A Quick Life Update

Hey everyone! I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe. Just thought I would share a quick life update about what’s going on with me at the moment.

So my university has stopped all in-school classes till further notice so I’m having online classes and have to do write ups instead of seminar cofacilitations. It’s a bit frustrating as it’s a lot of work but I don’t mind. I’m also avoiding crowded areas and I’m trying not to go out unless I need to.

I’m also just trying to stay positive by meditating and things. To be honest, one thing I have realised is that freaking out is not going to help me or anyone else. The best thing I think we can do right now is try our best to stay calm as much as we can. And of course, let’s please follow the safety guidelines so that we can keep ourselves and those we love safe too.

I’m also seeing that a lot of people are really panicking about the situation and it’s effecting a lot of people so if anyone feels like they want to talk please feel free to reach out. I know it can really take a toll on people who already have anxiety or mental health problems. And even if you don’t have any mental health issues, this can be a stressful thing to deal with. So please reach out if you ever want to talk. That’s pretty much my quick life update. Do let me know in the comments how you have been doing lately.

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65 responses to “A Quick Life Update”

  1. Stay safe and enjoy the online learning. My kiddos will be doing that this week as well.

    1. Thanks and stay safe too!

  2. Sounds like you’re staying safe and chill–no easy task in these uncertain times. I recall you’re taking a course on America in the 60s.
    Still liking it? I have a special interest. Did you read the Port Huron Statement, the founding doc of Students for a Democratic Society? A speech you might find interesting: Carl Oglesby, Let Us Shape the Future, given at the second March on Washington against the war in Vietnam. I’m sure you can google it. For all the spare time you have now!.

    1. Thank you hope you’re staying safe too!
      I am taking a 60’s course and I have read all of those except the Let Us Shape The Future speech which I will definitely be checking out! Thanks for the recommendations!

      1. you’re welcome

  3. I hope you are able to stay safe and happy Pooja – i have 4 kids in different Universities, all cancelled – kind of a domino effect yesterday – it’s frustrating but I think it’s for the best – Take Care and enjoy some down time!

    1. Thank you and hope you are all safe too!

  4. Very nice idea, proceed .

  5. Stay safe, Pooja! And make sure to be taking care of those who can’t make it out to do their shopping now, because of the situation. There is a lot of overreaction which definetly won’t help. Yet it is a problem that we mustn’t ignore! Thank you for this life update, I enjoyed reading it.
    Enjoy your online classes! I’m sure it’ll be quite a different experience.
    Erin x

    1. Thanks and stay safe too! I agree we also have to take care of the people who can’t take care of themselves. Also panicking doesn’t help we need to calm down and follow the guidelines.

      1. We are the least vulnerable, it is the elderly we need to take care of most. Hope you’re well 🙃

        1. Yeah absolutely the elderly and those with weak immune systems are the most vulnerable and need to be protected the most. I’m doing okay and hope you’re well too!

          1. It’s really brought communities together, if nothing else. With every cloud a silver lining 🙏

            1. Agreed- it’s really helped bring so many people together. It’s a sad situation but it’s so great to see people going out and selflessly helping others.

  6. “Safe” isn’t in my vocabulary, fortunately! But, I do see the logic in staying away from Corona. 😷
    It’s a great idea to meditate and stay positive; stress has a detrimental effect on the immune system. Best wishes!

    1. Thank you and stay positive too!

      1. Yw and thanks!

  7. I think we need to hear from the people who got better from the virus, gives us a first hand idea of what it really is like and how symptoms differ from other viruses.

    1. Yeah I think that would be extremely helpful in figuring out how to deal with the symptoms.

  8. My college just switched to online..we now have a week off so they can prepare. Definitely unfortunate as this is my graduation year but I’m trying to stay positive as well!

    1. Oh no that’s horrible but I guess we just need to stay calm and do our best to stay positive!

  9. I am trying to stay positive/mediate as well. Here in Houston,Texas everyone is going nuts and completely emptying out/buying everything from the grocery stores! It is insane! Is it the same way in Canada?

    1. Yeah it’s pretty similar here too- people are definitely panic buying. I think we all just need to stay calm and try to remain positive!

  10. Be safe, good luck, have fun!

    1. Thanks and stay safe too!

  11. Schools closed here too for a week.

    1. Yeah it seems most schools are closed for a while right now.

  12. Sorry to hear it makes your schoolwork more difficult. Definitely take care of your mind like you’ve been doing! Forced isolation is going to be hard for a lot of people. It’s my MO, though. Lol

    1. As an introvert I really don’t mind the isolation it’s the added work that annoys me lol!

  13. Hope you stay safe & healthy! As an extrovert (and someone in my last semester of grad schoo), the self-quarantine / online school is really driving me nuts. I hope things pick up and return to normalcy soon.

    1. Yeah I can totally understand how this can be frustrating for an extrovert but I’m hoping everything gets back to normal soon too! Hope you are safe and healthy too!

  14. Good to know you are okay! Enjoy and stay safe!

    1. Thanks and stay safe too!

  15. good luck with your classes, and stay healthy. and how nice of you to offer comfort to those in need.

    1. Thanks and stay healthy and safe too!

  16. It’s crazy and a lot but I hope you’re okay and stay safe!

    1. I am and I hope you’re safe too!

      1. That’s great and I’m doing fine as well.

        1. Glad to hear that!

          1. 🙂 Much love, your posts are so addicting in a good way.

            1. Omg that’s so nice of you to say!!

              1. And I mean it 🤗

  17. Stay safe, Pooja, and good luck with your classes.

    1. Thank you and hope you’re safe too!

  18. Hope your safe, Hope my blog becomes like yours!

    1. I am and hope you’re safe too!

  19. […] 15, 2020 at 9:25 pm REPLYThank you and hope you are all safe too!LIKED BY 1 […]

  20. Yeah, everyone needs stay safe and pray. Thanks. Please you all should follow me. Am still new here.

      1. You are welcome friend. Hope you gonna put me through on this blog of a thing? Lol

  21. Stay safe and hope you’re doing well. Also , if it’s not too much , can you go through my blog once and give your thoughts on it? I’m new to this whole thing and would like someone’s honest feedback. Thanks and hope you have a good day!

    1. Thanks and your blog seems great!

  22. Thanks for Sharing

  23. Lovely post. I am also keeping myself busy, meditating and going for walks too. Earth needs some time to heal. Keep safe x

    1. Thanks and yes definitely!

  24. […] Life Update — lifesfinewhine […]

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  26. Stay safe
    Stay positive

    1. Thanks and you too!

      1. Sure thing 🙂

  27. […] Schultz says:MARCH 15, 2020 AT 9:27 PMyou’re welcomeLiked by 2 […]

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