Everything You Need To Know About WordPress Plans

Everything About WordPress Plans

I don’t know if you guys remember but I upgraded my plan to Premium when I reached 10k. And then stupidly upgraded again to the Business Plan. Which was a horrible idea and almost destroyed this blog I had worked so hard for. A lot of people do decide to upgrade their plan for the new year for multiple reasons. However if you’re one of them I would urge you to read this post first. So you can find out whether to upgrade or not. The second part of this post will help you find the right plan for you if you do decide to upgrade. Without any further ado, here is everything you need to know about WordPress plans:


As you may already know upgrading your blog costs money and you need to check whether you are making enough of an income through your blog to actually afford to upgrade. If you can afford to upgrade go for it but if you don’t make at least how much the upgrade costs through your blog. I would highly recommend waiting to upgrade at least until you make equivalent or more than your upgrade costs.

Predictions for your blog

Where do you see your blog going in the future? If you see a steady growth than upgrading may be the way to go however if you don’t see any growth or even see a loss than perhaps sticking with your current plan until your blog starts growing.

What is your end goal with blogging

If you are blogging as a hobby or as something part-time I would suggest not investing too much money into it unless you can afford to do so. However, if you see this becoming a full-time thing than you should consider investing in your blog with an upgrade. Blogs that don’t have .wordpress look much more professional and if you are planning on blogging full-time it will help make your blog look more professional.

How decided are you about upgrading

This is an important question to ask yourself because although WordPress promises that it will back up your data and if you decide to downgrade it will go back to exactly how it was this is not always the case and I learnt this unfortunately from experience. When I downgraded to Premium Plan from a Business Plan it ended up splitting my posts- I had one with just all my like and one with just all my comments. It was horrible and took forever to sort of fix- I could never properly fix it. My blog still has two posts for every post I made while I had the Business Plan. So the lesson is if you’re not fully invested in upgrading and are iffy about it remember you may lose everything with a downgrade so make a choice you can stick with.


So that is everything you need to know about WordPress plans. Be sure to read the second part of this post for more.

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102 responses to “Everything You Need To Know About WordPress Plans”

  1. This is very helpful, being able to see the pros and cons of upgrading or not can’t wait for the next part. 👍🏾

    1. Thank you the next post will be up same time tomorrow!

  2. I only upgraded to business to make whatever it is I go on about my business, beyond that desire and extra space?

    It’s pretty much useless unless you are looking for financial business.

    In the case of me all I did was purchase a starship just to go canoeing with it. 😂

    1. Lol I felt the same way when I upgraded to business and that’s why ended up downgrading to the Premium Plan!

  3. I was going to upgrade but after reading this post maybe I will wait a little to be sure!
    This post is really helpful I would suggest this to anyone who is about to upgrade their blog!

    1. Thank you and glad it helped!

  4. I am so looking forward to part 2! I am also looking to upgrade. Thank you!

    1. Thank you and the next post will be up same time tomorrow!

  5. Do you lose your followers when you upgrade? I have a free version so I’m super hesitant upgrading because I don’t want to lose my followers like I’ve seen on other blogs.

    Was this experience one where you bit off more than you can chew? 😅 It’s always exciting jumping into things and going big. I’ve done that with other things in the past and learned my lesson that way.

    1. You’re not supposed to lose any followers but I wouldn’t guarantee anything because WordPress is know to have its bugs and glitches so I think it’s always a chance.

      Lol I most definitely bit off more than I could chew and I have learnt my lesson for sure!

  6. Love love loved this post! I swear I read it at the speed of light because it was genuinely interested in this! Even when starting blogging, I wanted to start off small and your post brings up some ideas for the future with my blog!

    1. Thank you glad it helped!

  7. Thank you for sharing. I have premium and was thinking about upgrading to Business plan in 2020. Perfect timing sharing this post. I will leave well enough alone.

    1. Yeah I would definitely recommend sticking with the Premium Plan!

  8. I am thinking about upgrading to premium next year. Thanks for sharing your experience.
    I am tagging in a post I created about New Years in my post Friday Dec 27 🙂

    1. Thank you so much I’ll check it out!

      1. Glad to share it 🤗

  9. I am on the premium plan and have my domain registered through WordPress. I don’t have many complaints but I do wish I could block bot blogs from following me.

    1. Yeah I’ve got some bot blogs too I hope WordPress finds a way for us to permanently block them.

  10. Thanks for the heads up.. it’s a hobby so far, if I can make a buck off of my blog, I’ll faint.

    1. Thank you and you never know haha!

  11. I am sharing your post

      1. You’re welcome 🤗

  12. […] The post is- Thinking Of Upgrading Your WordPress Blog in 2020? Read This First Part 1 […]

  13. Thanks for sharing this Pooja.
    I just posted my post some minutes ago about moving my site to self-hosted wordpress. I’ve done some researches and I’m sure going self-hosted is better for me.

    1. Thanks and yes you should do what you feel is best for your blog!

  14. […] via Thinking Of Upgrading Your WordPress Plan In 2020? Read This First (Part 1) — lifesfinewhine. […]

  15. Hai , I new to WordPress,can you help me to develop my bloging skills.

  16. Hi!
    Thank you for you post!
    I just started a website for regarding financial minimalism or how to keep your money AND have fun at the same time BUT I directly had the premium plan , without any free plan to build my audience.After I read your post ,I realize that this was wrong.I love your website ,you offer great content and I just want to thank you for this!
    David Mead at financial-minimalist.com!

    1. Thank you and so glad the post helped!

  17. Thanks Pooja Brilliant and very timely post for those thinking about making New Year changes. I’m on Premium and very happy with it as it gives more choice and flexibility than basic plan. But for those hoping to expand business-wise your wise words are just what’s needed. Well done you.

    1. Thank you so much and personally I think the Premium Plan is the best one I’ve tried so far!

  18. I make approximately $0.00 per year through my blog. XD

    1. Hahah for now!

  19. Richard Le Sueur Avatar
    Richard Le Sueur

    Excellent thoughts Pooja. Those are aspects that I have considered as I build my blog. I went to the Premium level to give myself more flexability and have no intent to increase from there.

    My primary goal is to express myself and hopefully give my readers some thoughtful and entertaining posts to read. To make friends would be terrific.

    Hope you had an awesome Christmas and wish you all the very best for 2020.

    1. Thank you and yeah I personally found that the Premium Plan is perfect if your goals are to build your blog and have a bit more control over your blog.

      Thank you so much and hope you had a great Christmas and have an amazing 2020!

    1. Hope it helps!

  20. Great info!

    1. Thanks hope it helps!

  21. Very valuable information. Thank you and Happy New Year!!!

    1. Thank you and happy new year!!

  22. I just upgraded to business because I read that it’s the only way you can monetize and I want to grow my blog. I only have about 170 followers. Do you have any tips for me to gain followers or any posts on how you personally make money from blogging?

    1. Personally I monetized using the Premium Plan because it’s more affordable and I didn’t like that your follow button is removed with the Business Plan. Here is a link for how to get more followers https://lifesfinewhine.com/category/advice/
      and here’s how I make money https://lifesfinewhine.com/?s=how+to+make+money
      Hope that helps!

      1. Thank you so much. I’m going to read both posts tonight! I didn’t know the follow button was removed! What’s the point in that? How did you get around that?

        1. I asked the WordPress help people and they said you can’t get around that unless you downgrade to a different plan. I don’t what the point of that is I felt like it should at least be optional not removed completely.

  23. So helpful! Was definitely thinking of doing an upgrade, so this came at the perfect time. Thanks girl 🖤

    1. Thank you so glad it helped!

  24. Reblogged this on By the Mighty Mumford and commented:

    1. Thanks for the reblog!

  25. A good share. Thanks Pooja. 🤗

    1. Thank you!!

  26. […] If you’re not sure whether to upgrade or not read the first part of this post by clicking here. […]

  27. I thought about upgrading to blogger to try getting sponsor posts but I don’t know with my views if it is worth it

    1. I don’t think you necessarily need to upgrade to get sponsors I think if you work on increasing your views and follows you’ll get sponsors no matter what plan you’re on.

  28. Bots? What do they look like? What do they do? Say? I’d like to know more, please?

  29. This is so useful. Thank you

    1. Glad to hear that!

  30. at some point I will revisit my decision to be on the business plan; thanks for the reminder!

    1. You’re welcome!

  31. All very valid to consider – when I first started my blog, I used the free plan for most of the year because I wanted to make sure I would stick to blogging and then upgraded. This year, I upgraded again b/c certain site-tools weren’t accessible even on my plan… but I don’t like that I lost the “follow” button on my blog b/c it has stagnated my follower growth for sure.

    1. Yeah I noticed that I was getting less followers than usual with the Business Plan as well. I think they should have made it optional instead of removing the follow button completely.

      1. Supposedly, it happens automatically once you activate one of the biz features (like a plugin). The thing that truly 💯 pushed me over the edge to get the plan was the ability to buy custom templates that could be uploaded from sites outside of WP.

  32. I want to write guest post on 2020 [ motivational] post o your site, Please give me ur mail id to send it for checking.

  33. I have sent you email , please reply me immediately.

    1. I’ve replied.

  34. Was totally thinking about upgrading. Great info to know! False advertising is the worst. WordPress, fiz Pooja’s blog back! 🙂

    1. Haha thanks glad you found it helpful!

  35. “you need to check whether you are making enough of an income through your blog to actually afford to upgrade,” you wrote this line in the income para. enough income in the sense?. like I have about 210 followers, how will I get sponsors or should I apply for Adsense or should I wait till I get 2000 followers?
    and then only will I’ll get to make money?
    or compulsorily I have to upgrade to monetize.

    1. What I meant by that line is that unless you can afford to upgrade I would recommend waiting till you are earning at least the equivalent of the cost of your plan before you upgrade. There are online sites that help bloggers connect with potential sponsors or you can privately reach out to sponsors. To monetize your blog and make money through Ads you will need to upgrade to a paid plan.

      1. oh thank u so much!! pooja. can u like tell me online sites for sponsers which i can go through

        1. The two I find most useful are intellifluence.com and afluencer.com so those are the two I would recommend

          1. oh thank you so much i’m so new to this i have to learn about all this. if you have any guide plz let me know thank for taking out time and helping

            1. No problem I totally understand

          2. also should do it now or later when i have 1000 followers?

            1. You can do it right now too it doesn’t really matter too much how many followers you have

              1. oh i checked influncer.com and afluencer how does it work? what am i supposed to do im not understanding. could u please help?

                1. Yeah just apply for the stuff you’re interested in.

                  1. in influuencer.com eligibility is 10000 followers on instagram?

                    1. No they don’t have a minimum amount for followers so you should be fine no matter how many followers you have.

  36. […] You would think that would be the end of that but of course it was not. I had to downgrade my plan from Business to Premium and for some reason this made my posts that I had created while using the Business Plan split into two posts- one containing my likes and one containing my comments. Because they were duplicates some of the posts got automatically deleted or turned into a draft which I decided not to republish since I didn’t want duplicate posts on my site. It seriously hurt losing the likes and comments I had worked so hard for- especially the comments- and it didn’t help that the WP helpers were not very helpful. Either way I am grateful it did not turn out worse than losing some of my likes and comments- could you imagine if I lost followers or all my posts. I would have been devastated. To read the full story of what happened click here. Thinking of upgrading your WP Plan but don’t want to go through what I did? Read this. […]

  37. Interesting.

    1. Thanks 🙂

  38. Wow Pooja, I’m sorry that WP messed your blog up so bad after the downgrade. How could this happen! I picked up the Business plan in 2020 and can safely say that it has made my blog better in several ways. It’s not cheap but in my case, well worth it because of the huge amount of storage you get. Photography and video eat up storage space. I think that WP should be responsible for this error and do something to help you!

    1. Yeah it happened a while back and nothing was done to fix it which sucks because now some of my posts are double. The Business Plan is great for blogs like yours with a lot of images and videos because of the storage space!

      1. I do upload lots of content. Las year, I made just over 330 posts in one month, too much! I’ve cut way back now. My photos are usually uploaded at 175kb’s, very small file size to conserve space yet retain a decent looking, detailed image.

        1. Wow that’s a lot. I guess even though your files are smaller since you post so many pictures they must take up quite a but of space.

          1. They will add up quickly! Just don’t use the .PNG format, it’s larger.

            1. Interesting- I didn’t know that. I’ll make sure mine aren’t in PNG format.

              1. PNG stands for Portable Graphic Network, the format is too large for blogging.

                1. I didn’t know that- I’m awful at tech stuff lol. I’ve been checking my images and a number of them are actually png so I may have to change those as I don’t have a lot of space since I’m using the Premium Plan.

  39. I have always wondered if upgrading is a good idea or worth it. Thank you for sharing your story. I have issues with wordpress and I find that whenever I chat with somebody, this person will fiddle with my blog in some way to fix what I am asking for, but a day later, i would find that something else goes wrong with the fixing happened the day before. So the problem just continues, not the same problem, but a different problem.

    1. I feel the same way. Something is always going wrong and I have to constantly talk to the support team which can be very frustrating.

  40. I do have a plan for the lowest upgrade possible since I wanna get rid of the wordpress.com domain but right now, I do not wanna do that, since my follower count is not up to the mark (I know it is relative). Let’s see what happens.

    1. Yeah just think it through and decide. It’s a bug step though so make sure you’re fully ready to upgrade.

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