How To Increase Traffic Via Links

How To Increase Traffic Via Links

Using Links To Increase Your Traffic

Using links is a great way to increase your traffic and to refer readers to other pages in your blog. If used well links can quickly generate more traffic to your page and can help you build a loyal audience. This can help change your readers from one time reader to loyal readers. Links are also a great way to get more traffic from places outside of WordPress. And will help expand your audience. The following are ways through which you can use links to help increase traffic to your blog. 


Backlinks are the perfect way to diversify your audience and get traffic/readers from other sites. They are also great for SEO purposes and help increase your SEO. So, backlinks are basically when someone adds a link to your blog on their page/site/social media/etc. That way their audience is referred back to your blog/post that they have linked. This is one of the fastest and simplest ways to increase your traffic and draw readers from other blogs. There are multiple ways to get backlinks ethically. 

You can guest post on sites that offer guest posts and that way their readers can get a first hand experience of your work and can choose to go over to your blog and read more of your work there. You can participate in tags/awards/challenges where people tag/nominate you because when they nominate you they will add a link to your blog. Tags/awards/challenges are also really fun to do and read so your audience will probably also enjoy the change from regular posts. You can also make use of share and promote pages. A number of sites offer share and promote pages where you can leave a link to your blog along with a description.

Do not leave spam comments with links to your blog in an attempt to get backlinks because the majority of bloggers will delete such comments and some may even block you permanently. Even if they don’t block you it is very unlikely that someone will support your blog after you left a spam comment on their post. 

Related links

A great way to increase your traffic is to add related posts in your post. This way the audience can read similar posts to what they are currently reading. You can either add a related post section at the end or middle of your post with related posts linked to it. Or you can add a link at the end of the paragraph.

This will help refer readers to similar posts on your blog and consequently increase your traffic. Do not link unrelated posts to your posts as this will not help refer readers and they may actually find it frustrating and stop reading your posts. Make sure to only add links to posts that are actually related/similar to the post. 


Images are another way to increase your traffic through links as well as better your SEO. You can link posts to images and a lot of people do end up clicking on the image for more information. If you are using images on your posts adding links to these images can help you refer the reader to related posts. For example, if you are writing a post about how links can help increase your traffic and happen to have another post on how to increase traffic you can link that post to the images used. 

Social media

I know I have openly admitted that I am not a fan of social media. However, despite all its flaws it is a great marketing tool. You can use social media to refer your social media followers to your blog or to specific posts on your blog. You can do this by sharing your posts with links on your feed or on your story so that your audience will know when you have posted something. And, you can sync your blog and social media pages or you can manually share each post on your social media pages.  

Related Posts


Do you use links to increase your traffic? Is it helpful in increasing your traffic? Do you use links in other ways than mentioned above to increase traffic? Let me know in the comments below I would love to hear your thoughts. 

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98 responses to “How To Increase Traffic Via Links”

  1. Thank you for sharing this!!!! This will help me so are the sweetest!

    1. I’m so glad you found the post helpful!!

  2. I like your recent posts on improving traffic and I’ll try to keep up with them judiciously.
    Personally, I enjoy using inbound links so something like “click here” or I write a full title under Recommended or Also See.

    1. So glad you’re enjoying my advice posts! I like inbound links too and I think they are super beneficial.

  3. Yes, that really works BUT there’s a caveat: just one link too many will cause webcrawlers/spiders/bots cause to mark your post or even your site as spam.

    1. Yes that’s so true you have to be careful not to overdo the links!

  4. I literally use your posts as a reference or a guideline to see if i am doing it right. 🙈 Thank you so much 😇

    1. Well I really hope they help lol!

  5. This is very useful information. We are still tweaking our site and every day it seems like we learn something new, which is great for the old grey matter! Thank you for the insights!

    1. So glad you found the post helpful!

  6. Very helpful

    1. Thank you!

  7. Yes I’ve been experimenting with this as well

    1. Have you found it helpful?

  8. Thanks for nice post. I want to know , how to create ” click here” word so that audience will reach automatically on that post or link.

    1. Type in the keywords eg “click here” and then highlight the words and use the insert link button to add the link to the keywords.

      1. thanks , I will check .

  9. Love this post! I’m just starting out and I struggle sometimes to keep blogging because I don’t know if people are actually reading the blog. I love the pointers you have in the post and will use your advice.

    1. Thank you and I hope this helps! I understand the struggle because when you start out you don’t really have much of an audience but don’t get disheartened because it will grow over time.

  10. Another helpful post. Thank you!

    1. Thank you so much!

  11. very useful. Guess it is important to have loyal readers than just passer bys

    1. Thank you! Yes loyal readers are important for your blog.

  12. So insightful man! 🙂

    1. Thanks!

  13. Thankyou for writing such refreshing post🤗🙏

    1. Hope it helps!

  14. Great one pooja G

    1. Thank you!

  15. I’m still pretty new to it all Pooja and am currently having some of my posts ‘tweaked’ by DebbySEO to improve my links. Wish me luck.

    1. Ooh good luck with that- I hope it helps increase your traffic!

  16. Very practical advice as usual.

    1. Thank you!

  17. Such great advice as always! I’m slowly starting to fix up all my issues with blogging (I never realised I was making so many mistakes) and posts like these are so helpful thank you!!

    1. I’m so glad this was helpful and yes it’s easy to make mistakes. I still make so many even though I’ve been blogging for almost six years now.

      1. Oh my words six years! I’ve only been blogging for about a year … thanks for always being such a great source of advice and inspiration xx

        1. I’m just happy I can help people with what I’ve learnt!

    1. Hope it helps!

  18. Very interesting post Pooja, though in complete contrast to something I read not too long ago. I’ve seen other bloggers say to limit the number of links you use because if your sources are factually incorrect or spam a lot, then that can impact the credibility of your blog. Also, the more links you have, the more search engines will see your blog as possibly full of spam and as such, your blog can be downgraded. Personally, I try to link back to previous writes, but only backlink to other bloggers (such as yourself!) if we’re both touching up on a topic at the same time, I think also, if your post is full of too many links, it can make for an annoying read. Just my own two cents! 🙂
    Keep writing,
    Helen xx

    1. Thank you so much for sharing that information! Yes, I highly advise not to over use links but a healthy amount of inbound and outbound links can be really beneficial and will increase your SEO score so I personally try to use some of both. It was really interesting hearing your take on this topic and happy blogging!

  19. Love this, great piece to learn from

    1. Thank you!

      1. U are welcome

  20. PoojaG Share Info-graphic submission sites. because mostly sites ask to pay.
    Spirituality Awakening

    1. I don’t know any sites that accept those for free but I’ll do my research and definitely let you know if I find any!

      1. Thank you Pooja… I’ll wait for your post <3 <3

  21. I follow you would you follow me

  22. Thanks for all of the great tips!

    1. Hope they help!

      1. Me too.
        Here’s something I’m hoping you can help me with.
        How do you manage notifications in comments or new posts?
        I’m overwelmed with the amount of emails I get informing me that someone has posted or commented.
        Do you get an email each time or do you just manage in your comments and reader?
        Also, when gravatars post or I get notifications, I can’t easily suscribe or it goes to subscriber and I’m not sure what’s going on. Do I need to sign up as a gravatar? I’m confused. I used to be one but I didn’t see the need or understand it. Maybe though if I suscribed I wouldn’t have that problem?
        A new Post for you?
        Thanks MUCH!

      2. Me too! If you could be so kind as to tall me how you deal with all of the mail in Word Press I would really appreciate it.
        Do you get a respose in email for every new post and comment? It’s a lot of mail and then I’m missing important personal and business emails? I know you can adjust settings but I don’t want to miss anything either. Is it enough to just check our comments and notifications through the site and reader?
        I also can’t comment through emails.
        The other thing that I am having trouble with is suscribing to Gravatar. I used to “be” a Gravatar but I didn’t think it mattered so I haven’t activated that but I am noticing I can’t follow Gravatars and it goes in to Suscribe and pending. Sorry this is so much but I’m so confused. Maybe another post for you? In
        the meantime any help is appreciated. Many thanks.

        1. I’m so sorry for the late reply- it seems your comments have been getting stuck in my spam folder for some reason! I have a separate email for my WordPress because the mail does become A LOT. I would recommend using a separate email for WordPress so that you don’t miss out on any important emails you may receive. Personally I feel just checking notifications on the site are enough if you check your site a few times a day. If you check only once or so you may miss something.
          I don’t think you can comment through emails- if I’m not wrong you can only comment through your profile.
          I’m not sure about the Gravatar but I think WP may not function as well if you don’t activate it. It may be stop you from following other Gravatar’s as you can only follow them if yours is activated.
          I totally understand- WP can be very complicated sometimes. I hope this helped and feel free to reach out if you have any more questions!

          1. You’re a doll, thank you! No apologies needed as this is my first time on since yesterday and I don’t have any excuses. Well, actually do you have an hour. Ha Ha! Funny you should say, as I think this happens to others as well with my name being one that might be seen as spam. IDK for sure. I used to have another email for ordering stuff online and I finally abandoned it. I think I’ll go with notifications and see what happens and I thihk you’re right with the Gravatar info. To think I have an assistant that hasn’t figured it out either. Ya know, now I don’t feel that bad. Thanks Pooja, it’s a bit tricky for sure. Much appreciated!

            1. You’re totally welcome and in case you feel like your comments are getting stuck in my spam feel free to email me any questions or anything you may have!

              1. That’s really helpful, thank you!

  23. It was so interesting to see what the Business Plan did to your blog! Frightening story! After 5 years of blogging, I finally upgraded to the Premium plan this week. It was a very good decision, I had been thinking about it for so long. My advice to new bloggers or not-so-new ones will just be: do it for you, not to look good or “professional” if your real goal is to write for fun. I am the proof that sometimes, it takes time to feel ready. ♡

    1. I upgraded after five years too to the Premium Plan and that is my favourite plan so far. The Business Plan is beneficial in certain ways such as it offers plugins but for me personally it wasn’t worth it because my priority is to write and I was satisfied doing that with the Premium Plan. I’m so glad the Premium Plan is working for you as well!

  24. A big “THANKS” from me, too! 😇

    1. Hope this helps!

  25. Am learning a lot from your blog Pooja. Thank Youu 😃

    1. Hope it’s helping!

  26. This was helpful. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Glad to hear it was helpful!

  27. great suggestions; I’ll have to give a couple of these ideas a shot…

    1. Hope they help!

      1. your tips have been quite helpful in the past, so I am sure these will be no different!

  28. […] via How To Increase Your Traffic Through Links — lifesfinewhine. […]

  29. Thanks For This. I Really Needed It For My Music Blog 🙏

    1. Glad you found it helpful!

  30. This post was BEYOND helpful!

    1. So glad to hear that!!

  31. i use links but i think i need to be posting more… like almost spamming but not spamming?? like… sophisticated spamming lol

    1. Lol sophisticated spamming does work really well if done correctly!

  32. Very informative post.

    1. Thank you!

  33. Great advice as usual. This is really helpful, Pooja. Thank you 😘

    1. Thank you so much- I’m so glad you found it helpful!

  34. Awesome tips. I have couple of those. Will try to explore the rest. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks and hope they help!

  35. Great information, thank you so much

    1. Thanks- hope it helps!

  36. Well written and thank you!

    1. Hope it helps!

  37. Getting quality backlinks is so difficult, but guest posts definitely do help!! Also, images (particularly for certain niches like beauty or food) are so key – I’m fairly certain that is one of the main ways people find my blog through search!!

    1. Yes images are very helpful for those niches! And backlinks are a great way to grow your traffic!

  38. Really helpful and inspiring

    1. Thank you so much!!

  39. Good post Pooja!

    1. Thank you!

  40. Reblogged this on Lifesfinewhine.

  41. I always find your tips helpful. Thanks again!

    1. So happy to hear that!

  42. […] scenes that some people increase traffic and/or make money from these. For example, blogger Pooja has a different way to use these to increase traffic which is very interesting.  I’m not […]

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