Things That Bloggers Find Frustrating

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Things That Bloggers Find Frustrating

Blogging is one of the greatest joys in my life but there are certain things that bloggers have to deal with that can be very frustrating. Here are things that bloggers find frustrating:


This one is number one on my list because I see it most frequently and find it the most frustrating. When I say spamming I don’t just mean those weird comments in the spam folder trying to sell you viagra, as annoying as those are, I actually mean people leaving very generic comments and then leaving a bunch of links to their blog/posts. Or people who don’t  even leave a generic comment but leave just a link to their blog talking about their blog on a totally irrelevant post as though it’s okay to advertise your blog on someone else’s posts. That’s so frustrating because everyone works so hard to grow their blog and then these people expect free advertisement. That’s not how it works and it’s very rude to do that. If someone has a share and promote page I think that would be the only place you should leave such comments. For more on spamming click here.

Being taken advantage of

I love helping bloggers and supporting those that support my page but there are some people who when you give them a finger will attempt to take your hand. I think if you want someone to support your blog you need to support theirs. It needs to be a mutually beneficial relationship but leaving/emailing your link and telling someone to follow you when you don’t support their blog is just rude. Or asking for full post shoutouts when you have never liked/commented on the persons blog.

Backhanded compliments

Yeah we know what you’re doing and honestly it’s not clever or funny. It’s just hurtful. I think a lot of people don’t know how to properly leave feedback and leaving a backhanded compliment is not the way to do it.

Being hit on

Seriously this is just gross and creepy and bloggers DO NOT blog to get hit on by random strangers. Please do not hit on bloggers.

Being told blogging is easy

Being told by people that what you do is a waste of time, easy, useless or anything in that ballpark is incredibly insulting. No one knows how difficult blogging is until they try blogging. Don’t undermine something just because you don’t understand it. It takes a lot of hard work, time and talent to blog and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

Is there anything you find incredibly annoying as a blogger? Let me know in the comments below I’d love to hear from you!

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162 responses to “Things That Bloggers Find Frustrating”

  1. Yes, blogging is hard. I am finding that out every day. Trying to come up with new posts is not easy. Anybody who says blogging is easy. They have never tried it. They don’t know what on earth they’re talking about.

    1. I know I find it helpful to read other people blogs, to get ideas on things I might want to write about and give my perspective on.

    2. Absolutely it takes so much work!

  2. Geez…I was close… was almost first to comment… lol…. maybe next time 🙂

    1. Lol maybe next time!

  3. This sums everything up very nicely! I am slowly learning all of these things.

    1. Thanks and yeah I think most bloggers experience these at some point!

  4. Nailed every single point! 🙂

    1. Thank you!

      1. You are welcome, Pooja! 🙂

  5. I absolutely hate backhanded comments. They’re annoying and quite frankly embarrassing for the person handing them out.

    1. Yeah I actually feel like it’s more embarrassing for people who leave them because everyone can tell what you’re trying to do.

  6. Clever post… I been through a few of these. It’s quite the pain. The spamming, that’s what get’s me. I am uber tech savvy, so blogging I would not say is easy for me. But I have mastered it. Working on say 5-8 separate blogs a day use to put me through the ringer. But I honestly super respect a well balanced blog. It’s the time and dedication and grind I truly respect, for it ain’t easy growing and adapting and being the best you can be. 🙂

    1. Thanks and yeah spamming really gets me as well. Especially the people who leave links and a bunch of information about their blog without saying a single thing about the post. It’s just so rude.

  7. Being hit on …lol yeah experienced that..
    And that is totally rude..

    1. Yup super rude and honestly very creepy!

  8. OMG I had an idea for a blog post and it was similar to yours. My list is a little bit different though, but funny that we were thinking similar things.
    “8 Annoying things that Bloggers do” or something like that. <- a different perspective but similar in some ways. I didn’t refine it because I feel like my version will offend people or something. I was in a bad mood when I wrote the rough draft and it gives off grumpy vibes.

    1. I think you should totally post yours even if it comes off as grumpy! I would love to read what annoys you- I’m sure a lot of the points will be very relatable.

      1. It’s SO rough and poorly written. It’s not something I’m proud of and if I were to publish it, it would need a ton of editing. My phone keeps trying to change the word editing to edifying.

        1. Lol I hate when autocorrect does that! I understand what you mean- it’s hard to write well when it’s an emotionally driven post.

  9. Great advice! Now, I am working hard not to leave a generic comment!

    1. Thank you and me too!

  10. I absolutely agree with you. If nothing else, blogging is an expression of oneself. But in the movie of the world all characters are casted. I pray that you always remain the hero as you are. Blessings

    1. Thank you!

  11. The follow-unfollow game really annoys me. For bloggers not familiar with this “game,” there are some people who follow your blog solely in hopes that you will follow their blog in return. Then, when they realize that you aren’t following their blog in return, they unfollow you.

    1. Yes,follow/unfollow is sooooo annoying 🤯🤯🤯🤯

      1. Yeah, it absolutely annoys me too!

    2. Yeah I find that extremely frustrating too and I feel like it’s happening a lot more now than it used to.

      1. I’ve noticed it more recently, as well. I don’t know if it’s happening more or if it’s just that I notice it more (even if it isn’t happening more).

        1. No I feel like it’s definitely happening more especially with new bloggers looking to grow their blog fast and unethically.

  12. It has definitely been a little annoying sometime in trying to build my audience and feeling like I’m trending in the right direction in doing that, only to take two steps back often every time I seem to take one step forward. However, the key for me has been to remember slow progress is better than no progress and just continuing to tweak things here and there in trying to grow my audience and put out good content consistently until that does happen.

    1. Yeah it definitely takes a lot of patience to grow your blog and it’s definitely hard work but as you said consistently putting out good quality posts does a lot to help!

      1. Absolutely and definitely a marathon and not a sprint….

        1. Yes exactly!

  13. I have gotten to the point that if someones leaves a spammy comment like- great post, or comments only to promote their blog, I delete the their comment.
    Also there have been times that I have seen a creepy comment someone has left on a woman’s blog and called the person out on it.

    1. I’m so glad you called out that person! It can be so anxiety inducing to get comments like that and knowing that someone out there has your back really helps!
      I delete spammy comments too because honestly someone’s blog is not a free advertising page and you should know better than to leave comments like that.

      1. How are you doing today?

        1. I’m doing well. How about you?

          1. I am ok. Been teaching online

            1. That’s good. Keeping busy really helps.

  14. I love your message, and think that you hit upon some VERY important issues that bloggers undoubtedly face! Thank you for pointing those out… this is a community that must work together, and these are real issues not to be downplayed.

    1. Thank you! I really wanted to talk about these because I feel that these are things that we can definitely work on.

  15. I hope I haven’t given any backhanded compliments. I think I often have a more conversational approach in my comments, rather than giving feedback. Meaning, I often speak my sometimes contradictory perspective (like I agree with all of these, especially being told blogging is easy — but I wouldn’t mind being hit on at all! It would bring me a great thrill!) Sometimes people can find me rude in person when it isn’t intended. 🤔Anyway, I enjoyed your post. 😀 Cheers!

    1. I have been called rude, usually because I was blunt. That’s how my parents raised me. You don’t need a Paul interpreter to figure out what I mean. With many people, I need an interpreter to translate what was said to what they meant.

      1. It was quite the same for me. Now that I’ve really seen how other people are in their communication and relations, I’m grateful I was able to speak openly with my parents. This keeps people sane, I think.

      2. I actually prefer people who are blunt to people who give backhanded compliments. At least people who are blunt are open and say what they mean whereas people who leave backhanded compliments go out of their way to say something very rude in a very polite way which I find extremely shady.

    2. No I don’t think you have. I think backhanded compliments are more than just being upfront about your thoughts. A lot of them actually go out of their way to be very rude in a polite way. Glad you enjoyed it!

      1. Good to know then! Cheers!

  16. Nice and informative post

    1. Thank you!

  17. Agreed with all your points but what do you mean by backhanded compliments? I’ve never heard of this expression.

    1. – basically making what sounds like a compliment, but is actually an insult.

      1. Thank you

        1. You are welcome. Some people are more subtle on delivery of them so you have to guess it was one. Others are pretty blatant when using them.
          Some people don’t intend to use them, but use them unintentionally because their speaking or writing skills need some work. However, those individuals generally don’t use the subtle ones.

          1. Now that I know what those compliments are, I think I’ve gotten quite a few of them. It makes me aware of my own writing as well, I don’t want to come off as rude or catty unintentionally

  18. Wow. This is beautifully penned.
    You just expressed whatever I feel.
    Specifically when people tell me that what I do is easy.
    Much power to you, lady!

    1. Thank you! I think bloggers get that a lot because people who don’t blog themselves can never know the real struggles of blogging.

  19. Yes! It would be nice if other bloggers would read my work too rather than simply asking for likes and comments. I find that really annoying.

    1. Yeah it’s frustrating when they leave spam comments telling you to visit their blog/like their post all while ignoring yours.

  20. For me, the most annoying thing is that when someone likes your blog without reading them.

    1. Yeah that can be frustrating.

  21. One of the things I find annoying is when someone follows you expecting you to follow them and you aren’t interested in their blog so you don’t follow them and then they unfollow you. Follow people because you want to read their posts, not so that they follow you back!

    1. Yeah that happens a lot. Actually I’m not sure if you’ve noticed but that didn’t happen as much before but over the last few months I’ve seen a lot of spam followers who just follow you for a follow back and unfollow you when you don’t follow back.

      1. Yeah I’ve noticed. It’s kind of sad. I personally don’t have any problem is people dont follow me after I follow them so I just don’t get it. We’re all different and interested in reading about different things. 🙂

        1. Yeah I get what you mean. I usually follow blogs with content I think I would enjoy and I try not to unfollow unless they spam me with posts or comments or something like that. But like you said everyone is different.

          1. Yeah, same for me! 🙂 Well, for every spammer/rude person on wordpress there are hundreds of fun and awesome people which I’m super thankful for!

            1. Yup the good ones definitely outweigh the spammers which is why I love WordPress so much!

  22. Amazing post! Also, I hate that any of these things happen to you, Pooja! I definitely can agree its kind of a slap in the face when someone expects you to put forth so much with not even any interest in return. Have a great day!

    1. Thanks! Yeah it’ so frustrating because people ask me to do all kinds of things for their blog- including help them write posts, run their blog etc even though they’ve never liked or commented on my blog ever. I really don’t mind helping people who support my blog but I do mind being taken advantage of.

      1. As you should!!!! You know your worth 💓 Shame on them for taking advantage of a kind heart.

        1. Thanks! I don’t really care too much about it I just ignore them and if they get aggressive I block them.

  23. Blogging is easy??? Right. Lol!!!

    1. Lol only people who blog know the truth!

  24. I liked the content. Very useful and informative.These are dont’s which one should avoid.
    Why don’t you write about do’s also like how one can add to one’s blog, I could not find anything of much help, and landed into your blog. I feel you could tell me and people like me who are new.
    I would like to read your tips for beginner bloggers, that would would be great help.
    thank you, more power to you.

    1. Glad you enjoyed the post and I actually have an entire category for blogging advice that you can check out:

      1. thank you so much.

        1. You’re welcome and hope it helps!

  25. I second you, especially when someone says blogging is easy…

    1. Thanks and yes it’s very frustrating when people say that!

  26. Being ‘hit on’ is just not on and I’ve had to block two creepy men who obviously didn’t want to read my posts – they were liking comments from random people!!
    And you’re right – blogging isn’t easy. I don’t know people like yourself manage it while you’re at college or working 🙂

    1. Yeah I’ve had some of those creeps on my blog too and it’s just so weird and uncomfortable.
      It’s really difficult and it does take a lot of effort to do it while at school or working full time.

  27. Oh wow I didn’t know bloggers were going through so much. I’m very new to the industry still, thanks for showing me what might be coming. And keep up with what you’re doing, it’s honestly very helpful! #TheyWontBringUsDown.

    1. Yup it’s great for the most part but these are some of the challenges that we do face sometimes. I’m glad you’re finding my posts helpful!

  28. Oh my goodness, the generic “follow me” comment, 100%! I have one blogger who comments quite often and it’s always the same short comment. It’s infuriating and you know it’s just about maxing out exposure for their blog. If I don’t anything to add I will still like a post just to show my support. Also people who comment and add a mahoosive comment that basically is a blog post In itself. If you have that much to add, just write your own and link back to my work to give credit for the idea. That’s much better than taking over someone else’s work.
    As for hitting on someone though? I’ve never had that but I will certainly keep watch. I have a resolute zero tolerance policy to creepy behaviour. Hopefully that doesn’t happen too often!

    1. Yeah those types of comments can be extremely frustrating. I have had to delete some comments that are just obvious ads for their blog.
      Yup creeps do come by once in a while and the best thing to do about those is just ignoring them and if they’re persistent just block them.

    2. I quite agree with you. Essay long comments can be a bit annoying 😰. As you recommend, they should post all of that as a post in itself and then link it back to you 😌.

  29. I hate when people leave comments intended to convert me to their religion.

    1. Yeah that’s frustrating.

  30. LOL that GIF is a mood 💯 and I completely agree with each of these frustrating things – especially spamming/link dropping and backhanded compliments. If someone drops a generic comment with just a link, I will actually edit the comment to remove the link. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Or if it’s just a link, I’ll delete the entire comment!
    Blogging is def not an easy hobby, so people need to be considerate.

    1. Lol I’ve been editing the link out as well! That way they know what a real comment is supposed to look like…
      Yeah it seems easy if you’ve never done it but if you’re a blogger you know just how difficult it is.

  31. The getting hit on one is my biggest annoyance

    1. Yeah it can be extremely frustrating. It’s worse if you’re on social media as well.

  32. Some of my friends underrated the effort I put into each of my posts but when they saw I was churning out new work weekly, many started giving me backhand compliments lol. Only a few would actually click my link and day the same cool stuff on my posts.
    Thanks for sharing. This is so so true.

    1. Thanks for your comment! I definitely agree people are quick to judge but don’t actually know how much hard work we put into out blog.

  33. Great article! I have only recently got in to blogging and I would never have guessed how long it takes to write each article! I think the effort that goes in to each post is massively underestimated…

    1. Thanks! I agree it takes a lot to put out good content and constantly coming up with ideas for new posts can be very difficult too.

  34. I definitely agree! Blogging is so not easy! I think the hardest thing for me is getting people to interact with my posts and getting comments because I’d love to hear what people want to say about one topic but there’s so many ghost readers 😂 I guess I should also connect with other bloggers and drop a comment too 😂 it’s also really hard to blog when you know you want to but your mind is completely blank! I hate writing slumps 😔

    1. Yeah it’s difficult to get comment but being active on other blogs really helps with that! Finding new topics to post about can be really exhausting for sure and writers block is truly a pain!

    2. Also not sure why but WordPress isn’t letting me got to your blog and is redirecting me. I think your link may not be working. Just wanted to let you know.

      1. Ooo I changed my domain and I mean I changed the link too but I’m not sure why it’s not working…
        the new link is
        It’s not that different to the old one !
        Where did you try to click on the link? please let me know so I can fix it!

        1. I tried to click the link on your comment. Hope you’re able to get it fixed!

          1. Ohh? I don’t know how to change that 😳

            1. You just need to inform the WordPress help people that the your blog link on your comments hasn’t updated and they’ll be able to fix it for you in no time. It’s a very common problem.

              1. Ohhh okay I will email them then!

                1. Good luck with that hope it gets fixed!

  35. Keep pushing through! 😄

    1. Thank you!

  36. Well said my friend 🙏👍🙏

  37. Wow. You have so many likes on this post!! Impressive. I must be fortunate as the things that bother you haven’t really happened to me. Stay well!

    1. Thank you! I’m glad you’ve never had to experience these and hope you never do!

  38. A while ago, I had a reader ask me how much I was making and how many deals I had gotten in that month. I found the questions annoying and rude because I believe those should be personal. I felt a bit pressured as I wished I was doing so much better.
    Indeed a lot of people don’t understand the amount of work that goes into creating and maintaining a good blog.
    This was such an interesting post.

    1. Yeah I’ve had a few bloggers ask that and it’s definitely rude. I also don’t really understand how that information would help them to be completely honest. Don’t feel bad for where you’re at with blogging- it takes work and time to get to your goal!

      1. Thank you 😊.

        1. You’re welcome!

  39. Well said! I couldn’t agree more. I hate spamming. Recently, there was a blogger who had the audacity to comment with their link on my blog post. They didn’t even have a single word about my blog post! All they had written was that they had worked really hard on the post and really wanted me to check it out. Just to call them out, I asked what they thought about my blog post. A generic answer came in reply. Needless to say, I didn’t check it out. It was downright rude.
    Creepy people are everywhere. But luckily for me, I haven’t come across many in WordPress. *Touchwood!*
    Backhanded compliments are the worst!!
    Blogging is not at all an easy task. It takes one to know one.
    I’m in total agreement with you, Pooja

    1. I get at least one of those spammers who try to advertise their blog in my comments section and it’s so frustrating and so incredibly rude. Sometimes I edit their comments to remove the links just for the fun of it.
      Yup some very creepy people out there. Luckily I haven’t had a lot of those experiences either. It’s definitely worse on social media than on WordPress.
      I’m glad you you agree!

  40. My blog is barely two months old. I can relate with the expectation to have people comment on my posts. Before starting this venture I read that ” patience and consistency” pays🙂 I’m going to wait patiently and do my part.

    1. Patience and consistency really is the key to blogging!

  41. I am so new to this world but yes could connect to each and every frustrating thing u mentioned. Thanks for making us wiser as bloggers as well as readers

    1. Thanks I’m glad you found the post beneficial!

      1. R u a Hindi reader

        1. No sorry

      2. Wanted ur comments on my first article

  42. Thank you for your suggestions. All very helpful. I like this topic and would to read more.

    1. Glad you found them helpful and I actually have a whole section with posts about blogging that you can check out here:

        1. You’re welcome!

  43. Getting readers to engage with your blogs and your content.

    1. Yeah that’s difficult

  44. I just launched my website and Im a bit too excited and worried. I am really not familiar with all of this, as I was mainly a visual artist (painter) experienced more in instagram and such. Writing is my biggest passion and Im a bit scared to be honest with you. I dont know if the things that I am doing are effective or not and so on. Any tips would be of great help!

    1. Welcome to the blogging world and I actually have a whole section with advice for new bloggers that I think would be super helpful for you:

  45. I totally agree with the blogging is hard part. People have no idea how hard it is to keep that consistency and write good pieces. That really sucks

    1. Yeah it takes a lot to come up with ideas for new blog posts consistently and keep your quality high.

      1. It does, but people are quick to sit back and just run their mouths😩

        1. For sure. You tell people you have a blog and I swear everyone has an opinion about it. Honestly I don’t think people should be giving negative feedback unless they’ve had a blog and know the struggles.

    2. What’s extra annoying is finally writing a gem of piece only to have it “inspire” similar posts the very next day.

  46. […] wrote a fantastic post about some of the frustrations of blogging in which she mentioned commenters who feel the need to […]

  47. I respect your raw honesty and you know when someone is being sincere or wasting time,we are all creators and artists here and the post and timing mean something, respect and props to you, peace

    1. Thank you so much!

      1. Respect and appreciate you

  48. Recently started blogging. I love it but its not an easy thing.

    1. It’s definitely far from easy.

  49. OMG all so true, the dating ones are the weirdest for me as I don’t even have a pic up? At least they can see you 😂. Plus anyone who says blogging is easy has either never tried or isn’t succeeding I would guess🤪

    1. Omg that’s so creepy I can’t believe they hit on people without a picture up. Lol people who say blogging is easy are probably just jealous they can’t do it…

  50. Thank you. Fabulous, this is!

    1. Thank you!

  51. This is so relatable 🙌

    1. Thank you!

  52. (Gasp!) Pooja…. people don’t blog to get hit on? lol I guess I should leave the scene now then. lol j/k Your blog was quite insightful. I like your style of writing. Thank you for sharing. 🙂

    1. Lol I know it’s crazy but some of us just start a blog to write… Thank you!!

  53. I am a new blogger I just create and launched new blogging page,
    I am not familiar with all of this, but have knowledge in social science and Organic skincare experience in Facebook, Instagram, The page is for beauty and wellness. but with current social news and activities, I found myself draw to it and wanted write about it. any tips will be highly appreciated.
    Thank you

    1. Welcome to the blogging world! I actually have a whole category you can check out with blogging tips for beginners

  54. […] This post was one of the first posts I read from Pooja when I started following her and I think I’ve started having two problems on the list, just in the space of a month of being consistent. Haha. Check it out when you can. Things That Bloggers Find Frustrating […]

  55. […] so long ago, PoojaG wrote a fantastic post about some of the frustrations of blogging in which she mentioned commenters who feel the need to […]

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