Inspirational Quotes #3

I have shared inspirational quotes before and from the responses I got I noticed a lot of my readers seem to quite enjoy them. And to be perfectly honest with you guys, I very much enjoy them too. They are both inspiring and very motivating. A mix of my two favourite things. So since many of you seem to enjoy inspirational quotes I thought I would share some more with you today. Especially because I feel like I could use some inspiration today. Anyway, I hope you enjoy these inspirational quotes:

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Did you enjoy these quotes? Are you a fan of inspirational quotes? Should I share more similar posts? Which was your favourite inspirational quote this week? Which one did you relate to most our of all these quotes? What are your plans for the week? Do let me know your thoughts in the comments section below or simply just stop by and say hi because I always love chatting with you guys in the comments!

For more inspirational posts click here.

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36 responses to “Inspirational Quotes #3”

  1. […] via Inspirational Quotes — lifesfinewhine […]

  2. I like the first one best!

  3. So refreshing and inspiring. Thank you

    1. Thank you!

  4. Good. But has any thing new with? I really feel something passive it. Express in such a way be reiterated.

    1. I’m sorry I don’t understand what you mean could you please rephrase that?

  5. I guess I’m just a bitch but quotes like this piss me off. You’re told that the only limitations are those you put on yourself? Really? I guess that person hasn’t spent over 25 years dealing with a disability, a toxic family, a divorce…. Sorry if I offend anyone.

    1. agree with you tbh, our environment affects us in such a way that some things are just unavoidable, not like we want certain things to happen to us anyway

    2. Thanks for your opinion and I totally understand where you’re coming from. I’ve suffered from mental illness most of my life and I know I can’t just make it got away. However, I don’t think that quote was made to personally offend anyone I think they just meant that a lot of people are too afraid to take chances and go for it. Sure the wording was not great but if it helps inspire even a few people to take chances than I think instead of taking it personally I would just appreciate that it helped inspire someone and bring positive energy into their lives.

  6. ah i really love that last quote the best. really puts things into perspective! 🙂

  7. Great quotes Pooj!

    1. Thanks Opher!

    1. Left you a request on twitter btw, 😌

  8. Great inspirational quotes. My favourite is:Stars can’t shine without darkness. I have nominated you for the Sunshine blogger award. You can view it at this link:

    1. Thank you so much I truly appreciate it and will definitely check it out!

  9. Posts like this are lovely to read and so refreshing. Thanks for sharing x

    1. So glad you enjoyed it!

  10. I love that last quote about the stars.

    1. Thank you!

  11. Pooja..keep moving !

    1. Thank you!

  12. Wow very motivational Quotes.

  13. Very inspiring 👍🏻

  14. Hey Pooja good thoughts.
    Can visit my blog Rendezvous with Black – a journey into self discovery as we wrap 2019

  15. […] on social media or in real. Find people who will encourage and support your efforts. Find inspirational quotes and read then when your feeling down. Finally read and get informed about exercising, it will help […]

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