I Don’t Miss You

woman wearing black camisole | I Don't Miss You

I don’t miss you
I miss what we had
I don’t miss you
I miss who I thought you were
I don’t miss you
I miss the person you used to be
I don’t miss you
I miss who I was when I was with you
I don’t miss you
I miss how you made me feel
I don’t miss you
I just miss everything you used to be
I don’t miss you
I keep telling myself because deep down
I still miss you

About This Poem:

I don’t write poetry often but this one just came to me. Letting go of someone in your life because they are toxic is very difficult especially when you have so many amazing memories with them and they have been in your life for years. However, sometimes it’s necessary and it’s for the best. I will always cherish those memories but I also know that it’s time to let go. If anything I should have done this years ago.

To be honest, I think letting go of people is just one of the realities of being an adult no one really tells you about. It sucks but people grow apart sometimes as they age. And it just means it’s time to appreciate the good memories but let the person go.

Did you enjoy this poem? Is there someone in your life that you had to let go? How did that go and do you still think about them? Let me know in the comments below because I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic. Or simply stop by and say hi!

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103 responses to “I Don’t Miss You”

  1. This one hit home. Glad you are in a better spot in life tho.

    1. Thank you and yes I am- I’m glad I did what I had to.

  2. I can relate to this so much. Beautiful!

    1. Thank you so much!

  3. This is heartbreaking. But you’ve managed to convey the feelings so beautifully. Do keep writing more poems, Pooja ♥️

    1. Thank you so much Shweta!

  4. Excellent poem describing the codependency that many malignant narcissist want to inflict on their targets via vast webs of lies and deceit…Making their targets feel loved and wonderful during the idealization phase of the diabolical dance the diabolical narcissistic courtship…Sadly for many caught in the snares of the fowl narcissists trap few escape or get out without being torn to shreds spiritually and emotionally…Your poem shows the true strength of an empathy one who knows the toxic relationship was bad not healthy and owns his or her own true feelings of still missing their former partner yet not allowing themselves to return to what I call the narcissists spider web of lies and deceit…I liken it to the fly that gets away from the spiders web from the old poem titled the spider and the fly…Many human flies get caught in many a toxic parlor these days…Well done sorry this comment is long…

    1. Thank you and please don’t apologise I loved reading your comment! I agree narcissists definitely tend to find people that they see will be more empathetic to them and groom them to always be there for them and to blame themselves when the narcissist pulls away.

  5. This poem definitely leaves a lot for many different people to relate to. It is the same as children who are abused especially by their mothers. No matter how bad it ever was they still want their mom.

    1. Yeah I think a lot of people experience this in a lot of forms. Unfortunately, narcissists/abusers have a way of making you blame yourself and even in the end the victim still craves their approval.

      1. yes! that is so true!

  6. Aw this is so sweet and sad. I can relate to this for sure!

    1. Thank you! Yes unfortunately way too many of us have had to deal with toxic people in our lives.

      1. A lesson to be learned in e dry situation 😏

        1. Yes indeed!

  7. It is easy to see the emotion and pain in your words. Letting go is something many of us humans need to get better at. Realising that no matter how close we feel to someone, if they are hurting us, we need to move on. Realising that even if it seems comfortable, if our behaviour is hurting us, we need to change. Realising that even if we’re getting material fashion from something, if it is draining out soul, we need to let it go.
    Your words bring across so much emotion itb was easy for me to relate to them and see the benefits of letting go. They remind me of a short story I finished writing a while ago, about letting go of pain, that perhaps I should share on my blog. 🙂

    1. Yes I agree we as humans need to learn to let go of things and stop getting so attached especially when they constantly cause us pain. I would love to read your story and I really hope you share it on your blog!

  8. I absolutely can relate to it! It takes so much courage to remove toxic people out of our lives, but it’s the right thing to do.

    1. Thank you! I agree it’s difficult but a necessity. Toxic people tend to drain everyone around them and the best way to avoid this is to distance yourself completely.

    1. Thank you!

  9. I too can relate to this! ❤️

    1. Thank you and I’m sorry you’ve experienced this too!

  10. justcalmwildness Avatar

    Letting go is always hard but it’s inevitable and necessary sometimes

    1. Yeah sometimes you have no other choice than to let go. It’s tough but you just have to.

  11. Amazing!!🤩 Please have a visit on my page☺

    1. Thank you!

      1. Also, can you help to grow my blogging account as I’m just new here.

        1. I have a blogging advice category you can check out https://lifesfinewhine.com/category/advice/

  12. Nice one Pooj.

    1. Thanks Opher!

  13. This poem is so emotional, yes I think this can apply to any relationship, great post

    1. Thank you so much!

  14. Amazing pooja!

    1. Thank you!

  15. Thankyou for this poem, this week I have had to let go of a group that was getting very toxic and it feels as if this post by you is an extra sign that I’ve done the right thing. It certainly is difficult letting people go whom you know no longer have a positive part to play in your life.

    1. I’m glad you were able to go of them. I know it’s tough but toxic people are just so not worth it.

    1. Yeah unfortunately I think most people experience some toxic people in their life. But letting go is the best thing to do!

      1. It really is. Those toxic people will just keep bringing more and more negative energy.

        1. Yeah exactly the more you let them the more they take advantage of you and turn your life upside down.

          1. Cough my ex cough 😅😷

            1. Lol same though 😂

  16. This is so good, I’ve felt this as well and I love the way you articulated it. Also love the repetition of ‘i dont miss you’. amazing

    1. Thank you so much!!

  17. This is such a beautiful and emotional poem. I so enjoyed reading it. 😍😘

    1. Thank you so much! 😊

      1. My pleasure ☺️

  18. A hard decision to make, beautifully written.
    I love your poetry, it feels so honest

    1. Thank you so much! I always love your poetry too!

  19. I don’t miss my ex either…

    1. 😭😭

  20. Really like this one!

    1. Thank you!

  21. Greatly written!

    1. Thank you!

      1. you are welcome 🙂

    1. Thank you so much!

  22. So beautifully said… love this line!
    “I keep telling myself because deep down
    I still miss you”

    1. Thank you so much! It really hurts even after you’ve let go unfortunately.

      1. spoken from the heart… here’s a virtual hug coming your way… ready……🤗 feel the ❤️

        1. Aww thank you 💖

  23. it is tough to let go of a friend, and you’ve captured that quite well…

    1. Thank you! Yes it’s very tough for sure.

  24. So relatable. Nice one❤️

    1. Thank you!

  25. Vaguely reminds me of that Death Cab for Cutie song where he sings “The memories of me will seem more like bad dreams. Just a series of blurs like I never occurred.” That’s pretty much how I imagine all of my exes see me. Haha

    1. Haha yeah that’s how I think of most of them too.

  26. Amazing poem! It’s like the reader has a conversation with themselves while reading it.

    1. Thank you so much!

  27. Love this! I can definitely relate.

    1. Thank you so much!

  28. Loved this one. You should write poems often 🙂

    1. Thank you so much! I definitely want to write poetry more often!

  29. Girl……….yes!
    That’s all I am gonna say. ❤️

    1. Thank you 💕

      1. You are so welcome 😊

  30. “Letting go of someone in your life because they are toxic is very difficult especially when you have so many amazing memories with them and they have been in your life for years”
    Ouch, yeah I had to do that a while ago, too. My ex best friend 18 months ago. Because his views and attitude in my mental health crisis situation were negative and unhelpful, and his girlfriend was pure toxic 🤦‍♂️.

    1. Yeah sometimes people are just not the same anymore and we grow apart. And they become toxic. Unfortunately there are some people that are just not supposed to be in your life. Hopefully you are better off without him.

  31. This is so beautiful!

    1. Thank you!

  32. Lovely and well said

    1. Thank you so much!

      1. U are welcome

  33. This is real. So many times we honestly just miss the memories.
    Maybe if we realised it earlier, we wouldn’t have held unto some people or situations much longer than we should’ve 🙇🏾‍♀️

    1. I think about that too- like maybe if we knew earlier we would have cut ties with some people years ago.

  34. Yeah 🙇🏾‍♀️😭

  35. This is such a beautiful piece!!❤❤

    1. Thank you so much!

      1. You are welcome!!😊😊

  36. […] I Don’t Miss You […]

  37. Exactly. I don’t miss you…I do but I don’t. Loved reading this thank you. 🙏❤️

    1. Thank you so much!!

  38. It’s so good!! It’s gonna leave a mark on my 💓

    1. Aww thank you 😊

  39. Oh my gosh! U just inspired me to post my poems. I was scared doing so thinking they aren’t good enough, but ur really rocking this section! So glad I found this section of your blog

    1. Thank you and yes please do post your poems!!

  40. […] I Don’t Miss You […]

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