5 Ways To Prioritize Your Mental Health

Ways To Prioritize Your Mental Health

Life can get overwhelming but your mental health should be one of your priorities. Here are 5 ways to prioritize your mental health in 2020:

Be Selfish

When it comes to your mental health it’s okay to be selfish. It’s okay to take some time out to work on your mental health. So if you ever feel overwhelmed or like your mental health may be deteriorating just remember it’s okay to take some time to work on it even though it may seem selfish.

Make “Me” Time

Make sure you are taking some time out every day for some “me” time. It’s important to take some time to relax and do something you enjoy that helps you relax. Even if it means taking some time to do absolutely nothing.

Learn To Say No

It’s okay to say no to people/things when you aren’t feeling so great. If you need some time off and just can’t help it you shouldn’t feel guilty for saying no to someone. Explain to them that you don’t feel up to it and can’t help it and if they care about you they will understand.

Learn Your Triggers

Learn what triggers you so that you can avoid it or at least be prepared for it if you can’t avoid it altogether. Furthermore, try to figure out some calming techniques that help you deal with the triggers.

Seek Help

If you are truly feeling overwhelmed and as though you need professional help please seek professional help as professionals are equipped to help.

For more posts on mental health click here.

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103 responses to “5 Ways To Prioritize Your Mental Health”

  1. […] 5 Ways To Prioritize Your Mental Health — lifesfinewhine […]

  2. My stress level went down tremendously when I discovered my stressors and avoided them.

    1. Glad to hear that and yes it really helps to figure out your triggers!

  3. I appreciate your willingness to share about mental health. 🙂

    1. Thank you!

  4. Short and succinct pointers to take away from this write-up. Thanks.

    1. Thank you!

  5. Great points! Mental health is extremely important. As for me, I’ve had to learn to say no. It wasn’t easy at first, but I’ve gotten better with it. Great post!

    1. Thank you and yes saying no is difficult but it’s important!

  6. The “Learn your triggers” point i think it can be very beneficial and useful to people in need. Good post. :]

    1. Thank you and I agree it can really help.

  7. Being selfish is a good thing as so often we feel guilty about putting ourselves first.

    1. Yeah there are definitely times when you have to be selfish.

  8. Love this! I have been doing my best to prioritize my mental health and day no to even family and friends sometimes. We have to make sure we are looking at the big picture and make sure that we are pouring more care and support I to ourselves versus overextending ourselves for everyone else. 👍🏾 thanks for sharing!

    1. Glad you enjoyed the post! I think it’s hardest to say no to family and friends but like you said it’s more important to look at the bigger picture.

  9. So many people need to hear that it’s ok to not be ok and to take a break

    1. Yes absolutely!

  10. Love this post! I have taken more time the past year to dedicate to my mental wellness and I love it!

    1. Thank you and that’s awesome I think everyone should take some time to work on their mental health!

  11. I love it I love my life selfish! It’s the only way I can control the ups and downs

    1. That’s the only way you can control it!

  12. Leaning to say no is something that I need to be more conscious of!

    1. It’s difficult but in some situations it needs to be done!

  13. I have such a hard time saying No when I really mean it. Its my biggest thing I am working on this year

    1. Me too I really want to get better at saying no!

  14. […] via 5 Ways To Prioritize Your Mental Health — lifesfinewhine […]

  15. we all need some “me” time…

      1. I really like what you post pooja

        1. Thank you!

  16. These are all such valuable tips. I learned to say no and it has honestly made such a difference. I make sure I prioritize my mental health first not only for myself but also for my son now ❤️

    1. Thank you! Yeah it’s definitely important to say no especially when you have kids because your decisions no longer just effect you they effect your son too.

  17. Love this post!

    1. Thank you!

  18. […] via 5 Ways To Prioritize Your Mental Health — lifesfinewhine […]

  19. I absolutely love this!! It’s so important to be “selfish” like you say. i’m a mental health and lifestyle blogger, please visit my blog sometime! In the mean time, I will reach out to you over email! xoxo

    1. please forgive me. my url is http://www.dasiapollard.com. lol. i am still trying to get the hang of things on here! 🙈

      1. No worries! Thank you for your comments and I actually have an official share and promote page which you may wanna share that on instead https://lifesfinewhine.com/2016/11/17/share-and-promote-your-blog-here/

  20. Reblogged this on .

    1. Thank you!

  21. I appreciate your willingness to share about mental health.

    1. Thanks I try to share it often in the hope that it will help someone going through something similar.

  22. Reblogged this on Ajibawi's blog.

    1. Thank you!

  23. I think most of us has a problem saying “no” and if we do say “no”, we think that we have to follow it up with an excuse, which in actual fact, shouldn’t even be an issue. I have to remind myself constantly that my “no” can just remain that…without an excuse or a reason for it.

    1. I absolutely agree it’s like we’re wired to not say no and feel guilty when we do so we come up with excuses but like you said saying no is okay. You’re allowed to say no.

  24. Great post about mental health. Simple things to do, but so effective!

    1. Thank you!

  25. I love this post! Especially the section on making me time. I am shocked at how hard it is for me to do that.

    1. Thanks! Me time is so important but I get how you feel because it’s so difficult to find any time for yourself.

  26. […] 5 Ways To Prioritize Your Mental Health — lifesfinewhine […]

  27. Short and good points. Thanks for sharing

    1. Thank you!

  28. […] 5 Ways To Prioritize Your Mental Health […]

  29. Powerful reading. Thank you.

    1. Thank you for your comment and glad you enjoyed the post!

  30. Thank you for these tips on self-care!

    1. Hope they help!!

  31. Love this advice! I am so guilty of putting everything else before my own mental health – mostly my uni work! It’s great to have this reminder

    1. I’m so glad to hear the advice helped and I know how you feel I always prioritize uni work too but there needs to be a balance!

  32. Thank you for this post. It’s so meaningful and a reminder to prioritize what’s important.

    1. Thank you!!

  33. Worth a read for everyone!

  34. Very important points you shared here !!!

  35. I like your start ! And how you emphasize on the things we can do daily in our lives to help us maintain our mental health

    1. Thank you! I think improving the little things can make a huge difference,

  36. Great points, and all things I try to rope into my self-care plan.

  37. […] 5 Ways To Prioritize Your Mental Health — lifesfinewhine […]

  38. Helpful reminders, especially in this stressful time.

    1. Thank you!

  39. […] 5 Ways To Prioritize Your Mental Health — lifesfinewhine […]

  40. great points – thank you for sharing

    1. Thanks!

  41. emailsincerelygabby Avatar

    These 5 tasks can often be really difficult, like saying no, but they are so essential! I’m glad that you are spreading awareness about mental health.

    1. Thank you and yes they are difficult but worth it!

  42. Thanks for sharing this informative post 🙂
    I agree to you that it is necessary to have some me time to get relaxed.

    1. Thanks I’m glad you agree!

  43. This is great advice for everyone! I especially like the tip on saying no. It’s helpful to be reminded that saying no shouldn’t make you feel guilty. And all your tips are interrelated. Sometimes saying no is a form of self-care and being selfish. Good post! I enjoyed it.

    1. Thank you! Saying no is definitely very important and can sometimes be necessary. It’s something that we tend to feel guilty about but honestly you should not feel bad for prioritizing yourself.

  44. Reblogged this on Lifesfinewhine.

  45. Meaningful post. This will be useful for many.

    1. Thanks- I really hope so.

  46. At times, doing stuff for yourself is judged as being selfish. Especially in societies where community is prioritised over the individual. This attitude is reflected by our family in dealing with us which makes the situation tougher.

    Being selfish is not so easy. Specifically, when you are called out for it. There should be a healthy balance between the community and the individual to achieve good mental health.

    1. I absolutely agree and I think we need to work on changing societies views on mental health because a lot of people are afraid of seeking help or prioritizing themselves due to the stigmas attached to mental health problems.

  47. Saying no to others especially closed ones is tricky. Sometimes you have to do something unwillingly because you don’t want to hurt their feelings.

    1. Yeah we often do things just so we don’t hurt peoples feelings but we need to stop doing that if it begins damaging our own health.

    1. Thank you!

  48. Yes, we need to say no more often. Life is too short for accommodating others who would not be around if you needed them.

    1. Yes exactly- life is short and we need to prioritise ourselves.

  49. Me time is so important!!

  50. well penned thoughts andriagrant.. know thy triggers… at times we escape as we k now them, and at times we walk right into the trap knowing it too isn’t it… takes time to make it our unconscious way of being

    1. Knowing your triggers definitely helps a lot.

  51. I really like it, it’s well written! Kudos

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