Quotes About Mental Health #2

I have shared quotes about mental health before and from the responses I got I noticed a lot of my readers seem to quite enjoy them. And to be perfectly honest with you guys, I very much enjoy them too. They are both inspiring and very motivating. A mix of my two favourite things. So since many of you seem to enjoy quotes about mental health I thought I would share some more with you today. Especially because I feel like I could use some inspiration today. Anyway, I hope you enjoy these quotes:

mental health inspiring quotes

mental health quotes

mental health quotes

mental health quotes

mental health quotes

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Did you enjoy these quotes? Are you a fan of quotes about mental health? Should I share more similar posts? Which was your favourite quote this week? Which one did you relate to most our of all these quotes? What are your plans for the week? Do let me know your thoughts in the comments section below or simply just stop by and say hi because I always love chatting with you guys in the comments!

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45 responses to “Quotes About Mental Health #2”

  1. Very nice .

    1. Thank you!

  2. This made it a good morning

    1. Glad to hear that!

    1. Thank you!

  3. […] Quotes About Mental Health — lifesfinewhine […]

  4. The first quote is so true and something all of us need to know when working madly for our goals!

    1. Absolutely!

  5. Thank you for the quotes.

    1. Glad you enjoyed them!

  6. I love all of them.
    But my favorites are the one that said don’t work yourself to a mental breakdown in the name of doing your best. And the third quote which said that our health is more important than every other thing we put ahead of it.
    These are mutually related to a comment I wrote on a post about an hour ago.

    1. Yeah those quotes are really inspiring and moving and I totally agree our health is most important!

  7. Thanks for these

    1. Glad you enjoyed them!

      1. Definitely, coodles to you

  8. Some great quotes. Mental health is so important. Anxiety holds us back from achieving what we are capable of.

    1. Yes exactly but we should never let it hold us back!

  9. Love these quotes

    1. Glad you enjoyed them!

  10. All of these quotes are great. It’s hard to remember sometimes you don’t have to be everything and be perfect! Great post!

    1. Yes absolutely! Glad you enjoyed the post!

  11. Inspirational quotes are good for all of us. Keeps the thought processes moving.

    1. Absolutely!

  12. […] resist looking at the second post (Quotes About Mental Health) and I clicked the Like on that one too; there’s some sound […]

  13. Ah, a fellow quote addict. I absolutely love quotes about every subject and there is no more important subject than mental health. Love them! Keep up the good work!

    1. Quotes are the best!

  14. Super love this! 😍 Thank you for the encouraging and enlightening post of yours! 😉 I truly appreciate it. 💖 God bless! 🙏

    1. Thank you so much!

      1. You’re always welcome 😉

  15. I love these, especially the first one! This is definitely something we all need to be a bit more mindful of I think. I also love the “sun will rise and try again” one 😊

    1. So glad you enjoyed them!

  16. […] Quotes About Mental Health — Read on lifesfinewhine.com/2019/10/14/quotes-about-mental-health-2/ […]

  17. One of the biggest lessons life has taught me so far is that it’s perfectly okay to not be okay. We go through life trying to hide our pain, happiness, anger, bitterness or whichever feeling because society dictates that it’s forward to show feelings. Heck! Life is too short, feel whatever you’re feeling and live your best life.

    Love your post Pooja 🙂

    1. I absolutely agree and thank you!!

  18. Thank you. I especially like the one about the sun.

    1. I love that one too!

  19. Awesome post, the world needs more inspiration everyday, keep up the good work!

    1. Thank you so much!

  20. a good reminder 🙂

  21. I saw many pictures like this when I worked in a psych hospital:

  22. Hmm… every one needs inspiration, and for today, you made it for me !

    1. Thank you so much!

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