The Real Neat Blog Award #2

Real Neat Award Blog

I want to thank Nathan for nominating me for The Real Neat Blog Award! He has a really great blog in which he writes about a mental health. I truly appreciate him putting out content about mental health because as you guys know this is a topic that’s personally very important to me and I think the more that people talk openly about it the less stigma there will be. Be sure to check out his blog by clicking here. 

Here are the rules for the Real Neat Blog Award:

  1. Accept the nomination and thank the person who nominated you, leaving a link to their blog.
  2. Answer the 10 questions
  3. Nominate your chosen bloggers and send them a link to let them know they’ve been nominated.
  4. Ask your nominees to participate by answering the same questions.


What is your favorite color?

It depends on my mood but right now it’s between blue and black. 

My Favorite GIFs | The Real Neat Blog Award

Who would you say you admire most? 

My friends and family.

If you could describe yourself as a color, what would it be and why? 

Orange- because nothing really rhymes with orange and I feel very orange sometimes. (#tbbt)

Orange GIF

Where is your favorite place on Earth and what makes it so special? 

Kenya because it’s home. 

What is your favorite food and why? 

Khichdi but only the one my mum makes because my mum is an amazing cook.

Eating GIFs

What is your favorite book of all-time? 

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Eyre.

Why do you enjoy writing and blogging? 

It gives me an outlet and it allows me to connect with amazing people from around the world.

You Guys Are Amazing You Guys Are Awesome GIF - YouGuysAreAmazing ... The Real Neat Blog Award

What type of music do you enjoy? 

Hip hop, Country, RnB, Rock- honestly all types it just depends on my mood. I can go from Bob Marley to heavy metal really fast…

What are your favorite hobbies (besides writing) and why do you like them? 

Reading and watching TV because it’s a great escape from being me for a while and meditation because it helps me be me but with a less annoying and jittery brain. 

What is your favourite song and singer/band? 

Okay I can not pick just one. Right now, I am loving Megan Thee Stallion, Princess Nokia, Ice Cube, Beastie Boys, The Dixie Chicks and a lot more.

Music GIFs

My Nominees

If you’re reading this post and feel as though this may be something you want to participate in please consider yourself nominated and use the same questions I did- I would love to read your take on them!

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35 responses to “The Real Neat Blog Award #2”

  1. Boy they are coming in. Well done 😊

    1. Thank you so much!

  2. Congratulations! You’ve done really amazing work? How come you find a topic to blog everyday about? I have to rack my brains to find something worth writing upon that i can actually do. Have you always found topic or is it just a phase?

    1. Thanks! I actually have a post on how I come up with topics to write about

  3. Interesting questions answers. I enjoyed your this award

    1. Thank you and glad to hear that!

  4. Congratulations and wonderful answers well deserved

    1. Thank you!

      1. You’re welcome

  5. Congrats!!

    1. Thank you!!

  6. Blue and black?

    1. Yup still blue and black!

      1. Feeling “black and blue”? 😢

        1. No lol like I still like black and blue

          1. Blue on black? 😝👻
            I think I’m out of song references.. I’m not, but that’s as far as I’m going. 👽

            1. Haha 😂😜

      2. Ugh.. I have this stuck in my head now.
        PS: 👻👽
        Stop with the black & blue..

        1. Haha 😜😫

  7. Hey Miss Award 🥇 girl congrats…👍🏻..

    1. Thank you!!

  8. Congrats once again!
    Ooh, you’re a metalhead to? Since when? 😆

    1. Thank you! Lol yeah I was such a punk wannabe as a teenager and I still have a soft spot for heavy metal 😂

  9. Im loving these award posts! I’m learning so much about you! Congratulations Pooja! 🥰

    1. Thank you so much!!

      1. No problem! 🥰

  10. Loving the Megan Thee Stallion Savage Remix right now!

    1. Ooh yes that song is sooo good!

  11. Congratulations.

    1. Thank you!

  12. Congratulation on your award nomination.

    1. Thank you very much!

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