Six Word Story #53

Stalker | Six Word Story | Your Eyes Always Watching Me | Things I Never Said

Six Word Story:

He tapped her on the shoulder.

About The Six Word Story:

As you guys know, I love writing these six word stories for you. And from the feedback and responses that I have received on them, I am happy to say that it seems you like reading these little stories too. I am really thankful for that since it is always a win when both you and your audience enjoy the same thing. It gives me a reason to continue writing these, knowing you enjoy them so much.

My six word stories do tend to be a bit darker. Especially more recently. Actually, although my posts are often more lighthearted I think my writing always tends to be a bit darker. My poetry and short stories can be like that too. So, with that in mind here is one more darker story.

Have you ever been afraid and constantly looked over your shoulder? If so, how did you deal with it? What lessons did you learn from that experience? If you want to, of course. Let me know your thoughts in the comments section below because I would love to hear them. Or simply just stop by and say hi! And don’t forget to leave your own six word story in the comments because I always enjoy reading them!

For more six word stories click here.

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65 responses to “Six Word Story #53”

  1. your 6-worders are the best!

    1. Thank you!!

  2. Brilliant.

  3. […] via Six Word Story — lifesfinewhine […]

    1. Keep it up 👍

      1. Thank you!

  4. And gave her coronavirus. Chilling!
    Could be rewritten:
    He cared not for social distancing.

    1. I was thinking this too, along the lines of “coronavirus paid her a visit.”

      1. Nvm I wrote a 5 word story. Correction: “coronavirus is paying her a visit.” 😂😷

        1. Haha! I was about to point that out and come up with one! 🤣
          Mister Coronavirus paid her a visit

          1. Well said my friend 😆

              1. You’re welcome 😊🤗

    2. Lol you guys just made this so much better!

      1. Haha! You’re welcome 😁

  5. Love this. ❤️❤️

    1. Thank you!

  6. This is so cool! Thinking of using this for a short story in one of my next blogs if you’d like to collab 🙂

    1. Thank you and I would totally love too!

      1. For one of my next blog posts I’d love to use this prompt!

        1. Absolutely feel free to!

          1. Thank you! 🙂

    1. Thank you!

  7. Will this be a happy ending?

    1. Maybe… maybe not… 😂

  8. Love it, as always your 6 word stories evoke a lot of emotion for being only 6 words long! Keep writing. 🙂

    1. Thank you so much!!

  9. how strange that the first thing that came to mind for so many people, including myself, was covid-19 related!

    1. I guess it’s on everyone’s mind right now!

      1. that’s for sure!

  10. She then pepper sprayed him? 🙂

    1. Lol exactly!

    1. Hehe thanks!

  11. I really love this one Pooja. it stirs the mind

    1. Thank you!!

      1. You’re welcome

  12. I love this. Amazing graphic as well!

    1. Thank you so much!!

  13. Six words but a wealth of insight 🧐🙌🏻

    1. Thank you!!

  14. Relating the six word story to the image I had endless interpretations. It’s intriguing though, how my imagination, reality, etc got roped into trying to decipher meanings to this short story.
    I love it!❤

    1. Thank you and yes six word stories are just so much fun and a really creative way to express yourself!

  15. Such an interesting post, it really provokes your inner artist, and is truly inspiring. By the way, when did you start getting interested in such stories?

    1. Thank you and it started pretty early on- I think my first year of blogging if I’m not wrong.

  16. Just stumbled upon your account and wow, this is amazing in a chilling sort of way 😳

    1. Thank you!

  17. Great post! I’m new to blogging community, it’s so good to come across such amazing stuffs!

    1. Thank you so much!

  18. I really love these… ❤️

    1. Thank you!

  19. Awesome story

    1. Thank you!

  20. Love how much you can convey in just six words!

    1. Thank you!

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