Awesome Blogger Award #3

Awesome Blogger Award

I want to thank Natalie for nominating me for the Awesome Blogger Award! Or rather I should say Dr. Natalie (congratulations girl!!). She has an amazing blog with posts about travel, mental health, books and much more. Be sure to check out her blog by clicking here. 

The rules for the Awesome Blogger Award:

  • Thank the person who nominated you. 
  • Tag the post with #awesomebloggeraward. 
  • Answer at least 5 of the questions you were asked (You can also answer all that is offered on your platter) 
  • Nominate at least five bloggers and inform them of their nomination. 
  • Give them a minimum 5 new questions to answer. 


If you could select one picture that you feel like currently represents how you’re feeling, what would it be? Preferably one that you’ve taken. Post it with a caption! 🙂

^Me during quarantine.

What is your earliest memory? Why do you think it’s the first thing you remember?

Playing with my sister- because she was mean and used to trip me and it hurt. Sister right…

What is your biggest regret?

A lot of the things I did as a teenager. 

Shrug GIFs | Awesome Blogger Award

What is the most beautiful dream that you’ve ever had– what do you think contributed to you having it?

One time I had a dream that I was hanging out with Seth Macfarlane which was awesome until we started fighting lol. Probably because I was watching his interview with Jimmy Fallon before I went to sleep.

What do you consider to be your life’s work?

At the moment- probably this blog. 

You Guys In GIFs

My Nominees

If you’re reading this post and feel as though this may be something you want to participate in please consider yourself nominated and use the same questions I did- I would love to read your take on them!

For more similar posts click here.

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41 responses to “Awesome Blogger Award #3”

  1. It’s raining awards. Congratulations, Pooja!

    1. I know I’m so honoured! Thank you!

  2. Congratulations and wonderful answers and well deserved

    1. Thank you so much!

      1. You’re welcome

  3. More well-mérited awesomeness

    1. Thank you so much!

  4. Congrats

  5. Congratulation on your award nomination. Have an amazing day.

    1. Thank you and have an amazing day as well!

  6. Wow so many awards!! Congrats!

    1. Thank you so much!!

  7. Thanks for answering the questions ! Hope you had fun —- I absolutely love that photo of you during quarantine ♥️

    1. Thank you so much and yes I had a great time with the questions!!

    2. i agree. great answers too.

  8. Congratulations💯🥳

    1. Thank you!

  9. Well done. woo hoo you will be feeling very happy xx

    1. Thank you so much!!

    2. i am sure…it’s such a unique feeling to be recognized and appreciated

  10. Congratulations Ma’am!
    I really wish well for you!

    1. Thank you so much!!

  11. Awesome! Congrats on another award PoojaG.

    1. Thank you so much!

  12. Oof that mural truly is a quarantine mood. For me, my biggest regrets in life are always the things I didn’t do if the risks I didn’t take.

    1. Yeah I regret the things I didn’t do as well. That’s why I try to just go for it now.

      1. you’re doing so well with that attitude combined with the proactive and positive actions you take Pooja, keep rising higher and inspire many more.

        1. Thank you so much that means a lot to me!!

    2. well said and so I would urge you to step out of any comfort zone and reach out to new horizons….

  13. Congratulations.

    1. Thank you!

  14. Hi. I am new here. I read your posts. You are pretty awesome. Hoping more from you. And félicitations… you deserve it. 🤟

    1. Thank you so much!!

  15. Congrats @gain

  16. Congratulations on your award!

    1. Thank you!

  17. Awesome positivity over all. Keep the ebb and flow going Pooja

    1. Thank you so much 💕

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