Six Word Story #37

Six Word Story:

“Please… please just leave,” she whispered.

About The Six Word Story:

As you guys know, I love writing these six word stories for you. And from the feedback and responses that I have received on them, I am happy to say that it seems you like reading these little stories too. I am really thankful for that since it is always a win when both you and your audience enjoy the same thing. It gives me a reason to continue writing these, knowing you enjoy them so much.

This story could be interpreted in many ways. Personally, I think of it as more like horror since I love horror and tend to write with that in mind. However, some people could assume that this is something that could be the end of a relationship etc. I am sure you guys will come up with many interpretations in the comments section. I think another interpretation could be that this is a fight but could end up in a more positive way.

Did you enjoy this SWS? Do you enjoy doing these prompts on WordPress? Are you a fan of horror stories? Let me know in the comments section located below because I would absolutely love to hear your thoughts. And if not you can simply just stop by and say hi!

For more six word stories click here.

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38 responses to “Six Word Story #37”

  1. wow – this could go in so many directions! well done.

    1. I guess that’s her objective. We just need to add the cat, umbrella, tall stranger, a rough sea at the promenade and the story grows.

      1. I didn’t even think about the cat angle! 🙂

    2. Thank you so much!

  2. You are very talented.

    1. Thank you so much!

  3. Hehehe came here to escape social media.

    1. Lol we all need a break from social media sometimes!

  4. Have a Nice Day and weekend dear!

    1. Thanks you too!

        1. You’re welcome!

  5. Atmospheric!

  6. Love it, six simple words yet so effective 🥺😢😩

    1. Thank you so much!

  7. Thank you to teach something new. And yeah post was awewome 👌👌

  8. Love this as an idea. Will be doing so many so these now!

    1. They are soooo fun to do you’ll really enjoy writing them!

  9. Was it something I said? Didn’t say?

    1. Maybe both?!

  10. It would appear that some more soul searching is in order.

    Amazing how her six words can say so much.

  11. Wow, very powerful six word story. Loved it. Thanks for sharing PoojaG

    1. Thank you so much!

      1. You’re welcome PoojaG.

  12. Absolutely mesmerized by this small yet effective mini story!!

    1. Thank you so much!

  13. Wow, I thought to myself, “you can not tell a story in 6 words.” I am flabbergasted.

    Well done!

    1. Thank you so much!

  14. SPOILER: this is my attempt at constructive criticism. Don’t cut me down like a confused zombie at a Redneck Chainsaw Massacre. Maybe I’ll learn something too.

    I suppose that was a story. I’m still curious how you can have a full story without a plot and character development. Perhaps this was more of an IDEA for a story, a starter, the kick out of the gate, which sends the imagination somewhere else?
    It’s not QUITE as length as, say the Lord of the Rings, but it has a nice flavor to it. Alright, I’ll give it a thumbs up. Nice job 😉

    P.S. I couldn’t write LOTR anyways, so who am I kidding?

    1. Haha don’t worry constructive criticism is welcome here!

      It’s not really a story and I think most people know that but it’s easier for me to call it a ‘six word story’ rather than call it a ‘six word sentence meant to get your imagination going so that you come up with a story about it in your head’.
      Glad you enjoyed it!

  15. Beautiful, small yet deep❤️
    Great Writing ✨
    Please Check out and follow my site about Love.

    1. Thank you!

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