How Many Of My 2019 Goals Did I Keep

How Many Of My 2019 Goals Did I Keep

I made a list of what goals I wanted to achieve in 2019 and here is a little recap of what I was able to achieve and the ones I’m still going to have to work harder on next year. For the original 2019 goals post click here. In this post, we’ll see how many of my 2019 goals I kept.

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Be prepared

I think I didn’t do great with this one in general but I did try really hard to be prepared. I feel like sometimes you can’t be prepared no matter how hard you try so considering those situations I think I did good!

My 2019 Goals yes to life gif

Be more open

I definitely succeeded with this one! I have been way more open this year and I’ve tried hard not to let my anxiety/depression get in the way of having fun. And, I have had some amazing experiences. And met some really great people due to that. I’m very thankful that I made this one of my goals!

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Read more

Technically I did read more it just happened to be for my courses so I guess that counts…

My 2019 Goals travel gif

Travel more

I definitely kept this goal too! I traveled a lot in Nairobi- not anywhere like far just to different places in Nairobi- and I’ve been going to some fun places in St. Catharines/Niagara too. Honestly, don’t think you need to go far or spend a lot of money to travel I think just going somewhere new even in the area you live in counts!

Don’t be afraid to take chances

Kept this one for sure too! I tried a lot more new things and I had a great time going out of my comfort zone this year.

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Do more writing

I tried to keep this one but year was kind of busy with school so I couldn’t write as much as I wanted to.

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Build a snowman

There’s still time to achieve this one!

My 2019 Goals thank you gif

Reach 10K WordPress Followers

I did and even went on to reach 12k which was amazing and I am sooo thankful for all the support I get here!

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62 responses to “How Many Of My 2019 Goals Did I Keep”

  1. Build a snowman- you only need snow 🙂

    1. That’s the problem it hasn’t snowed in ages! But it’s supposed to tomorrow so fingers crossed!

      1. Will pray for snow for you 🙂

        1. It snowed! Too little for a snowman but still yay!!

          1. You can have a picnic in the snow 🙂

            1. Haha good idea!

  2. Sounds like you had a good year 😊

    1. I did thanks!

  3. Congrats on reaching your goals. Travelling in my area since I moved sounds like a goal I should make. I haven’t checked out the new area I live in because I’ve been afraid to. If you wanted to complete the snowman goal, she come to where I live. We are about to get another snowstorm. There will be plenty of snow to build a snowman

    1. What is “snow?” Certainly not something you’d see on the sunny shores of Cape Town any time soon. Unless God knows something I don’t…

      1. White, fluffy and deadly is what it is. It is fun to see but not fun to drive in

        1. I actually know snow, just joked about it. And spun on black ice near the Lesotho border a few decades ago. One way to learn. Yet we have sunshine & summer now but snow only on the higher mountains in winter. So we’re not slush puppies. 😁

          1. I am in Minnesota and the winters here are bad. This winter has been kind to us so far compared to 3 blizzards last winter

            1. Minnesnowta? I can imagine, saw photo’s and video. Problem: you’ll never have sufficient Jack Daniels for all that ice!

              1. That is correct lol

      2. Hahaha yeah that’s not happening in Africa any time soon!

    2. Ooh haha yes I need some snow but I hear it’s going to snow tomorrow so fingers crossed!
      Travelling in your area can be so much fun you definitely should give it a try!

  4. Do you want to build a snowman?~~ Hahaha

    1. Lol love that movie!

  5. I have on goal and that is to survive and not leave the love of my life behind, all alone.

    1. And it should’ve been ONE goal…..

    2. That’s a wonderful goal and I’m sure she really appreciates it!

      1. Oh, she does! She saved several times this year, when I suffered four more cerebellar strokes.

        1. Wow that’s amazing it’s great you’ve found someone so wonderful!

          1. 🏆🎖

  6. You have done so well ,commendable.Happy 2020

    1. Thank you happy 2020!

  7. Well done for a successful year in reaching your goals. All the best for 2020.

    1. Thank you and all the best for 2020 for you too!

  8. Set some good ones for this year Pooj!!

  9. Congratulations on the goals reached and good luck toward the goals you still want to reach. I know that you will!

    1. Thank you so much!!

      1. You’re most welcome!

  10. Well done you! I didn’t write any new year’s goals for last year. However this year I have written a post and all the people who read my blog can make sure I’m staying on track aha x

    1. Yeah it definitely helps to post about them because then you stay on track and keep them!

  11. 12k followers, shite. I have no idea. Lol.

    Reading more for your courses definitely counts because most college students don’t even read their course material, haha.

    Being prepared is tricky. Even if you’re the most prepared person around, there’s still things you could have prepared better for and those are the things that will stick out in your mind.

    1. Haha do’t get me wrong there are some books from my courses I didn’t even open but there are some I read that were fascinating!

      Yeah exactly you can never be fully prepared for anything because we never know what’s going to happen. And yes there are some things I could have been better prepared for *coughassignmentscough*

  12. These are great goals! In 2020 I also want to explore places Ive never been around my area ☺️

    1. Thank you and I would totally recommend exploring your area because there are some amazing gems hidden right in front of us!

  13. To many more of those, lady! :]

    1. Absolutely!!

    1. Thank you!

  14. Congrats on your achievements and all the best for 2020!

    1. Thank you so much!!

  15. congrats on achieving so many of your goals. I admire your willingness to share your goals so publicly; I think doing so is a way of holding yourself accountable, making it more likely you will achieve what you set out to do.

    1. Thank you and yes it definitely helped push me to achieve them because I needed to write about them at the end of the year and I didn’t want to fail all of them lol!

      1. Glad it worked for you!

        1. Thank you!

  16. congrats Pooja!! These are all great goals. Writing more has been one of my resolutions too and I’ve been keeping it thankfully. With my job that can be difficult because we write a lot for our client notes and I mean a lot…. but I still have been making time to write and I’m super proud of myself. Its really amazing to me that you’re in school abd find time to write. Writing while I was in college was tough. Kudos to you for all of your followers too!! That’s so awesome. I hope 2020 is great for you 🙂

    1. Thank you so much and I think it’s super cool you’re making time to blog even though you’re working!!

      1. Thanks 🙂 and you’re welcome! We got this girl!

  17. Wow that’s great 12k followers congratulations on the achievement

    1. Thank you!!

  18. You’ve done amazing well done! X

    1. Thank you!

  19. […] a good year as far as blogging goes. I had kept most of my goals which I talked about in my “How Many Goals… Did I Keep” post. I had increased my traffic and following as I had hoped to do and this led to me […]

  20. […] a good year as far as blogging goes. I had kept most of my goals which I talked about in my “How Many Goals… Did I Keep” post. I had increased my traffic and following as I had hoped to do and this led to me […]

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