CBD Oil For Anxiety (Review)

Trying Hemp Oil For Anxiety | CBD Oil For Anxiety

CBD Oil For Anxiety

I tried using CBD oil for anxiety when I came to Canada. Here are my thoughts about how it worked for my mental health. Just a heads up these are my thoughts and how my body/brain reacted to the hemp oil so it may be subjective.


Highly reduces anxiety- I noticed a huge decrease in anxiety as soon as I began taking the oil. It was significantly less and after about a week my anxiety was almost completely gone especially my social anxiety. Like I remember the first time I was sitting there having a conversation laughing and not being anxious- it was an amazing feeling.
Better sleep- It definitely highly improved my sleep. Like I could tell from day one. I went to sleep so much faster and I was completely out. Like there was so much noise going on in the house and I was still totally out which is crazy because I’m an extremely light sleeper.
Elevated mood- Like I said it makes me super happy and friendly and I laugh so much. It just makes me feel so light and happy I love that feeling. As you guys know I do suffer from depression but have not had any depressive episodes while taking CBD oil regularly.
Better concentration– I generally have good concentration but this made it even better. I was much less distracted and my concentration was really good plus things were just really clicking in my brain.
More energy- I felt so much more energetic almost instantly. I’m usually the polar opposite of energetic especially in the morning. If someone were to describe me the word sloth-like would come up multiple times. But this oil makes me so energetic and ready to do stuff- yes even in the morning…


Increased metabolism- It makes me digest food faster so I end up eating a lot more food. I haven’t gained weight due to it so far so maybe I’m burning it off with all the energy.
Slight anxiety sometimes- I still get anxious once in a blue moon or if there is something that’s triggering. I understand that CBD oil isn’t a magic cure though  so personally I would rather have almost no anxiety and not have to take medication.
Dry mouth- For the first few days I took it I woke up with my mouth kind of dry and it was kind of dry throughout the day but over time my body seems to have gotten used to it.
Vivid dreams- Unlike hemp oil it did not give me any nightmares. It does however give me super realistic vivid dreams which are actually kind of fun to be honest. I love dreams and thinking of them when I wake up so this is like a fun activity for me but I know it can be a bit annoying for people so I listed it as a con.

Final Thoughts

I love CBD oil at the moment and personally for me it has helped in a huge way for my anxiety, insomnia and depression. I want to add however that it isn’t some sort of magic cure a lot of people seem to make it out to be. Everyone’s body reacts differently and it may not work for everyone. I would recommend doing your own research before trying it out and trying a very low dose first.

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70 responses to “CBD Oil For Anxiety (Review)”

  1. I also heard that CBD oil helps with muscle soreness. Good for recovery from chronic pain.

    1. Yeah I’ve read that as well.

  2. I was given some, and when I checked with my doctor, she didn’t want me to use it.

    1. Yeah it doesn’t work with everyone due to a number of reasons you may be on some medicine that would react badly with the oil.

      1. Yes, taking care of hubby she has added new ones, and increased some.

  3. Just like any substance you get used to it and/or find ways to manage, or you don’t.

    1. Yeah definitely.

  4. I mean, i’m not one who usually tries this gimmicks but… i had a similar experience with … hemp? tea, i guess?
    It helped me sleep a lot better and calmed my migraines.
    Try something more natural as the tea, next time!
    I’m glad the oil did the trick for you though 😀

    1. Yeah I don’t like getting on the bandwagon either so I tried it after reading some reviews from people I trust. Thanks for the information about the tea I’ll check it out!

  5. Thanks for that insight into CBD. Very thought provoking.

    1. Thanks glad you enjoyed the post!

  6. Thank you for telling your experiences with it 🌺

    1. Hope it helps!

  7. What strength and brand did you use? My experience was it didn’t do anything for me. I have bad anxiety. However, it could’ve been the brand.

    1. I use the Beleave brand one and It’s 1:1. Did the one you used have high THC levels because that usually doesn’t work for anxiety. Try using one with very low THC levels.

      1. I used a tincture of 1000 MG. No thc. I guess you were smoking?

        1. No just the oil. It was 1:1 CBD to THC. I would suggest trying a different brand.

  8. I’m glad to hear it’s working well for you; I know people who have had positive results as well with CBD…

    1. Thank you it’s making a huge difference!

  9. Good to know 🙂 Thanks for being kind enough to share your experiences. I am sure tons of people will find it very helpful!!!

    1. Thanks and yeah I hope other people with similar problems find the information helpful!

  10. I use CBD oil and have found it helps me sleep which is huge for me.

    1. That’s so great to hear! It’s very helpful for sleep for me too.

  11. I like CBD oil, it helps so much. 🙂 Mostly for me with Anxiety and sleep.

  12. I am so glad to have read both of your reviews both the hemp oil and now the CBD oil as well. Because I struggle with severe anxiety and also am diagnosed with epilepsy, your review has been the tipping point to push me to give the CBD a try. Thank you so much!!!

    1. You’re very welcome and I really hope it helps you as much as it has helped me!

      1. Thanks, me too!

  13. I’ve had a lot of relief with CBD, in several forms (oil, muscle rubs, herb, etc)! I find it’s actually helped a lot with chronic pain rather than immediate relief, so using it over a long time was beneficial to me. Glad you found it useful too 🙂

    1. Yeah it does work better long term and I’m glad it’s helping you as well!

  14. Have used it with much the same results…..no THC though, just the CBD

    1. Yeah a lot of people have positive results from CBD oil alone.

  15. Im so glad it worked for you! How did you take it?

    1. I take it orally- two drops a day. It made a huge difference!

      1. Good to know! Thank you 😊

        1. You’re welcome!

  16. I’ve always been curious about trying it. I’m glad it helped you, especially since social anxiety can be so binding to the soul!

    1. I would really recommend giving it a try and yes it has been so beneficial for me. For a while socialising became a nightmare but this has really helped me become more social and get out of my bubble.

  17. I’ve had the same experience with CBD for anxiety. I’ve noticed a HUGE improvement to my mood and sleeping. My biggest complaint is that it gives me a wicked headache sometimes. I’m glad it’s working out for you!

    1. Headaches can be an annoying side effect I’ve heard some people say that as well when they reviewed it. I’m glad it’s helping you though!

  18. i’ll try this too! i suffer from ibs(irritable bowel syndrome) and it’s caused by anxiety..

    1. I have anxiety caused IBS too and it sort of helped. Didn’t solve it completely but definitely helped.

  19. https://getyourcbd.store/blog/
    I have a guest blog on here! The one about the different CBD Spectrums and the Entourage Effect! There is also many other posts with really solid, FDA compliant (it’s a real issue in the US…UGH!) info.

    1. Thanks for sharing that I’ll definitely check it out!

  20. Spot on review. It works well for lower back pain as well. Dry mouth and dreams are not as bad after taking for a while. In Canada there is a few different strains of cbd and come in droppers, sprays, pills, and edibles now.

    1. Thanks! Yeah we have a lot of options here but the oil has worked best so far. The dry mouth is gone for me and the dreams only happen once in a while now so it’s definitely not that bad.

  21. This is really interesting … I hadn’t thought about ever using something like this. Thanks for your thoughts. Katie

    1. You’re welcome and I would definitely recommend trying it out!

  22. Superb my friend 😉😎🙏👍

    1. Thank you!

  23. A pleasure my friend 😉😊👍🙏

  24. I intend to do a research dive on cbd oil…I haven’t yet due to concerns that it’s already so hyped. However ur post has spiked a personal interest. Are u still using it and finding the improvements sustained?

    1. Yeah I would definitely suggest doing a lot of research first. I personally didn’t try it till a few months ago because I thought it was just one of those things infuencers are paid to advertise because there really isn’t a magic cure for anxiety or many of the other things people said it cures. Yes I am still currently using it and the improvements have sustained. I’m actually so much better now that I don’t take the oil daily I only take every other day or sometimes even once every three days, However, it works differently for everyone.

      1. Donovan Carper Avatar
        Donovan Carper

        Wow! Very interesting! Definitely will have to dig into it a little more! Thanks for sharing!!

        1. You’re welcome and I hope it helps you as much as it’s helped me!

  25. Interesting post. Had bad anxiety few years back due to bullying which I finally got over but with current events it has slightly returned. What strength did you use? Canada and US have definitely access to better Quality product than UK. Thanks.

    1. Thanks and I’m sorry to hear your anxiety is returning. I used 1:1 but if you’re anxiety is not that bad you can try out pure cbd oil too (1:0 instead of 1:1).

  26. Great review, simple, honest and to the point. I’m new to blogging but I’m fascinated with the medical benefits of CBD and THC. Hope you found an oil that fits your needs. I’d definitely try eating some leafy greens such as Kale or Broccoli an hour before taking your CBD to get more out it.

    1. Thank you! I wanted to put out an honest review because a lot of people make CBD oil out to be some kind of magical cure which it isn’t but it is still super beneficial to an extent. At least it is for me. I didn’t know eating leafy greens helps- I’ll definitely try that out!

  27. […] I did a post on trying out CBD oil for my mental health some time ago- mainly for my anxiety and insomnia- and a lot of people did seemed interested in CBD […]

  28. […] is something I tried out recently that I have found very helpful. I started using CBD oil a few months ago for my anxiety and […]

  29. I’ve just recently started using CBD oil for anxiety and I can really see a difference in myself. I’m more apt to do things that I would normally not do due to my anxious thoughts. I love it. It’s only been a month, but it has REALLY helped me!

    1. Yeah it’s really helpful for anxiety and I’m so glad you’re already feeling better after using it for a month!

  30. We specialize in CND products and the results are amazing and we highly recommend CBD!

    1. CBD is really great for a lot of people!

  31. Hi Pooja, which CBD oil do you use?

    1. I use OCS but I think that’s only available in Ontario. I would recommend any organic brand- most of them seem to have the same effect from what I’ve heard as a couple of my friends use different brands.

  32. […] shared my experience and then wrote another post with an update a little while after that. Since, I’ve been using […]

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