Social Anxiety

Six Word Story Social Anxiety

Social Anxiety

Why is everyone staring at me?

Why does everyone hate me?

Do I look weird?

Is there something wrong with me?

I hate this

And I hate myself

I just want to go home.

About The Poem:

“Social Anxiety” is a poem I wrote about my own experiences with having social anxiety and GAD. I’m sure my followers and regular readers are already aware of this but I was diagnosed with social anxiety a few years ago as a teenager. It was a really difficult time for me and although I did try medication for my anxiety none of it really worked for me for one reason or another. So I decided to get off the meds and try some other natural remedies.

So far, the natural stuff has helped me more without feeling numb or having any weird side effects. However, there are still days when my social anxiety is high. And although for the most part I can handle it some days are just harder. And this poem is a representation of those days. As well as what goes on in my head during those days.

Do you have social anxiety? Have you ever experienced anxiety? If so, how do you manage your anxiety? Do you take medication or do you prefer natural methods? Any tips for those dealing with anxiety? Let me know in the comments section located below because I would absolutely love to hear from you. Or simply stop by and say hi!

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38 responses to “Social Anxiety”

  1. I can totally relate to these words.
    ( sometimes all I want to do is hide)

    1. I’m glad there are people who knows what it feels like although it sucks that we feel this way.

  2. I want to share with you an unfinished poem I wrote when I was feeling anxious, depressed and lonely. I never did publish it on my blog. Your poem gave me similar feelings- a constant reminder that we are “not good enough” and thus, we are always fighting an internal battle with ourselves.

    *Unfinished Poem*
    There is nothing left of me for you to see. The pain is lost among the red sea of grief because the knife digs deep to bleed. Into this deep sea of big dreams long forgotten after my mind became rotten from the agony and pain of yesterday. Waiting for another day to pass as I’m swept away into this lonely world of misery.

    1. Thank you so much for sharing that. I think it’s really easy for people with anxiety to constantly doubt themselves about things people wouldn’t even think twice about. It makes us isolated and unable to truly experience things without anxiety at the back of our mind and I think your words really brought that out. It sucks that we’re going through this but it’s always nice to know we’re not alone.

  3. A lot of people feel like this.

    1. Yes unfortunately so.

  4. A terrible feeling I’ve experienced 😔

    1. Seems like am nt alone, like i thought for some moments

      1. You definitely are not alone!

      2. Not alone at all

    2. It’s horrible!

      1. In such times, good friends usually get us through

        1. Agreed they really!

  5. Completely relate to this. Fantastic poem ❤

    1. Thank you it’s nice to know I’m not alone!

  6. I think these things daily. I have social anxiety. Love your poem

    1. Thank you and I’m glad I’m not alone in feeling this way.

  7. I know the feeling; nice job putting it into words…

    1. Thank you!

  8. Social anxiety really sucks – especially when it gets to the point where you start to withdraw even from friends. 😕

    1. Yeah it can really disrupt your life unfortunately.

  9. So true to how we feel inside❤️

    1. I’m glad other people can relate too!

  10. definitely relatable!!

    1. Happy to know I’m not alone!

    1. I’m glad I’m not alone.

  11. A feeling I know all to well. Best wishes.

    1. Thank you!

  12. This is so trueee

  13. I’m new to blogging, would be glad if you could just check my account:)

  14. Touching !

    1. Thank you!

  15. I feel the wanting to go home…

    then find myself not sure where home is anymore.

    Been living in this flat for nine years now, referring to it as “the flat”…
    Someone pucked me up on that, asked me why I don’t call it “home”…

    And I wasn’t sure how to explain to them… why “home” feels such an odd word these days.

    1. I can really relate to that.

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