you absolutely need to engage with them. People in general, but especially on WordPress, like to socialise and leave their thoughts about the content and if your reader feels ignored and like their thoughts are not being heard it is unlikely that they will come back to your blog. If you want readers to keep coming back make sure they know that they are heard. Reply to comments and even try conversing with them further- you may not only get a reader who keeps coming back but also a friend! For more information on how to use the comments section to increase your engagement and following click here. […]

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