How To Use Social Media To Grow Your Blog

How To Use Social Media To Grow Your Blog

Why Social Media Is An Important Part Of Growing/Marketing Your Blog

We all know that social media has it’s pros and cons. Sometimes the cons can outweigh the pros. However, when it comes to growing your blog or marketing your blog social media can really make a huge difference. It can help direct traffic to your blog. And in particular it will help you get traffic from outside the WordPress community. If used correctly social media can be used as a tool to help grow your blog. And it can also be a great way to meet potential sponsors. Because a lot of sponsors do look at social media pages/find influencers to work with through their social media. It will also help you build a place to interact more with other bloggers and people interested in your writing. And as I always say if you want to grow your blog you have to be active and socialise as much as possible.

Here are some way through which you can grow your blog using your social media pages:

Connect You Social Media To Your Blog

How To Use Social Media To Grow Your Blog

This is probably the first thing you should do if you haven’t done it already- connect your social media pages to your WordPress blog. This will help WordPress auto-post on your social media pages every time you post something on your blog if you choose to do so. There is also an option for you to only post specific posts to your social media pages depending on what you want to post.

Posting regular links/posts about your blog on your social media account will help remind your followers on social media about your blog because lets be honest people don’t always have the best memory and sometimes when you don’t put your blog in everyone’s face all the time they may forget to check it out regularly.

Of course, don’t harass people into reading your posts but this will act as more of a friendly reminder. It will also help bring in traffic to your blog from outside of WordPress and get you more email followers which is always a plus. If you are not sure how to connect your social media pages to your WordPress blog click here.

Be Your Biggest Fan

Typing on a laptop on a white desk with notebooks in the background.

This is going to feel very uncomfortable and weird at first but trust me when I say it’s necessary. You need to be your biggest fan and your greatest cheerleader and basically just do everything you can to market your blog on social media because if you use your social media pages wisely you can really start gaining a lot more traffic and even more followers to your blog.

By marketing what I mean is try to post about your blog on your feed or in your stories on social media more frequently. If you are working on a new post talk about it on your story. Post a couple of pictures of you working on the post. Maybe tag people if the post is a collaboration. I would also highly recommend posting on your story or your feed every time a new post goes up especially if you know the post is about a topic people on your social media pages will be interested in reading about.

For example, my posts about blogging or blogging advice are among the most popular posts on my blog and I know a lot of people on my social media are interested in these kind of posts so even though I don’t always post about all my blog posts on Instagram I try to post as often as I can about posts with these topics because I know for a fact that they will bring traffic to my site.

Schedule Posts

Woman writing in a notebook with a laptop in the background.

Blogging, social media and just everything to do with growing your blog can take up a lot of time and energy. I think a lot of people don’t realise how much of struggle it actually is to grow your blog. They assume that all you have to do is write a post and the traffic/followers will just appear. Of course this is very far from the truth. Because the truth is writing a good post is only the tip of the iceberg. It takes a lot of time and effort to get a response to your blog. And I know a lot of people juggle blogging with work/school and may not have time to do the whole marketing part.

For people who are struggling to do everything or may not always find the time to post on WordPress and social media I would recommend using Glowupp to schedule your social media posts ahead of time. I recently discovered Glowupp and I have found it super helpful. I don’t always have time to post on social media and my blog. But with this site I can schedule my posts on social media to go up at the same time that my WordPress post is scheduled to go up. You will definitely see an increase in traffic once you start posting about your blog posts/website regularly on social media. For a 30% off Glowupp use the code GETSTARTED at checkout.

Start Specific Pages For Your Blog

How To Use Social Media To Grow Your Blog

If you are planning on using social media to grow your blog I would highly recommend creating specific pages linked to your blog. There are a number of reasons starting a new page for just your blog is beneficial. To begin with, a lot of bloggers write stuff that’s very personal. And they may even write about the people in their lives from time to time. And many may feel uncomfortable sharing these personal posts on your existing social media pages that have friends and family on them. I definitely felt like this. And that was one of the main reasons I keep my personal pages private and my blog pages public. But away from my private life!

Another reason is that people on your other pages may not be interested in your posts about your blog. But if you start a page for your blog then you will get followed by people who are interested in viewing posts like these. Probably other bloggers or people interested in the topics you write about. This way you get a specific audience instead of a random audience. That means they will be much more likely to go over to your blog.

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Do you use social media? Have you been using social as a way to market your blog? If so have you been successful in diverting traffic from social media to your blog? Do you have specific pages for your social media pages or do you use your personal page?

For similar posts click here.
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93 responses to “How To Use Social Media To Grow Your Blog”

  1. Good plan…I am linked to Twitter and pinterest …should try the others.

    1. Thank you and yes you should!

  2. […] via How To Use Social Media To Grow Your Blog — lifesfinewhine […]

  3. Nice Post, !!

  4. Well said, Pooja!

    1. Thank you!

  5. At the moment, I use Hootsuite to schedule my tweets and Facebook posts. It works perfectly and I can always reply later.

    1. That’s really interesting I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks for sharing that!

      1. You’re welcome.

  6. Thanks for this. Will try them!

    1. Hope it helps!

  7. Lovely post thnx to share this lovely post

    1. Thank you so much!

  8. Thanks ma’am.
    Mine is linked to my Twitter handle.
    Yet to create a Facebook page…

    1. Thanks! I have to create a FB page too.

  9. That’s helpful

    1. Glad to hear that!

  10. Great advice, as usual 😃

    1. Thank you Shweta!!

  11. Thank you, Pooja, great post, as always. I just can’t get to grips with the whole social media things, it’s too time-consuming and as you know, it’s difficult enough to write posts, let alone all the marketing lol

    1. Yes social media can be so much more time consuming than blogging and that’s why I stopped using it too regularly. It’s difficult even for me to keep up so I can imagine how much more difficult it would be for you.

  12. Absolutely agree! I wrote a “how to sell via social media” guide for investment bankers and financial advisers… it included how to draw traffic of different generations as well. Like a post that grabs a Boomer won’t really grab a Gen Z because in the financial world their needs are different.
    Well written article and love the different resources!!

    1. Thank you so much!!

  13. Excellent Pooj. I’m not very good at all that. I need a manager!

    1. Haha I think I do too!

  14. Helpful post!

    1. Thank you!

  15. Good explanation.

  16. Good advice, thanks for sharing!

    1. Happy to share it!

  17. I am awful with social media, sometimes it will take a week for me to post something I have had in my drafts! I know I need to use it more, but there is always something stopping me. Great post, as always, I love your blog!

    1. I’m the same way so I totally understand but we can always keep working on it! Thank you so much!!

  18. justcalmwildness Avatar

    I love this!!! I will definitely try the glowupp. Thank you for this.

    1. Thank you so much and hope it helps!!

  19. do you use Publicize? I have never tried posting my blog to Pinterest; I will have to look into it…

    1. Yeah I use Publicize. Pinterest is great for views- I get the most views from there than any other social media platform.

      1. OK, that’s good to know. I’ll give it a try.

  20. Yes, I use Instagram to help grow my blog, I will say it has definitely helped!

    1. Yeah Insta is really great to increase views!

  21. Always great and I take your words to heart.
    Not sure if this is a learning curve or not and I expect some of it is but
    A) I’m not a fan of Social Media: FB and Instagram are all I use. Huge time sync
    B) LOVE Word Press although hard to navigate at times but I think I’m getting the hang of it
    Question: I have a bus page and a personal page only a few checks my bus. page which is where my blog is connected to. I find it much better when I post things on social media that I post on my blog but don’t connect them. Why is that?
    What are your thoughts on this? I wish it was easier to allow them access without an account and hope they are working on that?
    Thanks again!

    1. Thank you!
      Yeah I can understand how you can get more views from your personal page- that tends to happen when you have more followers on it compared to your bus. page. However, I would definitely still put work into growing your bus. page by getting more specific followers/traffic on there that are also interested in blogging/bloggers/topics you write about. I’m not sure about why you’re getting more traffic when you don’t connect them. It may be because when you connect the social media pages to WP you can’t add tags but when you post manually you can use relevant tags.
      I think you can sign up with your email address and leave comments with email as well so that may be easier.
      Always a pleasure helping you out!

      1. Thanks Pooja.
        It’s always good to see your insights. I actually haven’t done much on my business page. I was very reluctant to even join any social media but my staff pushed me several years ago to do it. They have also said they want to know about you, not your business. I probably haven’t spent much time on my business page. Having both is a lot to keep up with however.
        I tried inviting a few people from the word press invites so we’ll see if that is any easier for them. I think bottom line is we are all tired of so many emails etc and that’s when people opt out.
        And you are always most gracious with your help.
        Thank you!

        1. Yeah you definitely have to put a lot of work into it. I feel like social media is so much more complicated then WP and so much more time consuming.
          I wish WP would let you get specific email or let you somehow personalise them because I agree the emails get very overwhelming.

          1. Thanks Pooja! I agree: DO YOU HEAR US W.P?!!!!!! TOTALLY TRUE! In the meantime a pecking we will go.. xo

            1. Haha they can so hear us- they’ve been putting my comments in spam ever since I started complaining 😂

              1. Yikes! I don’t even know how to find my spam. I better be careful

  22. As always – I LOVED YOUR POST!! Thanks for the great advice!! I’m really trying to boost my traffic and views so this is really helpful. I use social media (a mix of personal and blog accounts) but I think I could use it more effectively… Thanks again xxx

    1. Thank you so much!! I’m so glad you found the post helpful. To be honest it’s easier said than done. I’m struggling with social as well but I’m trying hard to work on it and scheduling posts helps a lot.

      1. I did thank you! Yes I agree but if anyone can do it you can!! Thanks for the tips xx

  23. This post is super helpful, thank you so much!

    1. So glad you found it helpful!!

  24. This was really helpful, thank you

    1. So glad to hear that!

  25. Loved reading this Pooja, despite me not having the wherewithal to do all this lol. I do have a few social media accounts but I’m bad at keeping them updated.

    1. I completely understand- social media takes much more time and energy than WP and is a lot more complicated too. Thank you!

      1. Debby’s helping me sort some bits and pieces out so perhaps that will help 🙂

        1. Hope so!

  26. Wow great advice. Thanks for sharing this. Much needed now. 😊

    1. Thank you so much!!

  27. Great post as usual! I completely agree about being your greatest cheerleader 📣

    1. Thank you so much! Yeah you just have to be out there cheering yourself and just being like I’m awesome follow me lol. It’s weird but it works!

      1. Im awesome follow me! 🤣 it’s true!

        1. 😂😂

  28. Thank you for the tips 🙂

    1. Hope they help!

  29. I have not linked my social media pages to my blog as yet, but I will definitely be making separate pages to keep my blog and personal pages apart from each other. Growth of my blog is happening, slowly, but it is happening. 🙂

    1. I’m glad you’re growing and yes keeping the two separate is a good idea. It just gets too complicated if you mix both.

  30. Awesome post. Thank you

    1. Thank you!

  31. […] How To Use Social Media To Grow Your Blog […]

    1. Thank you!

  32. Great tactics!!!!!

    1. Thank you so much!

  33. Thank you for sharing this ❤

    1. Hope it helps!!

  34. This couldn’t have come at a better time (or since I’m the one late to this, I couldn’t have found this at a better time😂). I was just considering the idea of creating a blog specific IG account earlier today then like magic, here I am.

    1. This is definitely a sign that you should start one! So glad you found the post!

  35. […] Use Social Media To Grow Your Blog […]

  36. […] For my full post about how you can use social media to grow your blog click here. […]

  37. Mild issue…sometimes the cons can outweigh the pros though sometimes the cons do end up being the most visible. Also cons is a link that doesn’t have a home. I find there is a downside with it instantly posting. One of them is that you can’t put tags on which is sometimes useful…or I’m doing it wrong and haven’t figured it out. Hope you are feeling better. Get some rest and feel better soon.

  38. Definitely some insightful points. I suck at these so much. I know it is not an excuse, and I have no one but myself to blame. Oh well, the first step is to recognise your mistake and step up from it…

    1. To be honest I’m not the best at all of these too but it’s all about taking one step at a time and doing what you can.

  39. […] I have talked about the importance of social media and how you can use it to grow your blog on this post so I won’t go into too much detail so feel free to check that out if it’s something you […]

  40. […] How To Use Social Media To Grow Your Blog […]

  41. […] For my full post about how you can use social media to grow your blog click here. […]

  42. […] How To Use Social Media To Grow Your Blog […]

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