Quotes About The Environment

Like many of you reader, I am a big fan of the environment. Mother Nature gives us so much and has so much to offer us. No amount of staring at a screen can even come close to what it is like to spend an hour out in nature. If you are like me and love the environment, these quotes about the environment are for you. Hope you enjoy them as much as I did!

Image result for quotes about the environment

Image result for quotes about the environment

Image result for quotes about the environment

Image result for quotes about the environment

Image result for quotes about the environment

I hope these quotes inspired you to do something nice for the environment today!

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Are you a fan of the environment or nature? Did you enjoy these quotes about the environment? Which is your favourite quotes about the environment from this list? What are some ways through which you can enjoy nature? What are your thoughts on preserving the planet? How can we do this more efficiently? Let me know in the comments section below because I would love to hear from you. Or simply stop by and say hi!

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55 responses to “Quotes About The Environment”

  1. Thanks for reminding us to care for our beautiful environment

  2. Great quotes Pooj – Nature is so close to my heart. I hate to see what is happening as our numbers continue to go berserk.

  3. Reblogged this on Opher's World and commented:
    Nature – the most wonderful thing that we are part of. It is as if we are busy trying to commit suicide.

  4. Lovely Quotes.

  5. thanks so much for following. Lovely quotes about nature, this has surely inspired on something to write.

  6. This is so nice. 😍😍

      1. you’re very welcome 🙂

  7. Yes to walking lightly on the Earth. If only everything we do wasn’t so tied up with a negative environmental footprint 😔

    1. If only 😣

  8. Nature never did betray the heart that loved her–William Wordsworth

    1. Love that quote thanks for sharing it!

      1. you’re welcome. Wordsworth is one on my favorite Romantics.

        1. I can see why!

  9. These quotes are so true!! Thanks for sharing.

  10. They are wonderful…

  11. I looove these quotes! We have to start taking better care of our beautiful and amazing nature!!!

    1. We most definitely do!

  12. These quotes are much needed in this world! Love them.

  13. It’s heart-breaking that some people will continue to ignore the buzz. Thoughts like ‘I am too small to make a difference’ are way too common. Thanks for the reminder to take care of our beautiful environment. 🙃

    1. Absolutely every small thing counts when it comes to the environment!

      1. I’m going to do a post about it because I have changed a lot of small things in my life recently. All for the greater good!

        1. That’s awesome I would love to read that! Leave me a link when you post it!

          1. Thank you very much! Hopefully you will see it pop-up in you reader 🙂

  14. I wish I could like this post thousands of times! If only myopic leadership, worldwide, could see / learn / take to heart all of the wisdom you’ve presented on this day.

    1. If only- it would make a huge difference!

  15. Thank you so much for the beautiful reminder of the blessing our world is!!

  16. This is cool. Good idea! I really like the Stevenson quote…

  17. Those are beautiful quotes. Sadly, they are a reminder of how much destruction is being unleashed on them too.

  18. three cheers for the environment!

    1. Absolutely!

  19. Great words of wisdom from some well known leading public figures. We all need to play our part starting in our own ‘back yards’ and by living a simpler life-style.

    1. Absolutely we all need to do as much as we can!

  20. Nature’s Love for us is Un-condtional. Awesome post

  21. Thanks!! Kewl post

  22. These quotes are so amazing.

    1. Glad you enjoyed it!

  23. So true, surely if each of the billions of people on the planet take better care of the Earth, significant change will be noticed

    1. Definitely!

  24. Great piece. Thank you for being a positive influence on this earth.

    1. Thank you so much!

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