Things To Never Comment On A Blog Post

Things To Never Comment On A Blog Post

The comments section is a really awesome and fun place however there are some unwritten rules that you might want to follow to get the best experience out of it. Here are some things to never comment on a blog post:

Don’t Spam Others

The more you blog and the more your blog grows the more spammers you’ll get. Firstly there are the obvious spammers that have no purpose but to spam you. Then there are people who are trying to network in your comments section. They usually leave a vague comment like “great post check out my blog” or “Enjoyed this post check out my latest blog”. Then there are those who just straight up leave a link to their blog, they don’t even bother leaving a comment or pretending like they enjoyed your post. Don’t be any of these guys because I can guarantee you’ll lose more followers than actually gain through this. I usually go out of my way to avoid their blog and I know most bloggers hate these sort of comments and delete/block them.

Don’t Criticise Them

If you don’t have something nice to say than don’t say anything. If you have actual criticism that will help improve the blog or person behind the blog than feel free to comment but if you’re going to say something rude and obviously hurtful then keep it to yourself. Don’t like the post and just move on you don’t have to be mean for no reason to someone just trying to write.

Stop Trolling

Trolling is sad and pathetic and if you’re on someones blog just to be hurtful than you should really rethink your life.

Don’t Hit On People

I can’t believe I have to specify this but WordPress isn’t Tinder. People aren’t on here to meet someone they’re here to blog so don’t be a creep who hits on people in their comments section.

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143 responses to “Things To Never Comment On A Blog Post”

  1. Wow, #4 is definitely a new one, lol! I can’t believe you had to specify that either!

    1. Lol I know right I didn’t think anyone would hit on me on a blogging site but you never know these days!

      1. You underestimate men, then lol. Some would hit on a woman at a funeral.

        1. Haha lol I can see that happening!

  2. Oh my god please do a post of all of these guys screenshots.Thats effing hilarious.

    P.s. Pooja… I love you.

    1. Lolll I kind of want to because some of them are soooo funny I sent them to some friends and they were like you have to share this on your blog!

      Oh no not you too! Now I’m going to have to block you lol!

      1. Hahah! Shoots!

        You just have that effect on people I guess.

        But seriously, do that post 😝. Blur the names and icons if you have to and it will deter others.

        1. Lol working on it as we speak!

  3. This is very informative. I’d be sure not to do any of those things mentioned above. Thank you 🙂

    1. Thanks so glad you enjoyed it!

  4. So it seems like there is nothing left to comment about. JK😃😃😃 great post. Who knew you had to tell someone not to troll other bloggers.

    1. Lol the Internet is a crazy place!

  5. The 4th one was really awkward…

    1. Lol I know people on the Internet are so creepy sometimes!

  6. This is a post I want to say thanks for speaking about it. While I have never had a problem with the 4th issue of people creeping because, well, I am an old guy. Even with that issue, I think it is important for women. The spammer issue is a big one for me. People who comment to only promote their blog. I will share your post.

    I felt inspired and tried to share with my followers about not looking at stats but to keep going. That is why I have share your posts about blogging. I want to help the bloggers who follow me. 🙂

    1. Thank you so much for sharing my post about blogging I really appreciate it! I write them so they can help others bloggers too so I really appreciate any shares I get on them.

      Yeah spammers are a big problem for me. Recently I have been editing their comment and removing the link so that they can’t network on my comments section. The creepy comments luckily for me doesn’t happen a lot but it does happen occasionally and it’s just so awkward and weird when it happens.

  7. […] The link is- 5 things to never comment on a post […]

  8. I get a little sad even when they leave links or things like that, i usually get really excited when i see comments, it means someone liked something and wow with #4 how do that even happen

    1. I always get excited to see comments too but when I see it’s just spammers, trolls or someone being creepy I get kind of annoyed!

  9. WordPress isn’t Tinder! EXACTLYYY!!!
    It pisses me off and I just never know how to reply without being rude!
    But, I loved what you wrote! It was true, to the T! 😍

    1. Thank you so much and so true it’s always awkward to reply to such comments!

  10. Let’s just say the fourth thread is something better forgotten 😅

    And now you must do a post compiling all your weird comments!

    1. Haha it’s coming soon!

  11. Interesting and thank you for sharing!

    1. Thank you!

  12. I am happy for other bloggers to leave links to their blog posts provided their posts are relevant to mine.

    1. Yeah that wouldn’t be so bad but it annoys me when they leave a link with no comments just the link alone.

  13. Well I would agree with all that and I would add a few lik:
    Don’t be racist
    Don’t be sexist
    And don’t try converting people to your religious views (unless it is part of a debate instigated by the host)

    1. Yes definitely!

  14. Great advice! Respect and boundaries are critical in our virtual world.

    1. They definitely are!

  15. Don’t hit on people made me smile, I agree then again I spent the day with a ‘single’ lady Blogger I’d commented with on WordPress.

    1. Aww that’s sweet I guess not everyone minds meeting people on WordPress!

  16. I find it hilarious how people think that hitting on you is appropriate in any setting, I’m in a committed relationship and all my social media and online profiles states it… somehow I’m still getting declarations of love and marrige proposals.

    1. Lolll yeah that happens so much it’s insane I honestly can’t believe anyone has enough free time to hit on random people on the Internet

      1. Well I actually have this one random dude that messages me once a year to check if I’m single yet. It’s both kinda creepy and amusing.

        1. Lol that’s hilarious you should do a post about him!!

  17. Thank you for this post. For a while I want to write something about commenting but did not know how to do it. But, you did a great job and i will save this post for future reference. Keep up the good work.

    1. Thank you so much!!

  18. Great suggestions
    Many thanks for sharing

    1. Thank you so much!

  19. I like the #4. It’s creepy when someone does that. I got several friends’ requests from men on Facebook who I don’t know. Maybe because of my photo which was taken twenty years ago. I delete the requests immediately and now seldom post anything on FB.

    1. Yeah I get so many creepy messages/follow requests on social media it’s so inappropriate and down right creepy.

  20. I experienced #4 the hard way.

    This particular blogger would privately email me and tell me I was beautiful and how he wanted to be with me. This went on for a while because I liked the things he said, so I willingly engaged. I thought he really meant it. But from what I have heard he has engaged with others the same way.

    And publicly he tells his other followers that he is professional and doesn’t engage with his readers that way. If they only knew the truth.

    Lesson learned.

    1. Wow that is really horrible I’m sorry you went through that. Unfortunately there are some really horrible people out there and you always have to be careful.

  21. The 4th one though. Hilarious.

    1. Lol I know right!

  22. Omg! #4 I know right. Those kinds of creeps are the worst. Btw, I couldn’t find #5!

    1. Oops it was supposed to be 4 things! Yeah those creeps are horrible especially on social media!

      1. Ohh, it happens. In the hurry to publish, we tend to overlook a few things. 😄

        1. Lol yeah I do that sometimes I have pretty horrible editing skills 😂😂

          1. You’re not alone, Pooja. 😂

  23. Trolls suck, but the anonymity of the internet emboldens some people to release their inner jerk. They enjoy upsetting people and getting a reaction.

    1. Yeah I think so too. They’re just trying to get a reaction out of you.

  24. The snapshot on #4 is 😀 .

  25. Unfortunately crazy people have a wonderful vehicle in social media to harass others. When you put yourself out their, it’s risky.

    1. Yeah so true social media makes it easier for people like that.

  26. Great post my friend.

    1. Thank you!

  27. Great post check out my blo… just kidding! Haha I love the banter at the beginning of the comment section. Sorry to read about the negativity you’ve experienced. Perhaps I’m still new to WordPress, or maybe I’m not the target demographic of the people you’ve described, but I’ve generally experienced positivity in WordPress (not criticizing by the way, lol). Sincerely, great post! 😄

    1. Thank you! I don’t experience negativity that often but unfortunately I do sometimes especially with spammers. I’m really glad you don’t though!

  28. Sad. I had one person whose posts were off the wall weird on his own site, to say the least, start liking my posts. I contacted Word Press asking them if I could block him from seeing my posts. They said no only if I made my blog private. Word Press needs to have a block feature so we do not have to deal with people off the deep end.

    1. Yes it so does I don’t know why they don’t have a block option and just a remove option. They really do need to add a block option.

  29. You’re correct but without all these errors there will be nothing to write about. 😁😁😁
    So, it’s inevitable.

    1. Lol you can just leave a genuine comment about the post 😜

  30. I do learn a lot each time I come across your blog… Keep it up!

    1. Thank you so much!!

  31. It’s crazy that you have point out that WordPress isn’t a dating app! Loved the post 🙂

    1. Lol I never thought I would have to point that out but here we are! Thanks glad you enjoyed it!

      1. You’re welcome! 🙂

  32. So revealed to know that I don’t do any of this! I’m busy trying to put in some time to read blogs that I follow and to comment, just like you suggested in a previous post! Thank you for the tips 🙂

    1. Thanks and I’m so glad you’re doing blogging right!

  33. Valuable guidance. Thanks for putting it out there!

    1. Thank you!

  34. Nice one, this is very helpful 🙂

    1. Thank you so much!

  35. Great information. I just followed you to learn more! THANK YOU!!

    1. Thank you so much really glad to hear you found it helpful!

  36. I can’t agree enough!!! Especially with the number one. It is just poor taste and lack of common sense to go to people’s blogs and leave your link. At least make the effort to read what I wrote. If you couldn’t care less about my blog why do you think I will care about yours? Getting ranty but it really annoys me 😅

    1. Lol I totally get it I get so annoyed as well when people just leave a link or comment go check out my latest post. It’s a really pathetic method to try to get traffic/followers and honestly it’ll just make me go out of my way to avoid you.

  37. #4 made me laugh and be sad all at once.

    1. Lol same!

  38. Number 1 immediately reminds me of top fans on Facebook. They often leave “great post, thanks for sharing” comments that nearly make me nauseous. When commenters take the time to leave a well thought out reply, you can really feel the difference and appreciate it.

    1. I so agree it makes a world of difference if the commenter leaves a comment actually referring to your post rather than a random great post comment.

  39. hehehe amazing that it has to be said don’t flirt with people on their blogs/tell them you love them lol! Very much agree with this list!

    1. Lol I know I was like wow guys will hit on you on anything it’s insane! Thanks so glad you enjoyed the post!

  40. Haven’t had anyone tell me they love me on my blog yet, and I’m glad of that. haha

    1. Lol lucky you!

  41. This is by far my fav post 😂😂😂 love the examples (although I know you have better) and the low-key not really bidding their name 😂 LOVE IT!

    1. Lol you know all their names anyway 😂😂 Don’t worry the screenshots are coming soon!

  42. Lol can’t believe it someone hit on your by using this platform !

    1. Lol I know I was like wowwww that’s a stretch 😂

  43. Your blog is really helpful to newbies. This one is really like startup tips to me. Thankyou for writing this one ❤️ plus i appreciate your simple choice of words as I’m no good in vocabulary and some bloggers literally use so hard word.

    1. Thank you! I know my audience is diverse and English isn’t everyones first language so I try to keep it simple and to the point. So glad it helped!

  44. All good points. #4…wow. 🤷🏻‍♂️ 👍🏻👍🏻

    1. Thanks and yeah no.4 is really creepy!

  45. I’ve had a few people express their love for me too… I’m like whaaaaa?!!

    1. Haha it’s hilarious when that happens because it’s like you literally don’t know me…

  46. Completely agree! Networking is super hard and all, like – I GET IT! But that doesn’t excuse not being genuine on the internet. (she said ever so humbly)

    1. Haha yeah exactly like I know it’s hard to grow on WordPress and it takes time but there’s a way to do it and spamming others or lying isn’t the way to do it.

  47. While being informative and helpful, this post was just plain hilarious. One of my favorites for sure!

    1. Haha thanks so glad you enjoyed it!

  48. I want to see the screenshots. I’m nosey though 😂😂😂

    1. Lol aren’t we all 😂

  49. Really great advice on comments! I think we should apply this all over the web. There is much to say about not saying anything at all. Thank you for coming to visit me and I look forward to your posts.

    1. Thank you and I agree I think people should keep it to themselves if they don’t have anything nice to say!

  50. bwwaaahhhaaa I had to follow to post a comment. But, you are correct. People hit ‘like’ and then don’t follow or comment, which is frustrating for people who blog for a living but have like, 3 followers LOL. I haven’t been hit on in WP, but on FB and Twitter. Mostly FB… oy. I have specific hmm… lemme check profile, see if a zillion of my followers follow them, and then I may… follow. But if they chat and start up with the can you send me a picture… I am so gone!

    1. Yeah FB creeps are very annoying and I always have to check and make sure I know the person before following them back.

      Yeah the likes help but aren’t that important followers are definitely more important.

  51. Thank you for the follow — you have great info on blogging. Currently decided to create more blogs for the various things I talk about after looking at your platform! Thanks again!

    1. Thank you and best of luck with your blogs!

  52. […] annoy people and probably do more damage then good. Click here for more detailed Do’s and Don’ts when it comes to […]

    (No takers!)

    1. Thank you and haha yeah we all make mistakes when we start out!

  54. Reblogged this on By the Mighty Mumford and commented:

  55. I agree with you that you should never be mean, or criticise for the sake of being critical. However if one disagrees with a point being made then it is, in my view fine to politely state why one disagrees. Healthy (and courteous debate) enhances understanding and is, at its best helpful in maintaining free speech. Best wishes, Kevin

    1. Yeah exactly you don’t have to be mean about it but if you disagree you can say it in a rational manner stating why you feel that way.

  56. Great post !

    1. Thank you!

      1. Welcome 😊👍

  57. […] via 4 Things To Never Comment On A Blog Post — lifesfinewhine […]

  58. […] likes, share their posts and leave genuine comments about the post. For more on what to comment and what never to comment click […]

  59. […] You’re leaving spam comments- This is one of the easiest ways to stop people from following your blog. If you aren’t sure what a spam comment is it’s leaving your link on random blogs comments section, leaving a vague comment with your link on random blogs or trying to force/guilt/bully other bloggers to check out your blog. It’s one of those things that are really a pet peeve for bloggers and I usually delete these kinds of comments or ignore them as do most bloggers. A lot of people also block these blogs and leaving these sort of comments can get your blog unfollowed/blocked pretty fast. If you’re not sure about the do’s and don’t’s of commenting click here. […]

  60. […] Spamming– this one is number one on my list because I see it most frequently and find it the most frustrating. When I say spamming I don’t just mean those weird comments in the spam folder trying to sell you viagra, as annoying as those are, I actually mean people leaving very generic comments and then leaving a bunch of links to their blog/posts. Or people who don’t  even leave a generic comment but leave just a link to their blog talking about their blog on a totally irrelevant post as though it’s okay to advertise your blog on someone else’s posts. That’s so frustrating because everyone works so hard to grow their blog and then these people expect free advertisement. That’s not how it works and it’s very rude to do that. If someone has a share and promote page I think that would be the only place you should leave such comments. For more on spamming click here. […]

  61. This is something helpful for all of us. P. S: I can’t belive someone actually did that to you. It’s so weird and sort of creepy

    1. I’m glad to hear that you found it helpful! Yeah it’s extremely creepy especially because they went on to stalk me on social media and wouldn’t leave me alone till I had to block them.

      1. Hope everything’s ok now

        1. It is thanks!

  62. […] Spamming- If you’ve been spamming other bloggers it is likely they are not going to be visiting your blog, following your blog and some of them may even block your blog. Instead of spamming people with posts or comments try to make genuine connections with people. This will work a lot better and you’ll end up making connections with new people which in my opinion is the best part of WordPress. If you’re not sure what spamming is click here. […]

  63. very very helpful. I’m new to blogging this
    was great.. thanks

    1. So glad to hear that!

  64. Love this “ALL” great information,…especially #2 totally agree with you!!!

    1. Thank you glad you agree!

  65. […] Spamming– this one is number one on my list because I see it most frequently and find it the most frustrating. When I say spamming I don’t just mean those weird comments in the spam folder trying to sell you viagra, as annoying as those are, I actually mean people leaving very generic comments and then leaving a bunch of links to their blog/posts. Or people who don’t  even leave a generic comment but leave just a link to their blog talking about their blog on a totally irrelevant post as though it’s okay to advertise your blog on someone else’s posts. That’s so frustrating because everyone works so hard to grow their blog and then these people expect free advertisement. That’s not how it works and it’s very rude to do that. If someone has a share and promote page I think that would be the only place you should leave such comments. For more on spamming click here. […]

  66. […] likes, share their posts and leave genuine comments about the post. For more on what to comment and what never to comment click […]

  67. […] You’re leaving spam comments- This is one of the easiest ways to stop people from following your blog. If you aren’t sure what a spam comment is it’s leaving your link on random blogs comments section, leaving a vague comment with your link on random blogs or trying to force/guilt/bully other bloggers to check out your blog. It’s one of those things that are really a pet peeve for bloggers and I usually delete these kinds of comments or ignore them as do most bloggers. A lot of people also block these blogs and leaving these sort of comments can get your blog unfollowed/blocked pretty fast. If you’re not sure about the do’s and don’t’s of commenting click here. […]

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