Real Neat Blog Award #5

Real Neat Award Blog

I want to thank dearkitty who not only nominated me for the Real Neat Blog Award but is actually the creator of this award!! She has a phenomenal blog about art, science, nature and so much more. Be sure to check it out by clicking here. 

The rules for the Real Neat Blog Award:

  • Put the award logo on your blog.
  • Answer the 7 questions asked by the person who nominated you.
  • Thank the person who nominated you and add a link to their blog.
  • Nominate any number of people linking to their blogs and let them know you nominated them by commenting on their blogs.
  • Come up with 7 questions for the people you nominated.


1. Who is your favourite visual artist?

My favourite visual artist is DestinyBlue– she’s brilliant.

2. Which is your favourite bird species?

I love flamingo’s- they’re just so beautiful.

15 Fascinating Flamingo Facts

3. Which is your favourite mammal species?

Dolphins- they’re weird and awesome!

If Dolphins Are Mammals and All Mammals Have Hair, Why Aren't ...

4. What is your favourite insect?


Ladybugs, Family Coccinellidae Real Neat Blog Award

5. What is your favourite plant?

I really like cactus’s- they’re beautiful and taste delicious.

Types of Cactus Plants

6. Where do most visits to your blog come from?

The U.S. 

7. If you would be invited to make a space journey, then to which solar system planet would you like to go?

Can I say all of them?? I know there could be billions but I would want to visit as many as possible. 

My Nominees

If you’re reading this post and feel as though this may be something you want to participate in please consider yourself nominated and use the same questions I did- I would love to read your take on them!

For more similar posts click here.

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75 responses to “Real Neat Blog Award #5”

  1. Congrats, another award nomination. Youre going to have to prepare a speech soon.

    1. Aww thank you haha!

  2. shadawss shadawss Avatar
    shadawss shadawss


    1. Thank you!

  3. Congratulations🌸👍

    1. Thank you!!

  4. Very well done 🙂

    1. Thank you!!

    1. Thanks!

  5. Congratulations 🎉

    1. Thank you!

      1. Always Welcome 😊

  6. I love cactus’s, Cacti, or whatever. Great answers!

    1. Lol yes they’re a fun plant! Thank you!!

  7. Can’t wait till I get my hands on one of these. Need to start taking sanitation seriously

    1. My nominations are always open so feel free to try it out on your blog and I would be happy to add your name to the nominees list if you like!

  8. Congratulations and wonderful answers and well deserved

    1. Thank you so much!

      1. You’re welcome

  9. Space travel- heck yes!!!
    Dolphins- I want to see them. Love dolphins

    1. I really want to see dolphins some day too- that would be amazing!

      1. More we have in common 🙂

        1. Yes indeed!

  10. Fabulous, another award!

    1. Thank you so much!

  11. Congratulations…………And Well Done…………

    1. Thank you so much!

      1. You are welcome blogging is a great outlet for many of us…I am glad to have met your blog in the blog universe….

        1. It is a great outlet and I’m glad to have met you as well!

  12. Congratulations. Well deserved, Pooja. Dolphins are cute and intelligent. ♥️

    1. Thank you so much Shweta! Yes they are!

  13. Ladybugs are super cute! Also, dam girl! Those page views are goals! 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻

    1. Thank you so much and yes ladybugs are so adorable!!

    2. awesome actually…i used to admire them so much as a child.

  14. That’s alot of views. I’m happy when I receive one or 2 a week. Good job!!!

    1. Thank you so much and I’m sure you’ll views will increase too- it took me forever to get here!

      1. oh…that’s a question most will be curious about….forever? how long was that?

        1. If I’m not wrong it’s all of last years views

          1. oh ok. but it’s a significant feat and i’d love to have you share how did you accomplish that.

            1. Thank you and I have a bunch of posts on that if you’re interested

              1. so nice of you to share this with me. will check it out sometime soon PoojaG

                1. Sure no pressure!

    2. hmm…you chose an interesting blog name… did that happen…

      1. Well I’m a mom to a 4 year old son. I also sell Avon as well as freelance writing. 😁

        1. awesome. may you be blessed in all that you do.

          1. Thanks. You 2

  15. We have a large cactus that spreads out with long tendrils… but the most awesome part about it is that it has Night Blooming orchids! We noticed the buds but never saw them open until we went out at night and caught a glimpse of the flower which was basking in the glow of the street light from across the way!

    1. Omg that is so cool!! You must have been so surprised the first time you saw that!

  16. That Destiny Blue picture is great! Never heard of that artist before. Also, I was just thinking today about how crazy cool Dolphins are.

    1. She is really incredible! Yes dolphins are soooo fascinating!

  17. Congratulations! Ladybugs are super cute. I have caught many ladybugs in my childhood 😀

    1. Thank you! Same I would play with ladybugs as a kid!

  18. congratulations!

    1. Thank you!

  19. Congratulations.

    1. Thank you!

  20. Congratulations!!

    1. Thank you!

  21. This was such a cool award post! Congratulations! Oh and I think Dolphins and Flamingos are pretty cool too ☺️

    1. Thank you! Have you ever seen dolphins or flamingos in real life? I’ve always wanted to but never had the chance.

      1. I’ve actually seen a flamingo!!! They are exactly what you’d expect! I haven’t seen a dolphin yet but I would love to. I’ve held a baby shark in Mexico!

        1. Omg a shark?? That’s so cool wow!

          1. I’ve got to find that picture! It’s probably super lost now with the move 🤣

            1. Lol that always happens when you move but if you ever do find the picture we need a post about the whole experience!

              1. That would be fun! I definitely will ☺️

  22. beauty shone all around today and warm affection….you all make the world look so beautiful and it takes me away into these great moments of peace and quiet happiness that i want more and more…..PoojaG…you’re a darling, and more.

    1. Thank you so much you are just too kind!!

  23. You are such an inspiration
    Just started my blog yesterday and I hope I learn from you😊

    1. Thank you so much and good luck on your blogging journey!!

  24. My favourite plant is also cacti! They are so strong, spiky and just super cool💜🌵

    1. Yeah they are definitely the coolest of the plants haha!

  25. Congratulations and be safe

    1. Thank you and be safe too!

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