Experiencing Technical Difficulties

macbook on brown wooden dining table and chairs | Experiencing Technical Difficulties

As you guys know WordPress is known to have some bugs and glitches and unfortunately it’s effecting my blog. I am experiencing some technical difficulties today. For some reason I am not getting notifications for comments left on my blog. Or the replies for comments I have left on other peoples blogs. The whole commenting part of WordPress is usually my favourite so this really sucks.
Angry Ron Swanson GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
If you have left a comment on my blog or replied to a comment I have left on your blog and I haven’t replied to it please don’t take it personally. I just am not receiving the notification for it.

I’ve talked to the WordPress help team (I’m not sure if that’s what they’re called but that’s what I’m calling them…) and they said they would try to fix it. From earlier experiences this will likely take 3-7 days to fix. So again, if I don’t reply to your comments for the next few days it’s only because I don’t know of their existence.

I want to reassure everyone that posts will go up as scheduled and I will try my best not to let this affect anything. Thanks for your patience and I’m hoping to get this issue fixed soon! And again so sorry for any inconvenience. In case I don’t respond to your comment please don’t take it personally. Hopefully, things will go back to normal sooner than later and experiencing technical difficulties is not going to be a regular thing.
Benedict Cumberbatch Wink GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

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70 responses to “Experiencing Technical Difficulties”

  1. If you get this… I am sorry for your trouble. I hope it gets better soon!

    1. Thanks hope it gets fixed as well!

  2. There’s another blogger I follow who is having the same problem. Boo!!!!

    1. WordPress needs to get itself together!

  3. I have the same problem also

    1. Hope it gets fixed soon!

      1. Thx. Hope it gets fixed 4 u also

  4. Word Press with bugs?!?!?! Crazy!! Haha, just being a joker….

    1. It’s got the virus 😑

    2. Lol I know shocking right…

  5. Hope this comes to an end soon…

    1. Hope so too!

  6. Bugs! I have had to delete the phone app and re download three times this week – it is usually so reliable well sort of – hope you get your issues sorted shortly I love the comments too

  7. Hoping for a speedy fix! Also just wanted to let you know that when I click your ad it says unsupported URL!
    Happy Earth Day, Pooja!

    1. Happy Earth Day! Thanks so much for the heads up!

  8. https://nabeesblog.com/2020/04/22/liebster-award/
    I have nominated you for Liebster Award, Please go through the above link to know more….

  9. I went and checked my comments and there were a whole bunch of them that I hadn’t been notified about! Thanks for the heads up

    1. That’s awful hope this gets sorted out soon. Apparently quite a lot of bloggers are experiencing this.

      1. Yes I’ve heard a few too

  10. I’ve had a few technical difficulties on my blog as well. It’s way smaller than yours but very similar technical issues sometimes my posts weren’t showing up etc. I still read all your blog post. I’m getting all the notifications. Take care be safe. Karac

    1. Yeah WordPress has a lot of bugs/glitches and I think most people have experienced some at some point. I’m glad you’re getting the notifications though.

  11. I’ve been having this problem recently too! I get e-mail notifications but they’re not showing up in my notifications on the app or website. Very weird, I hope they fix it soon!

    1. Yeah it’s the same for me. Hoepfully they’ll fix it soon!

  12. A lot of bloggers seem to be experiencing this problem.

    1. Yeah seems like it. Hopefully they’ll fix it soon.

  13. They are called happiness engineers.
    Hope they get it resolved for you.
    I know the feeling. I use my phone a lot to post and it frequently has its own set of WordPress bugs that appear to be mobile related.

    1. Thanks and yeah bugs can be very frustrating.

  14. Yes, I posted about this the day before yesterday, when it started. Many others experience the same problem. Thanks for notifying them. Hopefully they choose to fix it.

    1. Yeah I hope it gets fixed soon.

  15. Thanks for letting us know, and for that wink from Cumberbatch

    1. Lol it’s my pleasure!

  16. I hate it when things go wrong!

    1. It’s very frustrating!

  17. Hello! I have nominated you for the Awesome Blogger Award!
    Thank you, I hope you can reply!

    1. Thank you so much I’ll check it out!

  18. Might be notifications in your phone is off. Check it.

    1. It’s not working on my laptop either. It seems to be a problem on WordPress’s side.

  19. This is happening to me too!! The comments are in your pending folder 💕

    1. Hope yours gets fixed as well and thanks for letting me know!

      1. I’m starting to get notifications again now so hopefully WordPress are fixing it! 💕

  20. I have the same problem

    1. Hope it gets solved soon!

      1. It is solved thanks a lot

        1. Yeah mine seems to be solved too luckily

  21. Thanks for the post

  22. when I chatted with WP support last night, the person I was chatting with claimed to be totally unaware of this problem, despite so many people complaining about it… I hope it is resolved soon.

    1. The Trump style of crisis response

      1. indeed 🙂

    2. Wow that’s crazy. I hope they fix it soon though this is very frustrating.

      1. I think it is now fixed!

        1. Yup mine is too!

          1. in the grand scheme of things, a relatively minor problem I guess!

            1. Compared to what other people seem to go through regularly I’ll take this.

              1. same here…

  23. I hope you figure it out soon Pooja! Sorry to hear we lost you here in Canada ;P I hope you’re well.

    1. Yeah I hope so too! I’m actually stuck in Canada right now lol but otherwise okay. How about you?

      1. Oh yeah? I guess you would be! Get your fixing if maple syrup before you go

        1. Lol yes I don’t know how I’m going to live without Canadian maple syrup!

  24. Thank you so much!!

  25. […] via Lifesfinewhine Is Experiencing Technical Difficulties — lifesfinewhine. […]

  26. I go through this problem periodically – its quite frustrating. Sometimes the comments appear to disappear altogether when I try to even look at the comment log for my blog.
    Hope the help team is able to fix this for you soon!

    1. Wow that’s horrible. This is the first time I’ve been through this and it’s so frustrating I can’t imagine how annoying it must be to go through it often.
      Fortunately they seem to have fixed it!

  27. I hope you get this one! I just wanted to say thanks for the follow. You’re the first! Congratulations, haha. Your blog looks super informative for someone like me, just starting out, so I’m looking forward to reading it. Thanks again!

    1. It’s been fixed now! Yayyy so glad I was your first follow and I’m sure there will be many more in the future!

  28. My issue was that it wasn’t posting to my Facebook page. My wife was asking if I was posting there any more. I didn’t realize that this had been an issue for almost a week!

    1. Yeah it does tend to do that sometimes- the same thing happened to me but with Twitter!

  29. I’ve had similar and now going through over 300 emails lol x

    1. Oh no that’s awful! Hopefully yours has been fixed too.

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