How To Give Your Blog A Makeover

Woman sitting in front of a laptop with her head in her hands | How To Give Your Blog A Makeover

Why You Should Give Your Blog A Professional Makeover

A lot of times the reason your blog is not getting enough traffic or not growing as much as it should is partly due to the way that it looks. Your readers, potential subscribers and even potential sponsors may be turned off your blog if your blog does not look a certain way. People prefer sites that look more professional and be very user friendly.

A lot of blogs may not be easy to navigate and readers may have a difficult time locating specific posts, new posts that have recently been published or posts on certain topics they are interested in. Some sites may also not be mobile friendly and this could make them lose a lot of traffic as a large number of people tend to use their phones more often than their laptops when looking through websites.

Having a professional looking, easy to navigate and user friendly site has a multiple benefits such as it will increase your traffic, grow your subscribers, bring in more traffic from outside of WordPress and it is more likely to make more income than non-professional looking blogs.

How To Give Your Blog A Makeover

Unfortunately, hiring a professional to give your blog a makeover or to make it look more professional may be too expensive for a lot of people especially if you are just starting out and are not making much of an income. Luckily, it is possible to give your blog a makeover for free and by yourself. Here are some ways through which you can give your blog a nice little professional makeover:

Improve the quality of your posts

Improving the quality of your existing and future posts and your site will instantly look so much more professional. You can do this in a number of ways. First, I would highly recommend going through older posts and adding relevant tags and categories. For a lot of bloggers it’s not until they have been blogging for a while that they fully understand how tags and categories work and therefore some of your older posts may not be getting the views they deserve.

Next, I would definitely recommend going through all your older posts and making sure there are no grammar mistakes or typos. This will make them look more professionally written. I think making sure you use the correct tags, categories and keywords in future posts is also very important in both increasing traffic/followers and making your blog look more professional to anyone reading it- especially potential sponsors because this is definitely something they will look at before deciding whether or not to work with you.

For more on how to use tags properly click here.


Images, gifs, infographics and anything like that is really great for your blog. Not only does it make the blog look more professional, interesting, fun to read and well edited it also helps increase your SEO and traffic. Using appropriate images in appropriate posts is always a great way to give your posts/blog a mini-makeover. I would highly recommend going through your posts especially really old ones and adding a couple of images/other similar things like gifs to just make them pop a little and stand out to the reader. Images also help lighten the reading when your posts are a little longer and it gives the reader a break from reading.

Keep your blog connected

If you haven’t already I would highly recommend connecting your blog and social media pages. Make sure there is a way for your readers to find your social media, other blogs you may run or other sites you write on. You can do this by attaching your social media pages to your widgets or at the bottom of your blog. You can also create a page for your social media to help navigate readers towards your social media. This will help bring traffic from your blog to your social media pages and vice versa. It will also make your blog look like it’s bigger than just a regular blog because you also have social media pages.

I would also highly recommend that you post something on your social media feed or your social media story when you post something new- this isn’t part of the whole makeover thing but it will help you out if you are looking to grow your blog. Sites like GlowUpp can help you schedule your social media posts ahead of time and post them at the same time your post goes up on WP. Some potential sponsors may see that as a positive as they may want to work with you on multiple platforms.


If you are planning to give your blog a makeover I would highly recommend taking SEO into consideration and making sure the changes you make will help better your blogs SEO.

Small changes like using your keyword more frequently but not too often, using more images/gifs and writing longer posts can help boost your SEO and your DA. If you are planning on making changes making SEO friendly changes are really the way to go. From my personal experience I can see how much of a difference it can make.

I would also recommend using a theme that is fast loading and easy to navigate for your audience. And make sure that it is mobile friendly- having a mobile friendly site can make a huge difference in increasing your traffic and followers. I have seen some themes that don’t update when you post something new or that literally just won’t work at all on your phone and this will make you lose a lot of potential traffic and sponsors plus it will make your site look a lot less professional.

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What are some ways through which you like to give your blog a makeover? Does it help grow your blog? Have you got any SEO work done and if so has it helped your blog? Are you satisfied with the way your blog looks right now or do you want to give it a makeover?

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121 responses to “How To Give Your Blog A Makeover”

  1. I am sharing your post

    1. Thank you so much!

  2. […] How To Easily And Instantly Give Your Blog A Professional Makeover — lifesfinewhine […]

    1. This blog was really helpful for me as I’m leaning towards updating my blog. I’ve been thinking about it for sometime and I’m going use the suggestions given. Thanks.

      1. I’m so glad you found it helpful!

          1. You’re welcome

  3. Thank you for sharing 🙂👍

    1. Hope it helps!

  4. I love how honest you are with your audience! Great post

    1. I always try to be as honest as possible! Thank you!

      1. Your Welcome

  5. Thanks 🙏

    1. Hope this helps!

      1. Yes Pooja

      2. The day I set up my page I had only been using WordPress for 1 day. I
        had no idea what I was doing lol. I haven’t changed it and I’m sure it looks a mess lol.

        1. I think it was like that for a lot of us so you’re definitely not alone. I was the same way and kept my site the same for like two years before I finally started changing things lol.

  6. I think I spent more than a week of managing my website when I availed self-hosting, and up until now I do some minor edits to help boost my posts and blog, and yes, SEO is really helpful but I still find it hard to look for the right key words to use! Hahaha I’m sure I still have to read all about SEO all over again. I make it a habit to edit my old posts too, like once every two weeks, just to make sure that when people reach my site, I’ve already improved its content and appearance. It’s all quite overwhelming but I’m sure I’ll get a hang of it and I know it will be worth it too. Thanks for sharing, Pooja! 🙂 <3

    1. SEO is very difficult to get the hang of- I’m barely getting the hang of it myself- but yes it is definitely great for traffic and getting subscribers outside of WP. It is definitely extremely overwhelming but it’s awesome that you are picking this stuff up early. I have literally a thousand posts I need to edit because it took me like 5 years to pick this stuff up smh!

      1. Thousand posts are a loooot, but you can do it! ;D Actually, in some of my post, I didn’t apply SEO. Especially my personal blog posts that I only get to share here on WordPress. So I didn’t edit all of it. Haha

        1. Haha that’s fair- I skip the SEO in some too!

      2. Your article is very is informative. I do not understand SEO, but I would really like to know more about it.

        1. I would highly recommend Debby’s blog as it deals with all things SEO. SEO is a bit complicated to understand but very worth it!

          1. I check out her blog from the link you post and send her a message. It seems technical but I am willing to learn.

  7. Thank you. Very helpful tips. I’ll most definitely try them out😊

    1. My pleasure and I hope they help!

  8. Very helpful tips, thank you for sharing! 😊🙏

    1. Thank you and hope they help!

  9. Thanks for the advice!

    1. You’re very welcome!

  10. Great advice, thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you and hope it helps!

  11. Great post Pooja! Thanks for sharing this. You have no idea how helpful you’ve been to me since I joined WordPress three months ago.

    1. Thank you! I’m so glad you’ve found my blog helpful and if you ever need any help or have questions feel free to reach out!

      1. Thanks! Same for you pretty lady!

        1. 😊😊

  12. Great advice. I didn’t know about GlowUpp. Thanks for sharing

    1. Thank you! Yeah I just recently found out about it and it’s quite helpful. I plan on using it for Instagram because honestly I’m just too lazy to post it myself- I’d rather schedule it lol!

  13. Great advice Pooj.

    1. Thanks Opher!

  14. A really informative post. I have a lot to learn about SEO and this helped a great deal! Thank you

    1. So glad to hear it was helpful!

  15. Welcome for nice guidance.

  16. Do I look like a horse? 😉

    1. Est-ce que je ressembler un cheval? 😉

      1. 😂😂

    2. Ahaha 😂😜

  17. I definite out agree with this! I’m always updating the look of my blog and trying to use lots of images and making it looks professional!
    What is a SEO? 👀

    1. Yes it helps so much!
      SEO is your search engine optimization or in regular people terms how much traffic you get from search engines.

      1. Ahhh okay! I understand now thanks!

        1. No problems happy to help!

  18. Wow, I really liked this one Sadje 💛, very useful and helpful

    1. Thank you so much!

      1. My pleasure 🌼 💛

  19. Thank you so much for sharing this with us🙏👍😍😍😍😍

    1. Hope it helps!

  20. Rsachin patel says good enough

  21. Excellent tips!! I try to make sure I do everything mentioned.

    1. Thank you and I hope it helps!

  22. Educative, it helps a lot

    1. Thank you so glad to hear that!

      1. U are welcome

  23. As always, you give such excellent advice and tips so thank you so much for sharing!! I’m actually in the middle of planning a makeover for my blog so this post was so useful! In the past though, I found making my posts flow more, adding more images etc really does increase readership. Now I’m going to adjust the site itself and I haven’t thought about SEO but now I’m definitely going to. Thanks xxx

    1. I’m so glad you found this helpful! Yes images and other stuff definitely helps with the flow which helps with the traffic too. Good luck with the makeover and definitely look into SEO- it’s a total game changer!

      1. Thanks so much and I definitely will!! Given my limited tech skills though this may take me some time haha

        1. Lol I understand I’m awful at tech stuff!

          1. Haha glad to know I’m not the only one

  24. Thanks a lot for sharing this. 😊

    1. Hope this helps!

  25. some useful tips as always. I have also simply asked a couple of bloggers whom I respect to offer their opinion of my site and suggestions for improvement…

    1. Thank you! That works too!

  26. […] How To Easily And Instantly Give Your Blog A Professional Makeover […]

  27. I definitely think a blog makeover helps with attracting more followers. I plan on giving my blog a makeover soon

    1. Yes it definitely helps especially with getting followers outside of WP.

  28. Great post Pooja and like you, I’ve just got hold of DebbySEO. So watch this space – or my space lol

    1. Woohoo we’re both getting a makeover lol 😂

  29. Thank you for sharing your secrets 😉

    1. Haha it’s always my pleasure!

  30. As always, these are very helpful, especially to new bloggers like me! This morning, I did a little makeover on my posts because I just found out about the use of excerpt haha I realized that almost all my recent posts start with “Hey Everyone” and a few life updates that are not usually related to the topic, and that’s what’s showing on my main posts page. 😅 I love the idea of rereading and editing your previous posts. Will definitely include that on my routine from now on.

    1. Thank you! Haha I totally understand I kept start my posts with “so” for a while and had to edit them. Yeah it’s great to go back and keep updating posts as much as possible!

      1. Yes! Haha thanks again, Pooja! 💗

        1. You’re very welcome!

  31. OOh thanks for these tips! Yes, I found once I started a blog instagram I was able to increase traffic! 😀

    1. That’s great thanks for sharing your experience!

  32. Informative. Thanks for sharing this, Pooja. 🤗

    1. Thank you so much!

      1. You are welcome. 🤗

  33. Hey thanks for this… When it comes to appearance, which theme would you say is the best for those who use the wordpress free plan?

    1. I’m not really sure about the free plan but I think you can find more information about that here:

      1. Thank you 🙌

        1. You’re welcome!

          1. I really love how you’re so responsive! It’s a personal struggle of mine. Do you have any advice? Do you normally set out time to strictly reply to messages?

            1. I totally get how it can be a struggle. I struggled with it a lot too. Yeah I set time aside every day to reply to everything otherwise I would never get it done.

              1. Aaahh I see… I’ll totally try that💖

                1. Hope it helps!

  34. Thanks. These are very helpful 🤗

    1. So glad to hear that!

  35. Really helpful

    1. Thank you!

  36. Perfect advice 👌

    1. Thank you!

  37. […] bloggers but just having WP traffic isn’t always enough especially if you are looking to blog professionally at some point. SEO gets you this outside traffic from search engines and helps you build your blog […]

  38. Like your new style. Your blog is certainly growing and passing along good information. Good luck.

    1. Thank you so much!!

  39. […] bloggers but just having WP traffic isn’t always enough especially if you are looking to blog professionally at some point. SEO gets you this outside traffic from search engines and helps you build your blog […]

  40. […] bloggers but just having WP traffic isn’t always enough especially if you are looking to blog professionally at some point. SEO gets you this outside traffic from search engines and helps you build your blog […]

  41. […] bloggers but just having WP traffic isn’t always enough especially if you are looking to blog professionally at some point. SEO gets you this outside traffic from search engines and helps you build your blog […]

  42. […] aspects to it I did not like. So, when lockdown began I decided to give lifesfinewhine another makeover I tried to make the site more SEO friendly. I also finally found the perfect theme for me and […]

  43. […] How To Give Your Blog A Makeover — Lifesfinewhine […]

  44. Great tips! And what you said can apply to websites as well.

    1. Thanks so much!

  45. […] other bloggers but just having WP traffic isn’t always enough especially if you are looking to blog professionally at some point. SEO gets you this outside traffic from search engines and helps you build your blog […]

  46. […] other bloggers but just having WP traffic isn’t always enough especially if you are looking to blog professionally at some point. SEO gets you this outside traffic from search engines and helps you build your blog […]

  47. […] aspects to it I did not like. So, when lockdown began I decided to give lifesfinewhine another makeover I tried to make the site more SEO friendly. I also finally found the perfect theme for me and […]

  48. […] bloggers but just having WP traffic isn’t always enough especially if you are looking to blog professionally at some point. SEO gets you this outside traffic from search engines and helps you build your blog […]

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