5 Ways To Feel More Positive

Ways To Feel More Positive

5 Ways To Feel More Positive

Here are some ways to feel more positive:

Be grateful

It’s always a good idea to start and end the day by being grateful for everything you have. I know a lot of times it’s difficult to be grateful or it may feel like you have nothing to be grateful for but these times are when you need to be grateful the most. It can be something as small as your pet or having a roof over your head or having a meal.

Be thankful

It’s also a good idea to be thankful for all the amazing things in your life. Again when you’re feeling down it may seem like you don’t have much to be thankful for but keeping a jar can help. All you have to do is get a jar and everytime something good happens write it down on a small piece of paper and put it into the jar and when you’re feeling down open up the jar and read these and be thankful for them. This is just one idea there are multiple things like this you can find online and you can make it into a fun little project!

Read/listen to positive things

Negative things can make you feel negative and being around positive things can make you feel more positive. Instead of watching stuff, reading things, listening to things that are negative watch/read/listen to positive things. You can read inspirational/motivational books or listen to positive music/books and you can look through positive quotes online. This really helps improve your mood!


I hate being told to smile because duh but sometimes smiling helps! Studies show that smiling even when you’re not feeling great can help improve your mood so give it a try!

Talk to people you care about

Sometimes talking to friends or family members can really help make you feel more positive so find someone to talk to and have a good chat with them! It might make you feel a lot better!

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58 responses to “5 Ways To Feel More Positive”

  1. I used to be a really positive person then 2019 happened and now I am not so much. Sad if you ask me.

    1. Yeah I know when times get harder it’s difficult to stay positive but I think that’s when you need to be grateful for the little things.

  2. someone just posted this on Facebook. it’s my bequest to your trove of positive quotes
    “when you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive–to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love–”
    Marcus Aurelius

    1. Love that quote and it’s so true we need to be more grateful for the little things!

  3. Love this post! It’s so true…I’ve been working on staying positive for a while now.

    1. Thank you and best of luck with your journey to be more positive!

  4. Loved it😄

  5. Great post. Loved all the ideas.

    1. Thank you!

  6. It is to be grateful with the big, big, things.
    It is when they are small things, when you only have a few things, are we grateful then?
    I am grateful that I have what I need, food, shelter, clothes, family, friends. I may be below the poverty line by most, but, I feel great anyhow.

    1. Yeah I think it’s important to be grateful for the little things too like having a roof over your head, being healthy, and having three meals a day. Even when times get tough it’s important to count your blessings.

  7. Thank you for this post, the ideas you’ve come up with are very helpful for thinking positively.

    1. Thank you!

  8. Great advice thank you 🙏

    1. Thank you!

  9. All so true, particilarly the smiling.

    1. Thank you and yeah smiling makes a huge difference!

  10. Radiate love and kindness

    1. Yes that is so important!!

  11. Eat 3 healthy meals a day, too! I’ve felt so much better since I started eating a bowl of yogurt with fruit and nuts for breakfast and a salad loaded with veggies for lunch. I don’t even get tired anymore!

    1. Yeah changing your diet/lifestyle can make a huge difference for sure!

  12. I always smile, even when life is bringing me down, but it can be so hard to be grateful, when feeling sorry for yourself is so easy, I guess it just takes practice. I hope university is going well.

    1. It’s going good thanks and yes I agree it’s difficult to be grateful but through practice it gets easier!

  13. Thank you for your positive post 🌻 It made me smile 🤗

    1. Glad to hear that!!

  14. […] 5 Ways To Feel More Positive […]

  15. Lovely post 🙂

    1. Thank you!

      1. You are welcome 🙂

  16. and combining a couple of these into: surround yourself with positive people!

    1. Yes absolutely that’s important too!

  17. I love the thankfulness jar idea!

    1. Thanks! It’s such a fun way to stay positive!

  18. I L❤️VE. the gratitude jar idea. I am going to try doing this. I can get so depressed that a type of amnesia sets in where I can only remember the adversity. This will be a nice concrete way to remind me that good things really DO happen. Thanks for sharing this!

    1. Yeah it’s helped me a lot as well because I tend to get overwhelmingly depressed sometimes as well and this reminds me that there’s good out there too. Hope it helps you!

  19. This is perfectly true PoojaG! Shhhh… it’s why I don’t listen to depressive music. I also try to find things I’m grateful for errday.
    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you so glad you agree!

  20. Forced smiling really does help! I find myself using that technique often. Great post!

    1. Me too fake smiling turns into real smiles eventually! Thank you!!

  21. Practicing thankfulness/gratefulness is so key to happiness. This was an important lesson to learn in my life.

    1. Yes absolutely it makes life so much more positive!

  22. Everyday isn’t always great. But, I always find a reason to smile even in a bad day. Great post, Pooja 👍🙂

    1. Thanks and I totally agree!

  23. Love it, sometimes it can be challenging to stay positive despite of going through challenges and hurdles.

    1. Thanks and yes it is difficult when times get hard to stay positive but that’s when you need it the most!

  24. Great thoughts

    1. Thank you!

  25. I turn down the volume completely if the music is sad.

    1. Yeah sad music can really effect your mood

      1. True. Some sad songs are fun to listen to. But a mans got to do what a mans got to do.

    1. Thank you!

  26. Great post! Keep it up!

    1. Thank you!

  27. […] via 5 Ways To Feel More Positive — lifesfinewhine […]

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