How To Be Active On WordPress

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How To Be Active On WordPress

If you read yesterdays post you know the importance of being active on WordPress and as promised here are four simple ways to be active on WordPress:


This is the best way to get activity on your blog in my opinion. Leaving comments- positive ones of course- makes a huge difference because not only does it show that you took the time to read someones post but that you enjoyed it enough to leave a comment. I’ve noticed that the more comments I leave on posts I enjoy the more activity I have on my blog. However, don’t spam people because that will just annoy people and probably do more damage then good. Click here for more detailed Do’s and Don’ts when it comes to blogging.


This is such a simple way to be active but yet very effective. Sharing posts you enjoy reading will likely bring the author of the post over to your blog as well as some of their followers because of the pingback/reblog comment.


Even though you may nit always have time to comment on every single post you enjoy reading if you did enjoy it remember to leave a like on it. This way the author will know you enjoyed it and a lot of times when you leave a like they come back to your blog and support your posts too.


If you really enjoy reading someones blog you should definitely consider following their blog. A lot of people have a follow for follow policy and it will help increase followers/views on your blog.

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101 responses to “How To Be Active On WordPress”

  1. These are simple great ways of getting traffic and just when I curious on how to get more traffic on my blog!

    1. @youngcountrymama They are simple yet effective methods. Personally I do all of them except reboot other people’s posts. Consistently is also important – commenting daily is what has worked for me so far, and also leaving genuine comments. Not comments such as, “Great post!”

      1. Reblog** not reboot. Silly autocorrect. 🤦‍♀️

    2. Thank you and hope it helps!

    1. Thank you!

  2. I did not know about the share button! thanks for sharing this ! what do you think about vuukle and disques?! I just heard of them !

    1. Liked it so much..🙂

    2. Thanks! I don’t know much about them but they sound interesting.

      1. Check my latest post here on my website

  3. True! It’s a great community if you get involved 💕

    1. Absolutely!

  4. Engaging with others is so vital to running a healthy blog! Plus, you can make some genuine friendships through this!

    1. true .just like any other platform, one must engage and connect to grow:)

      1. Absolutely!

    2. Yeah exactly it’s a win win!

  5. 6 months into my own blog and engaging with others by commenting is one of my favourite things to do. I agree, it helps you grow your own blog and is a great way to show others that you liked their posts 🙂

    1. Yeah it’s a win-win for sure!

  6. Commenting on other blogs has bought traffic to mine. Sometimes I find it hard engaging on other blogs but then it’s important so I do it .thanks for sharing

    1. Yeah it’s not always easy but it’s worth it!

  7. Reluctant Retiree Avatar
    Reluctant Retiree

    Great advice. Only problem was that I had trouble reading it because of the text colors! Please, a little more contrast between the background and the text color!

    1. I’m so sorry about that and definitely working on changing it!

  8. I love this post, mainly because I attempt to do almost everything on the list. However, I’m curious. how do you get to have over 100 people to like your post? I’m lucky if I can get at least 10 on a good day. Do you by any chance have tips for that 🙁

    1. Thank you and I am working on a post about that be sure to check it out next week- around Thursday!

      1. I’ll certainly do so. Looking forward to reading it😊

  9. This is so true. In cases like this, simplicity works best. 🙂

    1. Thank you!

    1. Thank you!

  10. That’s great info for a new beginner👍

  11. great advice! Would you mind sharing how much time each day you spend reading and commenting on other blogs? It seems to take several hours a day for me to stay up with other blogs, and I don’t think I follow nearly as many as you. Thanks!

    1. Thank you! I usually spend about 4 hours on WordPress but I don’t catch up with all the blogs I follow I tend to just read/comment on blogs that are active on mine or that are on the top of my reader.

      1. OK, thanks for the advice. Sounds like an effective approach.

        1. Yeah it definitely saves time.

          1. I started doing this yesterday, and while it’s still a work in progress, it definitely helped.

            1. That’s great to hear!

  12. Thanks for sharing! Great post.

    1. Thank you!

  13. These posts are very helpful for the blogging newbs, thank you!!

    1. Thank you!

  14. Very apt!. That has been working for me in recent times and commenting just as you mentioned is a good way to build community.

    1. Thank you!

      1. You are welcome. 🙂

  15. Thank you for your continued advice about blogging. I am trying to be active on my site and to comment and be involved with other bloggers.

    1. Hope it helps!

  16. Thank you for the advice on blogging.

    1. Hope it helps!

  17. Love these! Simple, easy to implement, and effective! Thanks for the post!

    1. Thank you glad to hear that!

  18. Thanks for the help! This was good.

    1. Thank tou hope it helps!

  19. I can see from stats that some folks Like without even opening the post. Such likes are just fake. Rather share, even on Whatsapp.

    1. Yeah shares are really great.

    2. Good point – I know for a fact that many liked posts were never read.

  20. Interesting Perspective

    1. Thank you!

  21. This is so true. In cases like this, simplicity work best.👍👌☺️

  22. Great advice as always, thank you!

      1. You’re welcome 😉

  23. Great advice, Pooja! 🙂

  24. Thank you for this post! I’m going to try to be more active to attract views and discover more blogs!

    1. Thanks and hope it helps!!

  25. True pearls of wisdom, Pooja. All are tried and tested recipes for success in the blogging world. 😁

    1. Thank you so much!

  26. […] Be Active- If you want people to leave you likes on your blog then you need to be active enough on their blog that they’ll notice you and go back to your blog to repay the favour. As I always say WordPress is a two way street and you cannot expect people to like your posts if you don’t do the same. For the full post on how to be active on other peoples blog click here.  […]

  27. I like how direct and informative your blog posts are.

    1. Thank you so much!

  28. Great post! Thank you for the tips! I know I should be more active on wordpress. I appreciate the reminder!

    1. Thank you so much glad it helped!

    1. Hope they help!

  29. Hi- This is something I really need to work on, getting around more and reading other blogs on WordPress. Thanks for the like on my post earlier!! I just rebooted 3 months ago with a greater sense of purpose, so we’ll see where that journey takes me!!

    1. Best if luck with that!

  30. I am dealing with a problem on my wordpress account..could you help me out?

    1. Yeah what’s wrong

      1. So i just created an account which is supposed to be free and active. But wordpress says that it will stay a private account until i launch it i.e. untill i pay for the domain…

      2. I don’t know why is wordpress not making my site actice instead it has been asking me to pay to proceed further

        1. That’s very odd it’s not supposed to do that. I’m not sure what’s wrong but I would contact WP support immediately.

  31. […] via How To Be Active On WordPress — lifesfinewhine […]

  32. Thank you for your advices that really helps🥰

    1. Glad to hear that!

  33. Reblogged this on .

    1. Thank you!

  34. Simple and apt. 👍😊Thanks for sharing. 😊

  35. Helpful ! I am a new blogger, these tips would surely help 🙂

    1. Glad to hear that!

  36. […] Not being active- I say this a lot but it’s definitely true- WordPress is very much a two way street. If you don’t support other blogs they are going to stop supporting you too. If you notice that someone consistently likes and comments on your blog make sure to return the favour. This will encourage people to keep coming back to your blog. If you don’t return the favour people may stop returning to your blog over time. For more on how to be active on WordPress click here.  […]

  37. […] If you want people to leave you likes on your blog then you need to be active enough on their blog that they’ll notice you and go back to your blog to repay the favour. As I always say WordPress is a two way street and you cannot expect people to like your posts if you don’t do the same. For the full post on how to be active on other peoples blog click here.  […]

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